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The goods blocked in virtual shopping cart in an online shop may cause a few complications. On one hand, the goods become unavailable for other customers and on the other, it may cause loss of interest in finishing a deal and the damage of the company's brand. Leading a customer in putting the goods into the cart creates the costs, which may be unnecessary if the purchase is not finished. To arrange better quality of customer service, companies must keep more stored goods, which again brings increasing the costs. The aim of the article is to propose a decision-making model, which the company should follow in case of blocking the goods in the shopping cart in an online shop. The article is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the research of available literature in this field. In the second part, a process map of the decision-making process will be created, based on experience from a real company. This map can serve as general instructions to follow in case of blocking the goods in the cart and it can reduce negative effects of company's decisions in dealing with the particular problem.