k 2022

The City Council Renewal Ceremony in the Light of Council Mirrors of Late Medieval and Early Modern Times.


Základní údaje

Originální název

The City Council Renewal Ceremony in the Light of Council Mirrors of Late Medieval and Early Modern Times.




International Medieval Congress 2022, 2022

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60101 History

Stát vydavatele

Velká Británie a Severní Irsko


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organizační jednotka

Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě

Klíčová slova anglicky

Council Mirrors, Late Medieval Times, Early Modern Times, City Council Renewal Ceremony, Opava
Změněno: 29. 12. 2022 20:24, Mgr. Hana Komárková, Ph.D.


V originále

Even though the pre-modern urban society was the bearer of modernization, its functionality was based on firmly rooted and ostentatiously presented traditional principles, which was also reflected in the form and functioning of municipal institutions. As the Czech historian Josef Hrdlička emphasized in his work dedicated to the early-modern annual renewal ceremony of city council, it was precisely this election and installation ceremony that demonstrates the desirable values on which urban society structures were to be built – those that were old and traditional and represented continuity and also the newly accepted ones. In my presentation I would like to focus on the 16th century records describing city council renewal ceremony from the early modern Silesian town of Opava. In the following minutes, I will firstly introduce the approach of Czech historiography (respectively the approach of the aforementioned historian, Josef Hrdlička) towards this phenomenon and then I will introduce a mid-16th century manuscript - the Council Mirror of Opava (Ratesspiegel), where the description of the renewal ceremony of city council and the installation ceremony of other representatives of urban administration was recorded.
Zobrazeno: 10. 3. 2025 23:37