V originále
Despite the fact that scientists focus their attention on e-tail, consumers still prefer benefits arisingfrom the retail format. Nevertheless, the number of online customers is growing in all categories ofgoods. The category with the greatest growth potential today is the online sale of food. An importantdifference between e-tail and retail format that affects customers is the ability to touch, try and buyproduct physically. Consumer choice of shopping channel influence some other aspects. The aspectsexamined in this article include hedonic and utilitarian motives that affect both traditional retail andonline shopping. Above that, situational factors and technology literacy are considered importantwhen choosing a purchasing format. Primary data from the questionnaire survey of students will beinvestigated. The aim of this article is to investigate the influence of shopping motives (hedonic andutilitarian) and situational factors on the intention to choose the purchasing format. The findings havepractical implications in determining factors influencing the choice of purchasing format, helping totailor marketing e-tail activities.