W 2023

The relation of a moving image with theatre, dance and architecture on the example of the IN OUT Festival


Basic information

Original name

The relation of a moving image with theatre, dance and architecture on the example of the IN OUT Festival


WOSZCZENKO, Jola and Monika HORSÁKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)



Other information



Type of outcome

Uspořádání workshopu

Field of Study

60405 Studies on Film, Radio and Television

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava

Keywords in English

theatre; dance; architecture; film; visuality; art
Změněno: 20/2/2024 12:06, Mgr. Monika Horsáková, Ph.D.


V originále

What theatre, dance and architecture is for visual creators, and what is video and film for theatre, dance and architecture creators. How is the function of theatre, dance and architecture changing in the field of influence of new media? Do strategies work in relation to other media and how? The question about the medium can also be a question about the experience/experience of teather, dance and architecture and about how it is experienced by artists, and finally audience. The decisions made by creators have a major impact on how the spectators perceive the videoworks. Do artists perceive themselves as observers registering reality or as active participants in it, consciously transforming what is found with the use of selected means of artistic expression? This was just few question about the main topic to discuss during the workshop but the core of the workshop was the screening and the analysis of works from the IN OUT FESTIVAL which is a recurring event organised by LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art in Gdańsk since 2005 (CSWŁaźnia (laznia.pl).
Displayed: 8/1/2025 08:13