c 2015

Wandering the Czech Republic


Basic information

Original name

Wandering the Czech Republic

Name (in English)

Wandering the Czech Republic




Opava, 2015

Other information

Type of outcome

Učební texty pomůcky (vč. dílčích kapitol v učebnicích)

Field of Study

50900 5.9 Other social sciences

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

printed version "print"

Organization unit

Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava

Keywords in English

Czech Republic; historical monumenst; natural beauties
Změněno: 2/4/2019 22:56, PhDr. Radmila Dluhošová, Ph.D.



V originále

The publication presents the Czech Republic and its numerous magnificent monuments, historical towns, charming villages, examples of folk architecture, countless castles and chateaux, picturesque ruins, splendid monasteries as well as its striking countryside of very different landscapes and a large number of remarkable natural places.

In English

The publication presents the Czech Republic and its numerous magnificent monuments, historical towns, charming villages, examples of folk architecture, countless castles and chateaux, picturesque ruins, splendid monasteries as well as its striking countryside of very different landscapes and a large number of remarkable natural places.
Displayed: 4/1/2025 12:03