J 2024

Méndez Principles on Effective Interviewing in social services – perspectives for the Czech Republic and Poland

PAVELEK, Ondřej and Denis SOLODOV

Basic information

Original name

Méndez Principles on Effective Interviewing in social services – perspectives for the Czech Republic and Poland

Name in Czech

Méndezovy zásady efektivního vedení rozhovorů v sociálních službách - perspektivy pro Českou republiku a Polsko

Name (in English)

Méndez Principles on Effective Interviewing in social services – perspectives for the Czech Republic and Poland


PAVELEK, Ondřej and Denis SOLODOV


Studia Prawnoustrojowe, Olsztyn, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, 2024, 2720-7056

Other information

Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



Organization unit

Faculty of Public Policies in Opava



Keywords (in Czech)

social welfare law, human rights, individual dignity, MéndezPrinciples on Effective Interviewing, social workers, clients, familial interview

Keywords in English

social welfare law, human rights, individual dignity, MéndezPrinciples on Effective Interviewing, social workers, clients, familial interview


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 18/12/2024 15:11, Mgr. Ondřej Pavelek, Ph.D.
Displayed: 9/1/2025 01:06