M 2024

Okno do histórie X. Benediktíni a Skalka 1224-2024.


Basic information

Original name

Okno do histórie X. Benediktíni a Skalka 1224-2024.

Name (in English)

Window to the history X. Benedictines and Skalka 1224-2024.


ZMETÁK, Igor (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)



Other information



Type of outcome

Organization of a conference

Field of Study

60500 6.5 Other Humanities and the Arts

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Organization unit

Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava

Keywords in English

Benedictines - Benedictine monastery Skalka -monastery as a museum- historical libraries - St. Svorad and Benedict - Jan Komorovský- Broumov monastery
Changed: 25/11/2024 12:32, Mgr. Igor Zmeták, Ph.D.


V originále

Odborná konferencia - Okno do histórie X. Benediktíni a Skalka 1224-2024 - je desiatou v poradí, a pokračuje v tradícii historických konferencií, ktoré sa konali počas uplynulých ročníkov v Trenčíne, ako sprievodné podujatie medzinárodného sympózia ORA ET ARS. Cieľom je priblížiť verejnosti témy z histórie nielen pôvodného benediktínskeho kláštora na Skalke pri Trenčíne, ale na porovnanie aj z dejín iných kláštorov, či reholí, a zároveň zamerať pozornosť na každodenný život v dávno minulých storočiach.

In English

Expert Conference - Window to History X. The Benedictines and Skalka 1224-2024 - is the tenth in the series, and continues the tradition of historical conferences held during the past years in Trenčín, as a side event of the international symposium ORA ET ARS. The aim is to present to the public the topics from the history not only of the original Benedictine monastery at Skalka near Trenčín, but also from the history of other monasteries or religious orders for comparison, and at the same time to focus attention on everyday life in centuries long gone by.