Purpose: This research aimed to expand the current state of the art on female entrepreneurs' characteristics from the perspective of the small European open economy-the Czech Republic. The study explores the individual determinants of female entrepreneurship engagement, and it focuses mainly on the role of caring responsibilities. Design/methodology/approach: The study relies on a secondary research sample of 7,204 employed or self-employed women participating in the 2017 edition of the European Union Labour Force Survey. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine differences between female employees, solo self-employed women and jobs creating females. Findings: The main conclusion is that there were no statistically significant differences between family-related variables (having a partner, number of children, marital status) and entrepreneurial engagement of the Czech women. Other results showed that both types of female entrepreneurs work on average longer hours and have more years of experience. Practical implications: Our study contributes to the ongoing discussion on managing business and having a partner and family by noting that women in today's society have learned how to balance their business-related and family-related duties. Originality/value: The article extends the previous evidence on female entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic by delivering statistically robust empirical findings based on a large and representative dataset.