Detailed Information on Publication Record
On pushed wavefronts of monostable equation with unimodal delayed reaction
HASÍK, Karel, Jana KOPFOVÁ, Petra NÁBĚLKOVÁ and Sergei TROFIMCHUKBasic information
Original name
On pushed wavefronts of monostable equation with unimodal delayed reaction
HASÍK, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Jana KOPFOVÁ (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution), Petra NÁBĚLKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Sergei TROFIMCHUK (804 Ukraine, guarantor)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Springfield, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021, 1078-0947
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku
Field of Study
10101 Pure mathematics
Country of publisher
United States of America
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Impact factor
Impact factor: 1.588
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Mathematical Institute in Opava
Keywords in English
Traveling front; pushed wave; minimal speed
International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 24/3/2022 21:30, Mgr. Aleš Ryšavý
V originále
We study the Mackey-Glass type monostable delayed reaction diffusion equation with a unimodal birth function g(u). This model, designed to describe evolution of single species populations, is considered here in the presence of the weak Allee effect (g(u0) > g'(0)u0 for some u0 > 0). We focus our attention on the existence of slow monotonic traveling fronts to the equation: under given assumptions, this problem seems to be rather difficult since the usual positivity and monotonicity arguments are not effective. First, we solve the front existence problem for small delays, h is an element of [0, hp], where hp, given by an explicit formula, is optimal in a certain sense. Then we take a representative piece-wise linear unimodal birth function which makes possible explicit computation of traveling fronts. In this case, we find out that a) increase of delay can destroy asymptotically stable pushed fronts; b) the set of all admissible wavefront speeds has usual structure of a semi-infinite interval [c*, +infinity); c) for each h >= 0, the pushed wavefront is unique (if it exists); d) pushed wave can oscillate slowly around the positive equilibrium for sufficiently large delays.