B 2018

Od androdidaktiky ke gerontodidaktice


Basic information

Original name

Od androdidaktiky ke gerontodidaktice

Name (in English)

From Androdidactics to Gerontodidactics


KALNICKÝ, Juraj (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


1. vyd. Ostrava, 121 pp. n/a, 2018


Repronis, s.r.o. Ostrava

Other information



Type of outcome

Odborná kniha

Field of Study

50300 5.3 Education

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

printed version "print"

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Public Policies in Opava



Keywords (in Czech)

androdidaktika, gerontodidaktika, edukační cíl, obsah, forma, metoda, prostředek, výzkumný záměr, efektivita, tvořivost, kompetence, prognóza, marketing, diagnostika, poradenství

Keywords in English

androdidactics; gerontodidactics; educational goal; subject; form; method; devices; efectivity; fluence; competences; research concept; educational technologies; outreach; prognosis; marketing; diagnostics; counselling;


Změněno: 3/2/2020 13:52, doc. PhDr. Juraj Kalnický, PhD., Prof. h.c.



V originále

prezentovaná monografie vychází z dlouhodobého teoretického i terénního výzkumu autora (terénní výzkum 2017 - 2018, jakož i z jeho bohatých zkušeností ve sféře androdidaktiky a gerontodidaktiky, kterými se rozumí teorie vzdělávání dospělých a seniorů.Cílem monografie byla identifikace klíčových a podpůrných segmentů gerontodidaktiky, jakož i determinujících rozdílů mezi didaktickým procesem dospělých a seniorských edukantů. Výzkum poukázal na klíčové segmenty: cíl, obsah, forma, metoda, technické prostředky, principy, a podpůrné segmenty: tvořivost, diagnostika, výzkum, marketing, prognózování, poradenstí a edukační reklama. V jednotlivých kapitolách autor demonstruje rozdíly mezi didaktickými komponenty edukačního procesu dospělých a seniorských edukantů, které jsou v případě seniorských edukantů determinované především jejich potřebami, docilitou a psychosomatickým stavem. Monografie je doplněna třemi přílohami: charakteristikou vybraných učebních forem a metod vhodných pro seniory, jakož i charakteristikou metod a technik androdidaktického a gerontodidaktického výzkumu.

In English

Presented monograph is based on long-term theoretical and actual practical research of the author (terrain research from 2017-2018), as well as his rich practical experience in the sphere of androdidactics and gerontodidactics, which are understood as theory of adults education and theory of seniors education. The goal of the monograph is to identify the key and the supportive segments of gerontodidactics, as well as to determine differences between didactic process for adult and for senior learners. In research, the key segments: aims, contents, forms, methods, didactic means, tools, technics, and didactic principles; as well as the supportive segments: creativity, diagnostics, research, marketing, prognosis, counselling and outreach are examined. In particular chapters, the author demonstrates the differences between didactic components of educational process of adult and senior learners, which, in the case of senior learners are mostly determined by their needs, docility and psychosomatic eligibility. At the end of presented monograph, there are three attachments: characteristics of selected teaching forms and methods suitable for seniors, as well as characteristics of research methods used in the area of androdidactics and gerontodidactics. Presented monograph is based on long-term theoretical and actual practical research of the author (terrain research from 2017-2018), as well as his rich practical experience in the sphere of androdidactics and gerontodidactics, which are understood as theory of adults education and theory of seniors education. The goal of the monograph is to identify the key and the supportive segments of gerontodidactics, as well as to determine differences between didactic process for adult and for senior learners. In research, the key segments: aims, contents, forms, methods, didactic means, tools, technics, and didactic principles; as well as the supportive segments: creativity, diagnostics, research, marketing, prognosis, counselling and outreach are examined. In particular chapters, the author demonstrates the differences between didactic components of educational process of adult and senior learners, which, in the case of senior learners are mostly determined by their needs, docility and psychosomatic eligibility. At the end of presented monograph, there are three attachments: characteristics of selected teaching forms and methods suitable for seniors, as well as characteristics of research methods used in the area of androdidactics and gerontodidactics.
Displayed: 17/2/2025 05:03