PREISSOVÁ KREJČÍ, Andrea and Martina CICHÁ. Multicultural Education in Theory and Practice of the Last Decade Since Its Intergration into the Education Programmes in the Czech Republic. Online. In Osman TITREK, Agniezska ZEMBRZUSKA, Gozde SEZEN-GULTEKIN. ICLEL 18 Conference Proceeding Book. Sakarya, Turkey: Sakarya University, 2018, p. 371-375. ISBN 978-605-66495-3-0.
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Basic information
Original name Multicultural Education in Theory and Practice of the Last Decade Since Its Intergration into the Education Programmes in the Czech Republic
Authors PREISSOVÁ KREJČÍ, Andrea (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) and Martina CICHÁ.
Edition Sakarya, Turkey, ICLEL 18 Conference Proceeding Book, p. 371-375, 5 pp. 2018.
Publisher Sakarya University
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Proceedings paper
Field of Study 50301 Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics [and education systems]
Country of publisher Turkey
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form electronic version available online
RIV identification code RIV/47813059:19510/18:A0000135
Organization unit Faculty of Public Policies in Opava
ISBN 978-605-66495-3-0
UT WoS 000464906100041
Keywords in English multicultural education; ethnicity; racism; discrimination; intercultural communication; cultural model; education; integration; identity
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Nikol Maďová, učo 38833. Changed: 28/5/2019 07:19.
The paper summarizes the works of the most prominent theorists of the multicultural education at Czech schools since its integration into the Framework Education Programmes, at which point the handbooks by J. Průcha were usually used by Czech teachers, through the partial works by e.g. D. Švingalová, E. Cílková, P. Schönerová or V. Jirásková all the way to the reflection of the changing concept by J. Buryánek, J. Balvín, L. Gulová or J. Hladík, and, finally, the critical approach, reflected in the works of D. Moree, P. Morvayová or M. Kaleja. The study aims to point out that the approach of the teachers and the academicians towards the multicultural education referred to as “culturally standard” by D. Moree prevails even though it has been facing criticism expressed in the works of numerous authors, either reflected in the willingness to include a wider range of topics such as those related to ageism, gender, social exclusion, physical and mental disability etc. or manifested in an emphasis on the training of undergraduate teachers and the development of their multicultural competencies within further education of pedagogical staff.
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