C 2019

Under Holy Protection. Patron Saints and Local Religiousness in Silesia as Reflected in Medieval and Modern Coins


Basic information

Original name

Under Holy Protection. Patron Saints and Local Religiousness in Silesia as Reflected in Medieval and Modern Coins


MATEJKO-PETERKA, Ilona (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


Prague, Patron Saints and Saintly Patronage in Early Modern Central Europe, p. 142-157, 16 pp. Ediční řada, Trivium, 2019


Charles University, Faculty of Arts

Other information



Type of outcome

Chapter(s) of a specialized book

Field of Study

60101 History

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Publication form

printed version "print"

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava



Keywords in English

coins; Silesia; Patron saints; numismatics; Auxiliary sciences of history; history of Silesia


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 29/2/2020 12:51, Mgr. Ilona Matejko-Peterka, Ph.D.


V originále

The aim of this paper is to analyse the depiction of patron saints or their attributes as they appear in the iconography of medieval and modern Silesian coinage. The analysis of these motifs is conducted both in terms of their symbolic content and the functions they fulfil. Attention is devoted to determining the possible reasons for placing individual saints on particular coin dies. In doing so, it enables the links to certain localities or mints in Silesia to be determined, as well as the evaluation of their role in the religiousness of local society. Changes in the way they are depicted during the period under review are also scrutinised. A comparison of selected motifs of patron saints found on Silesian coins is also made with their representations on mintages from other areas or also on different kinds of objects such as, for example, seals.

In Czech

Stať se zabývá zobrazováním svatých patronů nebo jejich samostatných atributů v ikonografii středověkých a raně novověkých slezských mincí. Tyto motivy jsou přitom analyzovány jak z hlediska jejich symbolického obsahu, tak jejich funkcí. V popředí zájmu stojí zejména otázka, proč byli na konkrétní mincovní razidla umisťováni právě daní světci. To na jednu stranu dovolilo stanovit jejich vazbu na určité lokality či mincovny ve Slezsku, na druhou stranu to umožnilo vyhodnotit jejich roli ve zbožnosti lokální společnosti. Pozornost však byla věnována pouze těm mincovním památkám, které vznikly v době přináležitosti slezských knížectví do svazku zemí České koruny.