Collection of minima of eclipsing binaries, part III
ZASCHE, Petr (203 Česká republika), Robert UHLÁŘ (203 Česká republika), Petr SVOBODA (203 Česká republika), Hana KUČÁKOVÁ (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí), Martin MAŠEK (203 Česká republika) a Jakub JURYŠEK (203 Česká republika)
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 2017, 0374-0676
Observatory and telescope: CCD photometry with various ground-based and automatic survey telescopes were used for the times of minima determination. Method of data reduction: The reduction of the CCD frames using the C-Munipack and IRAF routines. Method of minimum determination: The minima times were mostly computed with the Kwee - van Woerden method (Kwee & van Woerden, 1956), some of them with the polynomial fitting method, and the minima from the survey telescopes by the AFP method (Zasche et al. 2014).