Degree programme specification

As part of the German study program, you will create the basis for a successful career as a linguist, interpreter, translator or project manager in the field of culture, education or tourism. You will master German at a high level (B2-C1), you will get acquainted with the German language system, German literature and German culture. In practically focused subjects, you will learn to create academic, administrative and business texts. You will deepen your communication skills. You will be able to spend one or two semesters at one of our partner universities and develop your intercultural competencies. Already during your studies you will be able to participate in scientific activities, participate in projects and go to conferences.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The German study program is designed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Tertiary Education in the field of Philology. The aim of the study is primarily to provide a comprehensive overview of the language system and understanding of its laws. The study of philology is focused on understanding language as a dynamic system and, by its very nature, is associated with the awareness of the need for continuous language and cultural education. Students will also gain a deeper knowledge of literature, culture and realities of German-speaking countries.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • The graduate demonstrates knowledge of the laws of the language system of contemporary German, at the phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical and textual level.
    • The graduate demonstrates knowledge of German literature, as well as the historical context in which this literature developed.
    • The graduate demonstrates knowledge of methodology and terminology of basic theoretical disciplines in the field of linguistics and literary science.
    • The graduate demonstrates knowledge of the history and culture of German-speaking countries.
    • The graduate is able to perform a linguistic analysis of the text and can take into account all basic language levels.
    • The graduate is able to perform a literary analysis of the text and is able to recognize and describe the characteristics of individual developmental stages of German literature.
    • The graduate is able to translate a moderately difficult text, from Czech into German and from German into Czech.
    • The graduate is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in oral and written expression. The graduate is also able to independently process the qualification work and meet all the requirements that are placed on this type of work.
    • The graduate is able to search for information in professional literature and work with them.
    • The graduate is fluent in German at level B2 - C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
    • The graduate is able to independently search for information, evaluate it and formulate hypotheses based on it. The graduate is also able to verify the validity of these hypotheses and draw their own conclusions.
    • The graduate is able to work in a team on more complex projects.
    • The graduate is able to publicly present his views and hypotheses in German

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    As a graduate of this study program, you will be a language professional with the widest possible applicability.

    You can continue your studies in the follow-up master's degree.

    You can also go into practice. Your potential employers will be cultural and educational institutions, international companies and marketing companies. You will work as a translator, interpreter, language assistant, proofreader, language consultant, spokesperson, administrative worker, copywriter, service manager or project manager.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The basis of the study plan consists of compulsory and optional subjects, the successful completion of which is a condition for the possibility of registering for the final state examination. They consist of both profiling subjects and basic theoretical subjects in the field of linguistics, literature and realities. Compulsory subjects for completus and major study plans also include Bachelor Thesis Seminars 1 and 2, Introduction to Philosophy and English 1 and 2.

    The number of credits that a student must obtain during a three-year study depends on whether he / she is studying according to the study plan completus, major or minor.

    During the three-year study, a student studying German according to the completus study plan must obtain 180 ECTS credits. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (79 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 83 credits for compulsory elective courses (PVA and PVB) and 18 credits for elective courses, which he chooses from the offer of other study programs implemented at FPF SU (alternatively, he can obtain these 18 credits for courses he chooses from the remaining courses PVA and PVB groups).

    A student who studies German according to the major study plan must obtain 99 ECTS credits during the three-year study. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (79 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 11 credits for compulsory elective courses (PVA and PVB) and 9 credits for elective courses, which he chooses from the offer of other study programs implemented at FPF SU (alternatively, he can obtain these 9 credits for courses he chooses from the remaining courses PVA and PVB groups).

    A student who studies German according to the minor study plan must obtain 81 ECTS credits during the three-year study. The student must complete all compulsory subjects (62 credits) during the study. Furthermore, the student must obtain 11 credits for compulsory elective courses (PVA and PVB) and 8 credits for elective courses, which he chooses from the offer of other study programs implemented at FPF SU (alternatively, he can obtain these 8 credits for courses he chooses from the remaining courses PVA and PVB groups).

    Within the combined study, the student combines the study plan maior in the range of 99 credits with the study plan minor in the range of 81 credits. The study plans major and minor were conceived according to a symmetric model of combined study.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training are not part of the study. However, you can travel abroad to one of the partner universities and deepen your language and cultural knowledge, improve your communication skills and prepare well for the final exam and professional life.

  • Goals of Theses

    The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to demonstrate the ability of students to work with sources and literature, to comply with applicable citation standards and other practices of academic writing. The aim of this work is not to present the results of independent empirical research. The topic of the thesis is chosen by the students after consultation with the responsible academic staff member.

    Detailed information on the form of the bachelor's thesis see "Methodical instructions for editing, publishing and saving the final theses of students of the Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava" as amended on October 1, 2010.


  • Access to Further Studies

    In case of good study results, you can continue your studies in the following master's degree. Here you will further deepen your knowledge and skills and increase your qualifications in the labor market. At the same time, you qualify for study at a subsequent doctoral level.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students

Programme guarantor