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    1. WEISS, Michaela. Superheroes and the Holocaust in American Comics. In Mahitosh Mandal and Priyanka Das. Holocaust vs. Popular CultureInterrogating Incompatibility and Universalization. 1st ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2024, p. 164-174. ISBN 978-1-032-16973-6. Available from:


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Oborová rada pro doktorské studium Anglická a americká literatura FF, UPOL, 2023 - 2028.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Vědecká rada Slezské univerzity v Opavě, 2023 - 2027.
    3. WEISS, Michaela. Členka představenstva. C.Z.A.S.E. (The Czech Association for the Study of English, 2023 - 2028.
    4. WEISS, Michaela. Free Will, Kabbalah, Human Nature, and Messiah: Chaim Cigan’s Time Cruise via Parallel Histories and Identities. In Valerie Estelle Frankel. Jewish Fantasy Worldwide: Trends in Speculative Stories from Australia to Chile. 1st ed. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023, p. 137-153. Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy. ISBN 978-1-6669-2660-6.
    5. WEISS, Michaela. Living with “the Post-Holocaust DNA”: Eleanor Reissa’s (Auto-)Biographical Translation of the European Past into American Present in The Last Survivor. In Laura Alexander. Transformations of Trauma in Women's Writing. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2023, p. 63-74. n/a. ISBN 978-1-5275-9162-2.
    6. WEISS, Michaela. Místopředsedkyně (Vice-Chair of the Internal Evaluation Board of the Silesian University in Opava). Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Slezské univerzity v Opavě, 2023 - 2027.
    7. WEISS, Michaela. Předsedkyně (Chair of the Disciplinary Committee of the Silesian Univerrsity in Opava). Disciplinární komise Slezské univerzity v Opavě, 2023 - 2027.
    8. WEISS, Michaela and Marie CRHOVÁ. Silesian Studies in English 2021: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of English and American Studies. 1st ed. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2023. ISBN 978-80-7510-556-1.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. American Literary Forms as Signs of Patriotism and Belonging in Mary Antin’s The Promised Land. Iudaica Russica. 2022, vol. 8, No 1, p. 1-11. ISSN 2657-8352. Available from:
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Odborová komisia doktorandského štúdia na Filozofickej fakulte Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, študijný program Britské a americké študiá (denná a externá forma), 2022 - 2028.
    3. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Oborová rada doktorského studijního programu English Philology na FF OSU, 2022 - 2028.
    4. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Oborová rada doktorského studijního programu Anglická filologie na FF OSU, 2022 - 2028.
    5. WEISS, Michaela. Členství v oborové radě doktorského studijního programu (Membership in the Doctoral Programme Board). Oborová rada doktorského studijního programu Anglická a americká literatura na FF OSU, 2022 - 2024.
    6. WEISS, Michaela. Local Geographies, (Dis)Placements, and Global e-Romance in Emma Donoghue’s Landing. In Milena Kaličanin and Soňa Šnircová. Representations of the Local in the Postmillennial Novel: New Voices from the Margins. 1st ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022, p. 10-24. ISBN 978-1-5275-8954-4.
    7. WEISS, Michaela. Singing Hamlet: Bob Dylan's take on the classic. Theory and Practice in English Studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita Brno, 2022, vol. 11, No 1, p. 143-150. ISSN 1805-0840.
    8. WEISS, Michaela. Tajemnice. Česká a Slovenská asociace amerikanistů, 2022 - 2028.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka redakční rady. Iudaica Russica, 2021 - 2030. ISSN 2657-8352.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Literary tourism and the shaping of space and identity in Victoria Hislop's novel The Island. Brno Studies in English. 2021, vol. 48, No 1, p. 275-288. ISSN 0524-6881. Available from:
    3. WEISS, Michaela and Miroslav URBANEC. Opera as Comics: Richard Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung in Craig P. Russell's Graphic Adaptation. OPEN LIBRARY OF HUMANITIES. CAMBRIDGE: OPEN LIBRARY HUMANITIES, 2021, vol. 7, No 2, p. 1-24. ISSN 2056-6700. Available from:
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Michaela WEISS. “Their hour will be his hour”: Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed and the Conventions of Renaissance Revenge Plays. Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2021, vol. 8, No 1, p. 80-86. ISSN 2336-3347.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Komise pro rigorózní řízení, ÚCJ, 2020 - 2027.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Liminal Spaces and Identities in Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry. In Agnieszka Mobley, Blossom N. Fondo, Iwona Filipczak. Liminality and Beyond: Conceptions of In-betweenness in American Culture and Literature. 1st ed. Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2020, p. 105-117. Scripta Humana dv. 15. ISBN 978-83-7842-436-9.
