A universal theorem of the alternative David Bartl1 Abstract. We present a particular theorem of the alternative for finite systems of linear inequalities. The theorem is universal in the sense that other classical theorems of the alternative (Motzkin's Theorem and Tucker's Theorem) are implicit in it; the theorem itself is an extension of Farkas' Lemma. The presented result also generalizes and unifies both Dax's new theorem the alternative [Dax, A. (1993). Annals of Operations Research, 46, 11­60] and Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations [Rohn, J. (2010). Optimization Letters, 4, 287­292]. The universal theorem of the alternative is established by using Farkas' Lemma in the setting of a vector space over a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field. Keywords: Theorems of the alternative, systems of linear inequalities, Farkas' Lemma, linearly ordered vector spaces, linearly ordered fields. JEL Classification: C65 1 Introduction In this note, we present a universal theorem of the alternative which unifies both Dax's new theorem of the alternative (Dax, 1993) and Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations (Rohn, 2010). Moreover, the universal theorem contains Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative (Motzkin, 1934) and Tucker's Theorem of the alternative (Tucker, 1956) implicitly in it. The theorem is established by using Farkas' Lemma (Farkas, 1902), which has proved to be a result of importance in optimization and also in economics (Vohra, 2006). Short proofs of Farkas' Lemma include those given by Dax (1997), Broyden (1998; Roos and Terlaky, 1999), Komornik (1998), Scowcroft (2006, pp. 3535­3536, in the Introduction) and Bartl (2012a). See Fujimoto et al. (2018) for another proof; see also the references therein for further discussion of earlier proofs. Considering natural numbers m,n,v G N, recall the original results in the setting of the finite­dimensional vector space EW , where JV G N is a natural number. Farkas' Lemma (Farkas, 1902). Let A £ RmxN be a matrix and let cT £ RlxN be a row vector. It holds Vx E l " : Ax < 0 => cT x < 0 if and only if 3uT 6 M l x m , u T > 0T : cT = vfA. Dax's new theorem of the alternative (Dax, 1993, Sections 5.1 and 5.4). Let cT 6 E l x W be a row vector, let B±,..., Bn £ M l x W be one-row matrices, and let w1 ( ..., w n £ E be positive weights. It holds V x E l " : cT xQ,v1-\ 1­ vv = 1: cT = (v^J H 1­ vvbl)Z. 1 Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, Department of Informatics and Mathematics, Univerzitní náměstí 1934/3, 733 40 Karviná, Czech Republic, bartl@opf.slu.cz ­25 ­ Motzkin's Theorem (Motzkin, 1934; Motzkin, 1952, Theorem D6, p. 60). Let A £ RmxN and B £ RvxN be matrices. It holds ^ £ R " : Ax < 0 A Bx < 0 if and only if 3AT 6 M l x m , AT > 0T , Bff £ M l x v , ff > 0T , nt + ••• + nv = 1: A1 A + ffB = oT , where oT £ M l x W is the row vector consisting of N zeros and ...,\iv £ E are the components of j«T . Tucker's Theorem (Tucker, 1956, Corollary 2Apart (i)). Let A £ E m x W and B £ M n x W £e matrices, where the matrix B consists of the rows bt,..., bn £ M l x W . It holds %x £ M w : Ax < 0 A Bx < 0 A 6 ^ + ••• + 6n x = - 1 if and only if 3AT £ M l x m , AT > 0T , 3j«T £ M l x n , j«T > 0T : XT A + j«T B = oT , where oT £ M l x W w ?Ae row vector consisting ofN zeros. 2 Notation and Farkas' Lemma Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field. Additionally, let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. The relation of the linear ordering of the field F and vector space V will be denoted by the symbol < and respectively. Recall that an element X G F is positive and non-negative if and only if X > 0 and X > 0, respectively. These two concepts are analogously defined for the elements of the vector space V. Finally, let W be a vector space over the field F. For non-negative natural numbers m and n, and for positive natural numbers v1 # ...,vn , let :W -> F and ...,BjV.