D 2017

Social Media Marketing in the Czech Republic: Systematic Literature Review of the Current Academic Research

KLEPEK, Martin

Basic information

Original name

Social Media Marketing in the Czech Republic: Systematic Literature Review of the Current Academic Research


KLEPEK, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


Karviná, International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises DEMSME 2017, p. 99-106, 8 pp. 2017


Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná

Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

50204 Business and management

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

printed version "print"

RIV identification code


Organization unit

School of Business Administration in Karvina



Keywords in English

Communication; Literature review; Marketing; Social media; Social networks
Změněno: 7/2/2020 10:57, RNDr. Daniel Jakubík


V originále

Social media and social networks particularly receive substantial attention from companies in the Czech Republic. Since many of these companies are entering the social media landscape, the need for clearmarketing management understanding rises steadily. However, the current state of knowledge about social media marketing is characterised by underdeveloped theories, knowledge gaps and many theoretical inconsistencies. There is only a few complex studies with a strong theoretical grounding in highly citedliterature as well as the lack of studies build on contemporary business practices. This paper aims to highlight important articles in a body of academic literature affiliated to Czech universities on the topic of social media. Adopting a systematic approach to reviewing the literature, the paper combines different quantitative methods like content and frequency analysis to review papers published in major business and management journals as well as thematic conferences from 2006 to 2016. On the basis of these analyses,suggestions for future research that can help to promote future theory development are proposed. Moreover, this paper can provide relevant reading material for managers and executives looking for influential and impactful papers within the area of marketing.
Displayed: 5/1/2025 14:59