D 2019

CRM for Sustainable Innovations in Small Business


Basic information

Original name

CRM for Sustainable Innovations in Small Business


JANÁKOVÁ, Milena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


USA, Conference Proceedings the 34th IBIMA Conference on 13-14 November 2019 Madrid, Spain. (in print), p. 12458-12467, 10 pp. 2019



Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

10200 1.2 Computer and information sciences

Country of publisher

United States of America

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

electronic version available online

RIV identification code


Organization unit

School of Business Administration in Karvina





Keywords in English

CRM; Information Technology; Small Business; Sustainable Innovations


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 1/2/2021 14:14, Mgr. Milena Janáková, Ph.D.


V originále

This paper focuses on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as one of the most important information systems in small businesses. Small business has a significant potential for CRM purchases. The reason is the implementation of an appropriate innovation to increase resilience to the crisis and unstable situations in global markets. The research motivation in this paper is to determine the recommended hierarchy of evaluation criteria for selecting the optimal CRM for marketers. The design of the solution is based on Saaty's method for determination of weights for selected evaluation criteria. The necessary comparison of the evaluation criteria in Saaty's matrix S was specified by an interview with a small business consultancy representative. The recommended hierarchy has four levels ranking from criteria such as brand mentions and campaign responses with top-weight to email templates, multi-channel touchpoints, and forecasting with bottom weight. This hierarchy works better than an intuitive approach because the evaluation criteria were compared according to current business and market conditions (preferences from the perspective of small business). There is an initial interest in brand mentions and estimated profit. However, low interest in email templates and forecasts shows difficulties in use, because email templates and forecasts are often intuitively preferred features of CRMs.
Displayed: 9/1/2025 10:16