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MARVAN, Michal and Maxim V. PAVLOV. Integrable dispersive chains and their multi-phase solutions. Letters in Mathematical Physics. Dordrecht (Netherlands): Springer Netherlands, 2019, vol. 109, No 5, p. 1219-1245. ISSN 0377-9017. Available from:
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Basic information
Original name Integrable dispersive chains and their multi-phase solutions
Authors MARVAN, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Maxim V. PAVLOV (643 Russian Federation).
Edition Letters in Mathematical Physics, Dordrecht (Netherlands), Springer Netherlands, 2019, 0377-9017.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 10101 Pure mathematics
Country of publisher Netherlands
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
WWW Letters in Mathematical Physics
RIV identification code RIV/47813059:19610/19:A0000047
Organization unit Mathematical Institute in Opava
UT WoS 000466941800006
Keywords in English Integrable dispersive chains; Three-dimensional quasilinear systems of first order; Multi-phase solutions
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Links GBP201/12/G028, research and development project.
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Aleš Ryšavý, učo 28000. Changed: 20/4/2020 15:58.
Earlier the theory of finite-gap integration was successfully applied to finite-component systems only. In this paper, we consider a first example of infinitely many component integrable systems. We construct multi-phase solutions for integrable dispersive chains associated with the three-dimensional linearly degenerate Mikhalev system of the first order. These solutions are parameterised by infinitely many arbitrary constants. As a by-product, we describe multi-phase solutions for finite-component dispersive reductions in these integrable dispersive chains.
Displayed: 15/10/2024 18:29