The Quality of Services from the Hotel Gong Staff's Perspective: A Case Study from Moravian Silesian region, Czech republic
PELLEŠOVÁ, Pavlína, Patrik KAJZAR, Miroslava KOSTKOVÁ a Klára VÁCLAVÍNKOVÁZákladní údaje
Originální název
The Quality of Services from the Hotel Gong Staff's Perspective: A Case Study from Moravian Silesian region, Czech republic
PELLEŠOVÁ, Pavlína (203 Česká republika, domácí), Patrik KAJZAR (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí), Miroslava KOSTKOVÁ (203 Česká republika, domácí) a Klára VÁCLAVÍNKOVÁ (203 Česká republika, domácí)
182. vyd. Çanakkale, 9th International Scientific Symposium on Business Administration Abstract and Proceeding Book, od s. 22-30, 9 s. 2024
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Stať ve sborníku
50900 5.9 Other social sciences
Stát vydavatele
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Forma vydání
elektronická verze "online"
Organizační jednotka
Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
Klíčová slova česky
kvalita; služba; personál
Klíčová slova anglicky
quality; service; staff
Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změněno: 7. 3. 2025 09:23, Miroslava Snopková
V originále
ABSTRACT The key importance of tourism businesses is their ability to attract a sufficient number of visitors to a destination. While individual businesses meet the needs of tourism participants, it is only when tourism services and products are in place that a business can be sufficiently highlighted and its potential visitor numbers increased. The aim of this case study is to examine the quality of service from the perspective of the staff at the Gong Hotel. The study focuses on the perception of service quality by the hotel staff and identifies the key factors that influence their satisfaction with the services provided in restaurant. Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina in cooperation with ISMM Gastro & HOTEL GONG ltd. conducted a joint survey focused on the staff of Hotel GONG during July, August 2023. 10 valid responses from the staff were obtained for evaluation. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey. According to the conducted research among restaurant employees, it was found that the restaurant most commonly offers Czech cuisine, followed by a selection of fast food, Czech cuisine in a modern interpretation, and also healthy meals. The beverage selection is very wide and includes all kinds of drinks. As part of the conducted research, the staff prefers to introduce into their menu especially Czech and Moravian traditional cuisine, mixed drinks, and foreign cuisine days are also essential. Factors that according to employees determine the choice of restaurant most often include the style of food presentation, the atmosphere of the place, followed by payment options with a card and the facilities of the premises.