Degree programme objectives

The aim of studying in the Public Economics and Administration programme is to understand the existence, purpose and functioning of the public sector. On the basis of this knowledge, a further aim of the study is to equip students with the skills of practical application necessary for the performance of public service. The specifics of the functioning of the public sector are seen in a broader conceptual framework in the Bachelor's degree. The relatively broad social science basis and the overall concept of the study promote a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to problems, the ability to analyse them critically and to find independent solutions. Thanks to the balanced composition of the study programme, students first understand the fundamental economic laws in the fields of economics, law, management and economic policy. On this basis, the student then gains an understanding of the nature and mission of the public sector, its financing and functioning. The achievement of the study objective is supported by an emphasis on the use of quantitative methods, information technology and law. In the course of their studies, students are also confronted with the practical aspects of the functioning of the public economy and the associated impacts on relevant actors through the regular involvement of practitioners in the learning process.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
OPF - UKRAJINA_Přijímací řízení 2022/2023 - Bakalářské studijní programy pro uchazeče z Ukrajiny
Submission deadline until midnight 31/8/2022

  • Acceptance round information

    Přijímací řízení 2022/2023 - Bakalářské studium - pro uchazeče z Ukrajiny

    Uchazeči budou přijati bez přijímací zkoušky.

    Termín podávání přihlášek ke studiu: 31. 8. 2022

    Uchazeči neplatí poplatek za přijímací řízení.

    Uchazeči nemusí prokazovat jazykové znalosti z českého jazyka.

    Na adresu Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, Univerzitní nám. 1934/3, 733 40 Karviná doručí do 31. 8. 2022:

    • doklad o udělené dočasné ochraně (prostou kopii opatřenou vlastnoručním podpisem uchazeče s uvedením data pořízení kopie);
    • žádost o nostrifikaci dokladu o předchozím vzdělání (formulář žádosti je v příloze a ke stažení ve formátu doc. ve formátu doc. a ve formátu pdf.), nebo doklad o již získané nostrifikaci; ;
    • opis (kopii) maturitního vysvědčení úředně ověřený vidimací (vidimací se ověřuje, že opis nebo kopie se doslova shoduje s předloženou listinou), nebo
    • opis (kopii) dokladu o obecném uznání rovnocennosti nebo platnosti zahraničního dokladu, dokladu o udělení Evropského bakalaureátu, popř. zahraničního dokladu o zahraničním středním vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou, pokud je v České republice automaticky rovnocenný bez dalšího úředního postupu, pokud absolvoval střední školu v zahraničí, nebo
    • originál vlastnoručně podepsaného čestného prohlášení, které bude obsahovat tyto informace: název absolvované střední školy, její sídlo, název absolvovaného studijního oboru, datum/rok absolvování, příp. jakékoli další informace, které je k popisu daného dokladu schopen poskytnout.


  • Objectives

    The aim of studying in the Public Economics and Administration programme is to understand the existence, purpose and functioning of the public sector. On the basis of this knowledge, a further aim of the study is to equip students with the skills of practical application necessary for the performance of public service. The specifics of the functioning of the public sector are seen in a broader conceptual framework in the Bachelor's degree. The relatively broad social science basis and the overall concept of the study promote a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to problems, the ability to analyse them critically and to find independent solutions. Thanks to the balanced composition of the study programme, students first understand the fundamental economic laws in the fields of economics, law, management and economic policy. On this basis, the student then gains an understanding of the nature and mission of the public sector, its financing and functioning. The achievement of the study objective is supported by an emphasis on the use of quantitative methods, information technology and law. In the course of their studies, students are also confronted with the practical aspects of the functioning of the public economy and the associated impacts on relevant actors through the regular involvement of practitioners in the learning process.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • define concepts related to the nature, functioning, financing and management of the public sector;
    • understand the content of current professional texts in the field of public economics, public administration and public finance;
    • describe the economic and legal aspects of the functioning of the public sector;
    • explain the specifics of the public sector;
    • clarify the context and links between the private and public sectors;
    • identify and describe the main problems and challenges of public economy and governance;
    • independently acquire, interpret and communicate the latest knowledge on the development of the public sector;
    • apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in the performance of functions in the public sector and non-profit organizations;
    • actively work on how to obtain information and its subsequent presentation;
    • apply tools of economic analysis in public sector conditions;
    • use professional knowledge, skills and competences in a foreign language;
    • independently acquire further professional knowledge, skills and competences, both on the basis of practice and by self-study of theoretical knowledge in the field;
    • use reflection, evaluation and feedback for professional and personal growth.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Public Economics and Administration are equipped with the necessary education to perform professional economic and administrative activities in the public and non-state non-profit sector. They have knowledge of economic theory, the functioning of the European Union, economic policy, public finance and administration, accounting, management, law, tax and regional policy, the labour market and information systems in public administration. They are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in the performance of functions in the public sector and non-profit organisations and to work in accordance with specific legislative acts regulating these issues. They are familiar with the system of functioning of the state administration and local government in the Czech Republic, they have knowledge of public funds management. Graduates are prepared to work in the public sector, especially in public administration institutions, i.e. ministries, state and local government offices and non-profit organisations. They can also find employment in EU institutions, consultancy related to the functioning of public administration or in the tertiary sector in general. Completion of the Bachelor's degree programme qualifies graduates in particular for work in clerical or managerial positions at a lower management level. The knowledge and skills acquired also enable graduates to successfully pursue further studies at the Master's level.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations