Your future is on your tongue

Degree programme specification

English is currently one of the world's major languages. At the same time, it is the main means of communication for many companies and enterprises. But today, anyone can speak English. Knowledge of the language itself may not be enough to get the job of your dreams. That is why we also offer the study of English in combination with another field. During the three-year study, you will understand the linguistic laws of English, you will learn how new words are formed and why it is necessary to have the correct pronunciation. However, English is not only the study of the language but also of the literature, history, and culture of English-speaking countries. We also offer the opportunity to complete one or even two semesters at a foreign university within the Erasmus + program. In addition, the study includes optional subjects, so everyone can choose what interests them most.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the study in the bachelor's study program English is primarily to provide a comprehensive overview of the language system and an understanding of its laws. The study of philology is focused on the understanding of language as a dynamic system and, by its very nature, is associated with the awareness of the need for continuous language and cultural education. Students will also gain a deeper knowledge of the literature, culture, and history of English-speaking countries. The English study program is designed to allow the greatest possible permeability between study programs accredited at the Silesian University and to provide students with the opportunity to expand their qualifications in accordance with the needs of the labor market and with regard to better applicability. Due to the academic focus of the program, students are primarily prepared for study in a follow-up master's degree program of the corresponding focus.

    The student combines the study plan maior with the study plan minor, the application is submitted for the study plan maior.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • to perform a linguistic analysis of the text and can take into account all basic language levels
    • to perform a literary analysis of the text and is able to recognize and describe the characteristics of individual developmental stages of English literature
    • to translate a moderately difficult text, from Czech to English, and from English to Czech
    • to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in oral and written expression. The graduate is also able to independently process the qualification work and meet all the requirements that are placed on this type of work
    • search for information in the professional literature and apply it

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of this study program will be language professionals with the widest possible applicability. As this study program is academically oriented, most of its graduates are expected to continue their studies in the corresponding master's study program. Potential employers are cultural and educational institutions, international companies, marketing companies, and others. In general, graduates can work mainly in job positions that require communication skills in particular. The study program also includes the teaching of a second foreign language (German, Italian), which further expands the employment opportunities of graduates. Graduates leaving for practice can work, for example, in the following professions:





    Language consultant


    Office worker


    Service manager, project manager

    The possibilities of graduates' employment are enhanced e due to the offer of professional compulsory elective PVB subjects, such as English for IT 1,2, Business English, or English official correspondence. Professional language skills are used, for example, when the employer is an international company, or in job positions where business trips abroad are usual, and in job positions with higher requirements for communication with foreign customers.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The length of the semester is 13 weeks, one lesson lasts 45 minutes. Rules for creating study plans: The structure of the study plan and the ratio of credits obtained in individual groups of subjects are specified in Annex B-IIa (completus, major, minor). Study plans are compiled so as to enable the acquisition of defined output knowledge and skills of the student and lead to the fulfillment of the graduate profile. The credit evaluation corresponds to the hourly subsidy of the subject or takes into account the complexity of the subject. Compulsory elective courses are divided into groups reflecting affiliation to the profiling basis (PZ).

    The structure of study plans corresponds to the requirements set out in the Recommended Procedures for the Preparation of Study Programs. The basis consists of compulsory and optional subjects, the successful completion of which is a condition for the possibility of registering for the final state examination. They consist of both profiling subjects and basic theoretical subjects in the field of linguistics, literature, and culture. Compulsory subjects for completus and major study plans also include Bachelor Thesis Seminars 1 and 2, and Introduction to Philosophy. Two semesters of another foreign language are a compulsory part of the completus study plan, and these subjects are included in the group of compulsory elective PVB subjects.

    The student chooses according to his interest (in the case of the study plan completus) between the language German and Italian. The condition is to obtain at least 6 credits. The total number of credits that a student must obtain during a three-year study depends on whether he/she is studying according to the curriculum completus, major or minor.

    As part of the study, a student studying English according to the completus study plan must obtain 180 ECTS credits. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (73 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 89 credits for courses in the group Compulsory elective courses (PVA + PVB) and 18 credits for elective courses. The student chooses these 18 credits from the offer of optional subjects listed in the study plan, or from the subjects of other study programs implemented at FPF SU, and from the remaining subjects of the PVA and PVB groups.

    A student who studies English according to the major study plan must obtain a total of 99 ECTS credits. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (73 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 17 credits for courses in the group Compulsory elective courses (PVA + PVB) and 9 credits for courses for elective courses. The student chooses these 9 credits from the offer of optional subjects listed in the study plan, or from the subjects of other study programs implemented at FPF SU, and from the remaining subjects of the PVA and PVB groups.

    A student who studies English according to the minor study plan must obtain a total of 81 ECTS credits. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (62 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 11 credits for courses in the group Compulsory elective courses (PVA + PVB) and 8 credits for elective courses. The student chooses these 8 credits from the offer of optional subjects listed in the study plan, or from the subjects of other study programs implemented at FPF SU, and from the remaining subjects of the PVA and PVB groups.

    Student within the combined study study plan maior in the extent of 99 credits with the study plan minor in the extent of 81. The study plans maior and minor were conceived according to the symmetrical model of the combined study.

  • Goals of Theses

    The standard scope of a Bachelor's thesis is 30 norm pages. A Bachelor's thesis does not have the character of independent empirical research (potential exception shall be approved by the thesis supervisor). Students can work with already published texts and data for secondary analysis. They should demonstrate the ability to work critically with specialized texts, process the concepts and theories discovered there, and find relevant answers to the given question.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the English study program have the prerequisites for a study in follow-up master's study programs of appropriate specialization.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Programme guarantor