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    1. MATULA, Kamil and Anna NOVOTNÁ. AI and Society: Myths and Facts. In System and Ethical Approaches 2024. 2024.
    2. MATULA, Kamil. AI video generation. In System and Ethical Approaches: Prompt Engineering. 2024.
    3. BLAHUTA, Jiří, Tomáš SOUKUP, Jiří KOZEL and Jiří MARTINŮ. An OCR-based application using Tesseract engine to extract text information from ultrasound B-MODE images. Online. In Ciencialová, Lucie, Martin Holeňa, Róbert Jajcay, Tatiana Jajcayová, Martin Mačaj, František Mráz, Richard Ostertág, Dana Pardubská, Martin Plátek, Martin Stanek. Proceedings of the 24th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2024). 3792nd ed. Neuveden: CEUR-WS, 2024, p. 105-110. ISSN 1613-0073.
    4. KORČÁK, Jiří, Kamil MATULA, Richard A. NOVÁK, Anna NOVOTNÁ, David PAVLŮ and Tomáš SIGMUND. Digitalizace malých a mikropodniků v regionech (Digitisation of small and micro enterprises in the regions). Praha: Aspen Institute Central Europe, 2024, 64 pp.
    5. MATULA, Kamil. Generování textu, obrazu, videa (Text, Image, Video generation). In Prompt Engineering Masterclass. 2024.
    6. CIENCIALOVÁ, Lucie and Luděk CIENCIALA. Models of P Colonies. Online. In Ciencialová, Lucie, Martin Holeňa, Róbert Jajcay, Tatiana Jajcayová, Martin Mačaj, František Mráz, Richard Ostertág, Dana Pardubská, Martin Plátek, Martin Stanek. Proceedings of the 24th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2024). 3792nd ed. Neuveden: CEUR-WS, 2024, p. 129-135. ISSN 1613-0073.
    7. LANGER, Miroslav, Daniel VALENTA and Pawan Kumar PATNAIK. On simulation of the 2D P colony with evolving environment. Journal of Membrane Computing. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024, vol. 2024, May, p. 1-11. ISSN 2523-8906. Available from:
    8. TAUFROVÁ, Nikol. Postoje českých knihovnických spolků k problematice LGBT+ (Attitudes of Czech library associations towards LGBT+ issues). Knihovna plus. Praha: Národní knihovna ČR, 2024, vol. 2024, No 2, p. 1-7. ISSN 1801-5948.
    9. MATULA, Kamil. Publikování v době velkých jazykových modelů (Publishing in the era of big language models). Online. In Timko, Marek. Kompendium knihovnictví 3. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Moravskoslezská vědecká knihovna v Ostravě, 2024, p. 253-296. ISBN 978-80-7054-345-0.
    10. CIENCIALOVÁ, Lucie, Michael J. DINNEEN, Radu NICOLESCU and Luděk CIENCIALA. Solving QUBO problems with cP systems. Journal of Membrane Computing. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024, vol. 6, 17 May 2024, p. 202-210. ISSN 2523-8906. Available from:
    11. PAUL, Prithwineel and Petr SOSÍK. Solving the SAT problem using spiking neural P systems with coloured spikes and division rules. Journal of Membrane Computing. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024, vol. 6, No 3, p. 222-233. ISSN 2523-8906. Available from:
    12. NOVÁK, Richard Antonín, Anna NOVOTNÁ and Kamil MATULA. Systems and Ethical Approaches: Prompt Engineering. 2024.
    13. VAVREČKOVÁ, Šárka. Transferable Programs and Reactions for Modeling IoT Network. Online. In Ciencialová, Lucie, Martin Holeňa, Róbert Jajcay, Tatiana Jajcayová, Martin Mačaj, František Mráz, Richard Ostertág, Dana Pardubská, Martin Plátek, Martin Stanek. Proceedings of the 24th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2024). 3792nd ed. Neuveden: CEUR-WS, 2024, p. 111-120. ISSN 1613-0073.
    14. LANGER, Miroslav, Daniel VALENTA and Petr SOSÍK. 2D P Colony for Vicinity Search Optimisation. In 25th Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC 2024). 2024.


    1. CIENCIALOVÁ, Lucie, Luděk CIENCIALA and Erzsébet CSUHAJ-VARJÚ. Language Classes of Extended Distributed Reaction Systems. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2023, Neuveden, 4 July 2023, p. 1-24. ISSN 0129-0541. Available from:
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Displayed: 9/3/2025 22:38