    3. WEISS, Michaela. Tradice a Experiment: Americká židovská próza v období modernismu (Tradition and Experiment: American Jewish Prose in the Period of Modernism). 1st ed. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2020, 102 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-437-3.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Americká literatura: Distanční studijní text. 1st ed. Opava, 2019, 57 pp.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Anglická literatura: Distanční studijní text. 1st ed. Opava, 2019, 48 pp.
    3. WEISS, Michaela. Beyond Time and Continents: Irena Klepfisz’s Vision of Poland, America and the Space Between. Iudaica Russica. 2019, vol. 1, No 2, p. 75-83. ISSN 2657-8352.
    4. WEISS, Michaela. Členka redakční rady. Ostrava Journal of English Philology, 2019 - 2030. ISSN 1803-8174.
    5. RYKALOVÁ, Gabriela and Michaela WEISS. Textanalysis and Interpretation / Textanalyse und –interpretation. (Textanalysis and Interpretation). 1st ed. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2019, 179 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-353-6.
    6. WEISS, Michaela. The Motif of Prison in Margaret Atwood’s The Heart Goes Last. In Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference. 2019.
    7. WEISS, Michaela. Truthiness, Collectivity, and Overlapping Subjectivities: Margaret Atwood’s Take on Current Metamodern Trends in The Heart Goes Last. SKASE Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. 2019, vol. 1, No 2, p. 11-20. ISSN 2644-5506.
    8. WEISS, Michaela. Truthiness, Collectivity, and Overlapping Subjectivities: Margaret Atwood’s Take on Current Metamodern Trends in The Heart Goes Last. In The Postmillennial Sensibility in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media II Conference. 2019.
    9. WEISS, Michaela. Úvod do literatury: Distanční studijní text. 1st ed. Opava, 2019, 48 pp.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Beyond Time and Continents: Irena Klepfisz’s Vision of Poland, America and the Space Between. In Żydzi Europy Wschodniej — literatura, kultura, historia. Sosnowiec,. 2018.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Humor and the Jewish Holocaust Trauma in Shalom Auslander’s Hope: A Tragedy. In Němčoková, Katarína , Bell, Gregory Jason. From Theory to Practice 2016: Proceedings of the eighth International Conference in Anglophone Studies. 1st ed. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2018, p. 171-178. ISBN 978-80-7454-756-0.
    3. WEISS, Michaela. The Image of American Holocaust in Symbolism and Poetry. In SILSE 2018. 2018.
    4. WEISS, Michaela. Victoria Hislop’s The Island as Tourist Fiction. In In/Outside the Frame. 2018.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. "I’m not a Woman Writer": Feminisms and the Trouble with Labels. In Michaela Weiss, Gabriela Rykalová. Modern Approaches to Text Analysis and Interpretation; Moderne Herangehensweisen an die Textanalyse und -Interpretation. 1st ed. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2017, p. 120-133. ISBN 978-80-7510-249-2.
    2. WEISS, Michaela. Multilingualism in American Jewish Literature: Irena Klepfisz’s Yiddish Revival. In Joanna Stolarek, Jaroslaw Wilinski. Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Literature and Language. 1st ed. San Diego: Academic Publishing, 2017, p. 67-87. ISBN 978-1-68346-101-2.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English), 2014 - 2028.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. Salzburg Global Seminar, 2009 - 2030.


    1. WEISS, Michaela. Členka. European Association for American Studies, 2008 - 2030.
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Displayed: 5/5/2024 11:23