D 2005

On the possibility of precise determination of black hole spin in the framework of resonance models

STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk and Gabriel TÖRÖK

Basic information

Original name

On the possibility of precise determination of black hole spin in the framework of resonance models


STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk and Gabriel TÖRÖK


Opava, Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, p. 253-263, 10 pp. 2005


Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky

Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

10308 Astronomy

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organization unit

Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava



Keywords in English

compact objects, X-ray variability, theory, observations


, MSM4781305903, RAGtime, sbornik


International impact


MSM4781305903, plan (intention).
Změněno: 3/12/2020 10:00, Mgr. Pavlína Jalůvková


V originále

It is highly probable that a non-linear resonance between some modes of oscillations in the accretion discs around black holes and neutron stars can play a crucial role in exciting detectable modulations of the X-ray flux.Detailed studies of the resonance models revealed that several of such non-linear resonances are possible in nearly Keplerian discs in stron gravity. Moreover, this idea seems to be strongly supported by observations in all four microquasars showing twin peak QPOs (quasiperiodic oscillations), the ratio of frequency peaks is 3:2.
Displayed: 9/1/2025 09:15