J 2012

On magnetic-field-induced corrections to the orbital and epicyclic frequencies: paper II. Slowly rotating magnetized neutron stars

BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Martin URBANEC et. al.

Základní údaje

Originální název

On magnetic-field-induced corrections to the orbital and epicyclic frequencies: paper II. Slowly rotating magnetized neutron stars


Classical and Quantum Gravity, GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2012, 0264-9381

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


10308 Astronomy


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství


Impakt faktor

Impact factor: 3.562

Organizační jednotka

Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě



Klíčová slova anglicky

Quasi-periodicoscillations; X-ray binaries; Integrated relativistic tori; Charged black-holes


Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno


GA202/09/0772, projekt VaV. GPP209/12/P740, projekt VaV. LC06014, projekt VaV. MSM4781305903, záměr.
Změněno: 7. 4. 2021 08:20, Mgr. Pavlína Jalůvková


V originále

We study non-geodesic corrections to the quasicircular motion of charged test particles in the field of magnetized slowly rotating neutron stars. The gravitational field is approximated by the Lense-Thirring geometry, and the magnetic field is of the standard dipole character. Using a fully relativistic approach, we determine the influence of the electromagnetic interaction (both attractive and repulsive) on the quasicircular motion. We focus on the behaviour of the orbital and epicyclic frequencies ofthe motion. Components of the four-velocity of the orbiting charged test particles are obtained by the numerical solution of equations of motion, and the epicyclic frequencies are obtained by using the standard perturbative method. The role of the combined effect of the neutron star magnetic field and its rotation in the character of the orbital and epicyclic frequencies is discussed. It is demonstrated that even in the Lense-Thirring spacetime, particles being static relative to distant