\ -> F be linear forms, which make up the linear mappings A: W -> F m and Bj-.W ^ Fv i, respectively, for) = 1, ...,n. (The mappings ^4:14^ -> F m and Bf. W -> F v ; generalize the concept of the matrices J4 G E M X W and fl; G RV ;'X W , which we could see in the Introduction. Additionally, the linear forms ax, ...,am: W -> F and /?; V / : 147 -> F correspond to the rows a1 # ..., a m and ...,fcJv^.of the matrix J4 and respectively, for j = 1, ...,n.) For any elements X,[J.EF and for any vector u G V, we put t/l/U = /U/l and tu/l = /lit. In other words, the symbol Y (Greek letter iota) means that the next two entities are to be transposed and multiplied in the new order. Now, let m and v be a non-negative and positive, respectively, natural number. As above, consider the linear mappings A: W -> Fm and 5: W -> F v . For any u G K m and v G K v , we stipulate that they consist of the components and vx,..., vv, respectively. Moreover, we define the linear mappings iuT A: W -> V and ivT B: W -> V by twT .4x = S^iCc^x)^ and LVT BX = YX.=i{Bkx)vk, respectively, for every x G The symbol 0 denotes the column vector consisting of m zeros of the field F. Additionally, the symbol 0T denotes the row consisting of m or v zeros of the vector space V. The inequalities Ax < 0 and wT > 0T as well as vT > 0T are understood componentwise, that is atx < 0 and ut > 0 for every i = 1,..., m and also vf c > 0 for every k = 1,..., v, respectively. The symbol e denotes the column vector consisting of v ones of the field F. We then have ivT e = iv±l + —I- ivvl = v1 + —Yvv. The symbol o denotes the zero linear mapping o: W -> V. If m = 0, then iuT A = o and the inequalities Ax < 0 and also wT > 0T are logically true by convention. -26- Finally, let y. W -> V be any linear mapping. (The mapping y. W -> V generalizes the concept of the row vector c T G E L X W , which we could see in the Introduction.) Considering a non-negative natural number m, we now recall the following generalization of Farkas' Lemma formulated in the setting of a (possibly infinite-dimensional) vector space W over a (commutative or skew) linearly ordered field F, see Bartl (2007, Lemma 4.1). Lemma 1 (Farkas' Lemma). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field, let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A:W -> Fm and Y-W -> V be linear mappings. It then holds Vx EW: Ax < 0 => yx < 0 if and only if 3u 6 VM , u T > 0T : x = t u T ^ . See Bartl (2012a) for a very short proof. The original version of Farkas' Lemma presented in the Introduction is obtained by considering the field F •= E of the real numbers, the finitedimensional vector space W •= E W , and the one-dimensional real line V := E 1 . 3 A universal theorem of the alternative Considering non-negative natural numbers m and n and also positive natural numbers v1#..., vn, we present a new universal theorem of the alternative. Theorem 2 (universal theorem of the alternative). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field, let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A:W -> Fm be a linear mapping, let Bt: W -> FVl , ..., Bn: W -> FVn be linear mappings consisting of the linearforms BLT, ...,B1VL: W -> F, ..., BNL,... ,BNVN: W -> F, respectively, letwt,..., wn £ V be non-negative weights, and let Y'-W -> Vbe a linear mapping. It then holds VxEW: AX < 0 => YX ^ iw i max{^u x,...,i51 V i x} + —I- iwn max{/?n l x, ...,BnVnx) if and only if 3u 6 7 m , u T > 0T , £ VVl , v\ > 0T , tv^e = w1 ( ..., 3 v n £ VVn , v\ > 0T , iv£e = wn : y = LV7A + t V i ^ H 1- iv^Bn . Proof The implication Ax < 0 => < ^ max{/S1:Lx, ...,/S1 V i x} + —I- iwn max{/?n l