J 2017

Performance Evaluation of Social Enterprises Supported by EU Funds : Case of the Czech Republic

ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila and Zuzana PALOVÁ

Basic information

Original name

Performance Evaluation of Social Enterprises Supported by EU Funds : Case of the Czech Republic


ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Zuzana PALOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


TEMEL-ij International Journal, 2017, 2545-4390

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

50204 Business and management

Country of publisher

North Macedonia

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



RIV identification code


Organization unit

School of Business Administration in Karvina

Keywords in English

ESF; NGOs; Social Enterprises; Social Innovation; SROI
Změněno: 7/2/2020 10:57, RNDr. Daniel Jakubík


V originále

In the last programming period 2007-2013 the financial support from European Social Fund (ESF) lead up to creation of social enterprises. In the Czech Republic, the financial support was distributed through the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme. In this programme, the financial support for social entrepreneurship was in priority axis 3 Social integration and equal opportunity. The aim of this paper is to make evaluation of efficiency of all created social enterprises, supported within this programme, using the method of social return on investment (SROI).
Displayed: 7/1/2025 19:03