BEZBAKH, Andrey (643 Russian Federation, belonging to the institution), S. G. BELOGUROV,
Vratislav CHUDOBA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), A. S. FOMICHEV, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, M. S. KHIRK, A. G. KNYAZEV, S. A. KRUPKO, B. MAUYEY, Ivan MUZALEVSKII (643 Russian Federation, belonging to the institution), E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, A. M. QUYNH, Pavel SHAROV (643 Russian Federation, belonging to the institution), R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN and R. WOLSKI