Generalized symmetries, conservation laws and Hamiltonian structures of an isothermal no-slip drift flux model
OPANASENKO, Stanislav, Alexander BIHLO, Roman POPOVYCH a Artur SERGYEYEV
Základní údaje
Originální název
Generalized symmetries, conservation laws and Hamiltonian structures of an isothermal no-slip drift flux model
OPANASENKO, Stanislav (804 Ukrajina, garant), Alexander BIHLO (40 Rakousko),
Roman POPOVYCH (804 Ukrajina, domácí) a
Artur SERGYEYEV (804 Ukrajina, domácí)
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V. 2020, 0167-2789
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Článek v odborném periodiku
10101 Pure mathematics
Stát vydavatele
Nizozemské království
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Impakt faktor
Impact factor: 2.300
Organizační jednotka
Matematický ústav v Opavě
Klíčová slova anglicky
Generalized symmetry; Local conservation law; Recursion operator; Hamiltonian structure; Hydrodynamic-type system; Isothermal no-slip drift flux
GBP201/12/G028, projekt VaV.
V originále
We study the hydrodynamic-type system of differential equations modeling isothermal no-slip drift flux. Using the facts that the system is partially coupled and its subsystem reduces to the (1+1)-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation, we exhaustively describe generalized symmetries, cosymmetries and local conservation laws of this system. A generating set of local conservation laws under the action of generalized symmetries is proved to consist of two zeroth-order conservation laws. The subspace of translation-invariant conservation laws is singled out from the entire space of local conservation laws. We also find broad families of local recursion operators and a nonlocal recursion operator, and construct an infinite family of Hamiltonian structures involving an arbitrary function of a single argument. For each of the constructed Hamiltonian operators, we obtain the associated algebra of Hamiltonian symmetries.
Zobrazeno: 9. 3. 2025 23:13