J 2020

Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory

HOMOLA, Piotr, Dmitriy BEZNOSKO, Gopal BHATTA, Lukasz BIBRZYCKI, Michalina BORCZYNSKA et. al.

Základní údaje

Originální název

Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory


HOMOLA, Piotr, Dmitriy BEZNOSKO, Gopal BHATTA, Lukasz BIBRZYCKI, Michalina BORCZYNSKA, Lukasz BRATEK, Nikolay BUDNEV, Dariusz BURAKOWSKI, David E. ALVAREZ-CASTILLO, Kevin ALMEIDA CHEMINANT, Aleksander CWIKLA, Punsiri DAM-O, Niraj DHITAL, Alan R. DUFFY, Piotr GLOWNIA, Krzysztof GORZKIEWICZ, Dariusz GORA, Alok C. GUPTA, Zuzana HLAVKOVA, Martin HOMOLA, Joanna JALOCHA, Robert KAMINSKI, Michal KARBOWIAK, Marcin KASZTELAN, Renata KIEREPKO, Marek KNAP, Peter KOVACS, Szymon KULINSKI, Bartosz LOZOWSKI, Marek MAGRYS, Mikhail V. MEDVEDEV, Justyna MEDRALA, Jerzy W. MIETELSKI, Justyna MISZCZYK, Alona MOZGOVA, Antonio NAPOLITANO, Vahab NAZARI, Y. Jack NG, Michal NIEDZWIECKI, Cristina OANCEA, Boguslaw OGAN, Gabriela OPILA, Krzysztof OZIOMEK, Maciej PAWLIK, Marcin PIEKARCZYK, Boezna PONCYLJUSZ, Jerzy PRYGA, Matias ROSAS, Krzysztof RZECKI, Jilberto ZAMORA-SAA, Katarzyna SMELCERZ, Karel SMOLEK, Weronika STANEK, Jaroslaw STASIELAK, Slawomir STUGLIK, Jolanta SULMA, Oleksandr SUSHCHOV, Manana SVANIDZE, Kyle M. TAM, Arman TURSUNOV (860 Uzbekistán, domácí), Jose M. VAQUERO, Tadeusz WIBIG a Krzysztof W. WOZNIAK


Symmetry, 2020, 2073-8994

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


10308 Astronomy

Stát vydavatele



není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



Impakt faktor

Impact factor: 2.713



Organizační jednotka

Fyzikální ústav v Opavě





Klíčová slova anglicky

cosmic rays; cosmic-ray ensembles; extensive air showers; large scale cosmic-ray correlations; CREDO Collaboration


, FÚ2020, RIV21


Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změněno: 23. 3. 2021 21:28, Mgr. Pavlína Jalůvková


V originále

The Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory (CREDO) is a newly formed, global collaboration dedicated to observing and studying cosmic rays (CR) and cosmic-ray ensembles (CRE): groups of at least two CR with a common primary interaction vertex or the same parent particle. The CREDO program embraces testing known CR and CRE scenarios, and preparing to observe unexpected physics, it is also suitable for multi-messenger and multi-mission applications. Perfectly matched to CREDO capabilities, CRE could be formed both within classical models (e.g., as products of photon-photon interactions), and exotic scenarios (e.g., as results of decay of Super-Heavy Dark Matter particles). Their fronts might be significantly extended in space and time, and they might include cosmic rays of energies spanning the whole cosmic-ray energy spectrum, with a footprint composed of at least two extensive air showers with correlated arrival directions and arrival times. As the CRE are predominantly expected to be spread over large areas and, due to the expected wide energy range of the contributing particles, such a CRE detection might only be feasible when using all available cosmic-ray infrastructure collectively, i.e., as a globally extended network of detectors. Thus, with this review article, the CREDO Collaboration invites the astroparticle physics community to actively join or to contribute to the research dedicated to CRE and, in particular, to pool together cosmic-ray data to support specific CRE detection strategies.
Zobrazeno: 9. 3. 2025 23:22