Consumer Decision-Making in the Presence of a Compromise Alternative: Limits and Moderators
Základní údaje
Originální název
Consumer Decision-Making in the Presence of a Compromise Alternative: Limits and Moderators
Trnava, Marketing Identity: COVID-2.0, od s. 321-330, 10 s. 2020
Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Stať ve sborníku
50204 Business and management
Stát vydavatele
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Forma vydání
elektronická verze "online"
Organizační jednotka
Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
Klíčová slova anglicky
Consumer Behaviour; Context Effects; Choice.
V originále
The compromise effect is reported to occur when an alternative described by certain attributes and characteristics is more preferred by consumers when it is introduced into a choice set as a middle-option rather than an extreme alternative. Using the compromise strategy in their decision-making helps consumers to lower the uncertainty and risks that every decision brings and minimize possible losses. While this effect is believed to be robust and was explored in different areas beside consumer research and marketing, there are still numerous factors that might moderate or fully diminish the compromise effect. Firms designing their product lines or product offers in a way that would support the compromise effect should be aware of existence of these factors. The goal of this paper is to indicate the factors, which might influence the strength of the effect. The paper categorizes the factors depending on two aspects: whether they influence the decision-making process or not and whether the factor is connected to the consumers’ characteristics or the characteristics of the concrete decision-making. The paper employs the research method of literature analysis of previously published studies about the topic.
Zobrazeno: 10. 3. 2025 19:41