x, ...,BnVnx) holds for every x £ W if and only if the implication Ax < 0 A f^x < A ••• A Bnx < eyn => yx < t W i y ! + —I- iwnyn holds for every x EW and for every y1 ( ... , y n £ F, which equivalently means that + eya yx + iwxyx + —I- iwnyn 4 0. \Bnx + eyn < 0) By Farkas' Lemma 1, with the vector space W replaced by W x F n , it equivalently holds that (u v y i E vm x x ...xr», I V I > v n. ., = (y t W i ... t w n ) . It is thus equivalent to say that there exist a non-negative u EVm and a non-negative vx eVVl , ...,a non-negative vn £ VVn such that ivjei = LW1, w\ei = iwn, which equivalently means that ivje = w1, iv\e = wn, and also y = iuT A + ivjB-t + —I- iVnBn, which concludes the proof. • T I w 1 ei -27- 4 Special cases of the universal theorem of the alternative We discuss some special cases of the universal theorem of the alternative (Theorem 2) in this section. 4.1 Farkas' Lemma In the previous section, we used Farkas' Lemma 1 to prove Theorem 2. At the same time, Farkas' Lemma 1 is also a special case of Theorem 2 when n = 0. In particular, if n = 0, then the empty sum iw-^ max{j?n x, ...,(31Vix) + —I- iwn max{/?n l x, ...,(3nVnx} = 0, the zero of the vector space V, by convention. The remaining terms '3v;- G Vv i, vj > 0T , ivje = wf and 'ivJBf vanish in Theorem 2 if n = 0, whence the conclusion is easy to see. 4.2 Dax's new theorem of the alternative The version of Dax's new theorem of the alternative which was given in the Introduction can be found in Dax (1993, Sections 5.1 and 5.4). A generalized version can be found in Dax (1990). Here, we obtain the following generalization of Dax's new theorem of the alternative, where m and n are non-negative natural numbers, as a special case of Theorem 2. Theorem 3 (Dax's new theorem of the alternative). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew)field,let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A:W -> Fm be a linear mapping, let B^.W -> F, ..., Bn:W -> F be linear forms, let w1 ( ..., w n 6 V be non-negative weights, and let y.W -> V be a linear mapping. It then holds Vx £ W: Ax < 0 => yx < i w j f ^ x l H 1- iwn\Bnx\ if and only if 3u 6 Vm , u T > 0T , 3v± £ V, —w1 < V-L < w 1 ( 3vn 6 V, —wn < vn < wn : y = I U 1 A + iv1B1 H 1- ivNBN . Proof. In Theorem 2, consider v± = ••• = vn = 2 with p1± = BT, B12 = Pm = Bn, fin2 = —BN. Observe that the absolute value \BJX\ = max{B; x, —Bjx} = max{/S;1x, Bj2x] for every x 6 W for j = 1,..., n. Moreover we have for any Vj 6 V that —Wj < Vj < w, if and only if Vj = v ; 1 - Vj2 for some non-negative Vjlt vj2 6 V such that v ; 1 + Vj2 = Wj fory = 1,..., n. Finally, notice that IVJBJ = t(v; 1 - VJ2)BJ = iv^B^ + LVJ2BJ2 fory = 1,..., n. The equivalence is easy to see now. • The original version due to Dax (1993, Sections 5.1 and 5.4), presented in the Introduction, is obtained by considering the field F ••= E of the real numbers, the finite-dimensional vector space W •= E W , the one-dimensional real line V •= E 1 , and by letting m := 0. 4.3 Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations (Rohn, 2010, Theorem 2), which was presented in the Introduction, says in words that the system of linear equations c T = f T Z has a solution f T G E L X P in the convex hull of the set {b\,..., by} if and only if cT x < max{bJZx,..., byZx} for every x G RN . We obtain the following generalization of Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations, where m and visa non-negative and positive, respectively, natural number, as a special case of Theorem 2. Theorem 4 (Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field, let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A: W -» Fm be a linear mapping, let Bt,..., BV:W -» F be linearforms, letwEV be a non-negative weight, and let y.W -> V be a linear mapping. It then holds -28 - Vx EW: AX < 0 => yx < iwmaxffti, ...,Bvx] if and only if 3u £ 7 m , u T > 0T , 3^,... ,vv EV, vt,..., vv > 0, v1 + —\-vv=w. Y = fw7 -^ + + —I"t v n/?n • Proof. Consider Theorem 2 with n = 1. • The original version of Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations (Rohn, 2010, Theorem 2), presented in the Introduction, is obtained by considering the field F ••= E of the real numbers, the finite-dimensional vector space W ••= E w , the one-dimensional real line V •= E 1 , by letting m •= 0 and n •= 1, and by taking the weight w := 1. Then, given the row vector c T G E l x W , the matrix Z G E p x W , and the row vectors b\, ...,by G E l x p , consider the mapping y: E w -> E 1 and the linear forms ...,/?v : E w -> E defined by y.x •-> cT ;c and /?fc: x •-> &^ZA: for /C = 1,..., v, respectively, for every ;c G E w . More generally, given the row vector c T G E l x W , the matrix Z G E p x W , and the set {fcT ,..., bl} c E l x p , consider yet a set {aT ,..., a^} c E l x p . Then, by Theorem 4, the system of linear equations c T = fT Z has a solution f T G E l x p of the form f T = utCL[ + —I- umcFm + + vxb\ + —I- vvby for some ux, ...,um > 0 and for some vx, ...,vv > 0 such that vx + — h + vv = 1, that is in the Minkowski sum (the convex hull of {b\,..., by} plus the convex conical hull of {a[, ...,0^}) if and only if a[Zx, ....a^Zx < 0 implies cT x < max{bJZx, ...,byZx} for every x G E w . See Bartl (2012b, Theorem 5) for further generalization in this direction. 4.4 Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative (Motzkin, 1934; Motzkin, 1952, Theorem D6 [in Chap. Ill, § 13, par. 73], p. 60; cf. Tucker, 1956, Corollary 2A part (i)) is used to establish optimality conditions in non-linear optimization, see, e.g., Mangasarian (1994), Birbil et al. (2007). Notice that, depending upon the approach, Farkas' Lemma can be used to establish optimality conditions in non-linear optimization directly, see, e.g., Franklin (2002). Below, we obtain the following generalization of Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative, where m and v is a non-negative and positive, respectively, natural number and 0 denotes the zero vector of the space V, as a special case of Theorem 2; it is a special case of Theorem 4 actually. Theorem 5 (Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field, let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A: W -> Fm be a linear mapping, let ...,/?v : W -> F be linear forms, and let w £ V be a nonnegative weight. It then holds tx EW: Ax < 0 A iwmaxffti, ...,/3vx} < 0 if and only if 3u £ Vm , u T > 0T , 3vt,..., vv £ V, vt,..., vv > 0, v1 + —\-vv = w. iuT A + ivxpx H 1- ivn /?n = o . Proof. There is no x EW such that Ax < 0 and iwmaxfjSjX, ...,/?vx} < 0 if and only if Ax < 0 implies 0 < twmax{/S1x, ...,f>vx} for every x EW. Now, conclude the proof by considering Theorem 4 with y = o, the zero linear mapping o: W -> V. m Remark 1. It holds m a x ^ x , . . . , /3vx) < 0 if and only if Bx < 0, cf. Motzkin's Theorem in the Introduction. By identifying the vector space V with the one-dimensional line F1 , i.e. by taking V •= F1 , and by considering the weight w := 1 and also Remark 1, we obtain the generalization of Motzkin's Theorem due to Bartl (2007, Theorem 5.1). -29- To obtain the original formulation of Motzkin's Theorem (Motzkin, 1934; Motzkin, 1952, Theorem D6, p. 60; see Birbil et al., 2007, Lemma 2.2, for another equivalent formulation), presented in the Introduction, consider the field F ••= E of the real numbers, the finite-dimensional vector space W ••= E w , the one-dimensional real line V •= E 1 , the weight w := 1, and Remark 1. 