D 2022

Cosmic rays and the structure of the universe studied in Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory with citizen science

KAMIŃSKI, Robert, Janusz FIRLA, Sławomir STUGLIK, David Alvarez CASTILLO, Nikolay BUDNEV et. al.

Základní údaje

Originální název

Cosmic rays and the structure of the universe studied in Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory with citizen science


KAMIŃSKI, Robert, Janusz FIRLA, Sławomir STUGLIK, David Alvarez CASTILLO, Nikolay BUDNEV, Olaf BAR, Łukasz BIBRZYCKI, Alok Chandra GUPTA, Bohdan HNATYK, Piotr HOMOLA, Michał KARBOWIAK, Marcin KASZTELAN, Peter KOVACS, Bartosz ŁOZOWSKI, Mikhail MEDVEDEV, Alona MOZGOVA, Michał NIEDŹWIECKI, Marcin PIEKARCZYK, Matias ROSAS, Krzysztof RZECKI, Katarzyna SMELCERZ, Karel SMOLEK, Jaroslaw STASIELAK, Oleksandr SUSHCHOV, Manana SVANIDZE, Arman TURSUNOV (860 Uzbekistán, domácí), Yuri VERBETSKY, Tadeusz WIBIG a Jilberto ZAMORA-SAA


Itálie, Proceedings of Science, od s. "1370-1"-"1370-8", 8 s. 2022


Sissa Medialab Srl

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Stať ve sborníku


10308 Astronomy

Stát vydavatele



není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Forma vydání

elektronická verze "online"





Organizační jednotka

Fyzikální ústav v Opavě




Klíčová slova anglicky

Citizen science;dark matter;CREDO;high-energy particles;cosmic rays


, RIV23


Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změněno: 15. 2. 2023 11:02, Mgr. Pavlína Jalůvková


V originále

The CREDO project aims to observe sets of simultaneous global air showers, i.e. covering the entire hemisphere of the Earth. To do this, it is necessary to deploy detectors of various sizes as densely as possible across the globe. These observations are intended to help answer some basic questions of astrophysics, such as the occurrence and nature of dark matter, the sources of high-energy particles, and the structure of space-time. The method of work of the CREDO project is citizen science, i.e. participation in the project activities not only of scientists but also students, adults, organized groups of enthusiasts and individuals interested in the topic. This community also includes people with disabilities, e.g. visually impaired or blind. The synergy of these two tasks of CREDO - science and education of the society, results in an increasing and wider territorial participation of outsiders in the activities of the project and a very rapid scientific development of the project. The following text presents two aspects of the CREDO project - scientific and educational, and the state of art of the project for June 2021.
Zobrazeno: 9. 3. 2025 22:25