Detailed Information on Publication Record
‘Mistaken Identities’ – Hedwig Rosenbaum the First Olympic Medallist from Bohemia
PELC, MartinBasic information
Original name
‘Mistaken Identities’ – Hedwig Rosenbaum the First Olympic Medallist from Bohemia
Name in Czech
"Záměna identit" - Hedwig Rosenbaum, první olympijská medailistka z Čech
PELC, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Journal of Olympic History, Berlin, International Society of Olympic Historians, 2019, 1085-5165
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
60101 History
Country of publisher
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Keywords (in Czech)
Olympijské hry; sport; historie; 1900; Paříž; dějiny židů
Keywords in English
Olympic games; sport; history; 1900; Paris; Jewish history
International impact
Changed: 21/4/2020 21:02, doc. Mgr. Martin Pelc, Ph.D.
V originále
The papaers tracks the fate of the first Olympic medallist from Bohemia, Hedwig Rosenbaum, who won two bronze medals in Paris 1900. Until recently, it was not known where she lived after 1918 or when she died. The paper shows both her personal life and her sporting career for the first time.
In Czech
Studie sleduje osud první olympijské medialistky z českých zemí, Hedwig Rosenbaum, která vyhrála dvě bronzové medaile v Paříži 1900. Donedávna nebylo známo, kde strávila zbytek svého života. Tento text představuje odborné veřejnosti jak její osobní život, tak její sportovní kariéru, a to vůbec poprvé.