4.5 Tucker's Theorem of the alternative Tucker's Theorem of the alternative (Tucker, 1956, Corollary 2A part (ii)) is dual to Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative; compare both theorems in the Introduction to see this. The following generalization of Tucker's Theorem of the alternative, where m and n are non-negative natural numbers and 0 denotes the zero vector of the space V, is a special case of Theorem 2. Theorem 6 (Tucker's Theorem of the alternative). Let F be a linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field, let W be a vector space over the field F, and let V be a linearly ordered vector space over the linearly ordered field F. Let A: W -> Fm be a linear mapping, let B:W -> Fn be a linear mapping consisting of the linear forms Bx,..., Bn: W -> F, and let w £ Vn be a column vector of non-negative weights w1 ( ..., w n 6 V. It then holds tx 6 W: Ax < 0 A Bx < 0 A LWtBtx + ••• + iwnBnx < 0 if and only if 3u 6 Vm , u T > 0T , 3v 6 Vn , vT > wT : iifA + ivT B = o . Proof. There is no x 6 W such that Ax < 0 and Bx < 0 and also iw^B^x + —I- iwnBnx < 0 if and only if Vx 6 W: (Q)X 0 4iw1B1x + - + iwnBnx. By Theorem 2, with v1 = ••• = vn = 1 and y = o, the zero linear mapping o: W -> V, and also with the linear mapping A:W -> Fm replaced with the linear mapping y J : W -* Fm x Fn , it equivalently holds that 3u 6 Vm , u T > 0T , 3v 6 Kn , vT > 0T : iifA + iv1 B + iw^ + ••• + iwnBn = o . We have ivT B + + —I- iwnBn = ivT B + iwT B = i(v + w)T B. By considering v = v + w, it is equivalent to say that iuT A + ivT B = o for some non-negative u £ Vm and for some v 6 Vn such that vT > wT , which means we are done. • Remark 2. If the weights w 6 Vn are positive, then vT > wT > 0T , cf. Tucker's Theorem in the Introduction. By identifying the vector space V with the one-dimensional line F1 , i.e. by taking V •= F1 , and by considering the weights wt ••= ••• := wn ••= 1, we obtain the generalization of Tucker's Theorem due to Bartl (2007, Theorem 5.2). To obtain the original formulation of Tucker's Theorem (Tucker, 1956, Corollary 2A part (ii)), presented in the Introduction, consider the field F •= E of the real numbers, the finitedimensional vector space W ••= E w , the one-dimensional real line V •= E 1 , and the weights wt ••= ••• ••= wn ••= 1. 5 Concluding remarks We presented a new universal theorem of the alternative (Theorem 2). We proved this result by using Farkas' Lemma 1. We then showed that many other theorems of the alternative (Farkas' Lemma itself, Dax's new theorem of the alternative, Rohn's residual existence theorem for linear equations, Motzkin's Theorem of the alternative and Tucker's Theorem of the alternative) are special cases of the universal theorem of the alternative (Theorem 2). -30- Fan (1956) and Chernikov (1968) also considered (finite) systems of linear inequalities and theorems of the alternative from the algebraic point of view, i.e. in a vector space of arbitrary dimension. Fan (1956) studies linear inequalities in a vector space over the field of real numbers E and also over the field of the complex numbers (C. Chernikov (1968) presents a theory of linear inequalities in a vector space over a linearly ordered commutative field F. In this paper, we consider any linearly ordered (commutative or skew) field F, a vector space W over the field F, and a linearly ordered vector space V over the linearly ordered field F. Let the linear mappings Bt:W -> FVl , Bn:W -> FVn and the non-negative weights w 1 # w n G V be as in Theorem 2. Notice that the mapping p:W -*V defined by p:x •-> iWl maxjftji, ...,/?1 V i x} + ••• + twn max{/?n l x, ...,BnVnx\ is sublinear, that is p(Ax) = Ap(x) for all positive A G F and for all x G W and also p(x + y) ^ < p(x) + p(y) for all x,y G VK. It seems that Theorem 2 can be used to obtain optimality conditions for some optimization problems with a non-smooth objective function of a special form. 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