V originále
Cílem publikace je poskytnout dostatek podpůrného materiálu k některým tématům, která nám dosud v dostupných učebnicích a sešitech mediální výchovy chyběla a po kterých učitelé volají. Z textu je zřejmé, že v žádném případě nehledáme koncept kompletní učebnice mediální výchovy a pokrytí všech důležitých témat kromě úvodu několika příkladů z různých oborů využitelných ve výuce. Publikaci tvoří metodická část, ve které jsou jednotliví oboroví specialisté jeho mezioborové činnosti pro rozvoj dovedností souvisejících s mediální výchovou, pracovní listy pro žáky a studenty využitelné přímo ve výuce a přílohy, ve kterých naleznete dokumenty a texty potřebné k realizovat navrhované aktivity.
In Czech
The aim of the publication is to provide enough supporting material on some topics that we have so far lacked in the available textbooks and notebooks of media education and which teachers are calling for. It is clear from the text that we are by no means looking for a concept of a complete textbook of media education and coverage of all important topics except the introduction several examples from different fields usable in teaching. The publication consists of a methodological part, in which the individual field specialists of his interdisciplinary activities for the development of skills related to media education, worksheets for pupils and students usable directly in teaching and appendices, in which you will find documents and texts needed to implement the proposed activities.
In English
The aim of the publication is to provide enough supporting material on some topics that we have so far lacked in the available textbooks and notebooks of media education and which teachers are calling for. It is clear from the text that we are by no means looking for a concept of a complete textbook of media education and coverage of all important topics except the introduction several examples from different fields usable in teaching. The publication consists of a methodological part, in which the individual field specialists of his interdisciplinary activities for the development of skills related to media education, worksheets for pupils and students usable directly in teaching and appendices, in which you will find documents and texts needed to implement the proposed activities.