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    1. GINTNER, Mikuláš and Josef JURÁŇ. A case study about the mass exclusion limits for the BSM vector resonances with the direct couplings to the third quark generation. The European Physical Journal C. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 80, No 2, p. "161-1"-"161-21", 21 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    2. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Michal BEJGER, Eric GOURGOULHON and Odele STRAUB. A Galactic centre gravitational-wave Messenger. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020, vol. 10, No 1, p. "7054-1"-"7054-6", 6 pp. ISSN 2045-2322. Available from:
    3. WOLF, M. and Hana KUČÁKOVÁ. A photometric study of HAT 141-03513: another twin of the V361 Lyr system. NEW ASTRONOMY. 2020, vol. 80, October, p. "101415-1"-"101415-4", 4 pp. ISSN 1384-1076. Available from:
    4. PARIMUCHA, S., P. A. DUBOVSKY, I. KUDZEJ, V. BREUS and Karol PETRÍK. About the dependency of the spin maxima on orbital phase in the intermediate polar MU Cam. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2020, vol. 50, No 2, p. 618-620. ISSN 1335-1842. Available from:
    5. BORMOTOVA, Iryna, Olena KOPTĚVA, Maria CHURILOVA and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Accelerated expansion of the universe from the perspective of inhomogeneous cosmology. International Journal of Modern Physics A. SG - Singapurská republika, 2020, vol. 35, 2-3, p. "2040037-1"-"2040037-4", 4 pp. ISSN 0217-751X. Available from:
    6. CHURILOVA, Maria, Roman KONOPLYA and A. ZHIDENKO. Arbitrarily long-lived quasinormal modes in a wormhole background. Physics Letters B. 2020, vol. 802, March, p. "135207-1"-"135207-5", 5 pp. ISSN 0370-2693. Available from:
    7. OVALLE ARAYA, Jorge Iván and Roberto CASADIO. Beyond Einstein Gravity: The Minimal Geometric Deformation Approach in the Brane-World. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, 121 pp. 1st ed. ISBN 978-3-030-39492-9. Available from:
    8. CHURILOVA, Maria. Black holes in Einstein-aether theory: Quasinormal modes and time-domain evolution. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 2, p. "024076-1"-"024076-10", 10 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    9. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. Black holes in the four-dimensional Einstein-Lovelock gravity. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 8, p. "084038-1"-"084038-5", 5 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    10. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. BTZ black holes with higher curvature corrections in the 3D Einstein-Lovelock gravity. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 6, p. "064004-1"-"064004-8", 8 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    11. CREMASCHINI, Claudio and Massimo TESSAROTTO. Classical Variational Theory of the Cosmological Constant and Its Consistency with Quantum Prescription. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 4, p. "633-1"-"633-16", 16 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    12. PUGLIESE, Daniela and G. MONTANI. Constraining LQG Graph with Light Surfaces: Properties of BH Thermodynamics for Mini-Super-Space, Semi-Classical Polymeric BH. Entropy. 2020, vol. 22, No 4, p. "402-1"-"402-31", 31 pp. ISSN 1099-4300. Available from:
    13. HOMOLA, Piotr, Dmitriy BEZNOSKO, Gopal BHATTA, Lukasz BIBRZYCKI, Michalina BORCZYNSKA, Lukasz BRATEK, Nikolay BUDNEV, Dariusz BURAKOWSKI, David E. ALVAREZ-CASTILLO, Kevin ALMEIDA CHEMINANT, Aleksander CWIKLA, Punsiri DAM-O, Niraj DHITAL, Alan R. DUFFY, Piotr GLOWNIA, Krzysztof GORZKIEWICZ, Dariusz GORA, Alok C. GUPTA, Zuzana HLAVKOVA, Martin HOMOLA, Joanna JALOCHA, Robert KAMINSKI, Michal KARBOWIAK, Marcin KASZTELAN, Renata KIEREPKO, Marek KNAP, Peter KOVACS, Szymon KULINSKI, Bartosz LOZOWSKI, Marek MAGRYS, Mikhail V. MEDVEDEV, Justyna MEDRALA, Jerzy W. MIETELSKI, Justyna MISZCZYK, Alona MOZGOVA, Antonio NAPOLITANO, Vahab NAZARI, Y. Jack NG, Michal NIEDZWIECKI, Cristina OANCEA, Boguslaw OGAN, Gabriela OPILA, Krzysztof OZIOMEK, Maciej PAWLIK, Marcin PIEKARCZYK, Boezna PONCYLJUSZ, Jerzy PRYGA, Matias ROSAS, Krzysztof RZECKI, Jilberto ZAMORA-SAA, Katarzyna SMELCERZ, Karel SMOLEK, Weronika STANEK, Jaroslaw STASIELAK, Slawomir STUGLIK, Jolanta SULMA, Oleksandr SUSHCHOV, Manana SVANIDZE, Kyle M. TAM, Arman TURSUNOV, Jose M. VAQUERO, Tadeusz WIBIG and Krzysztof W. WOZNIAK. Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 11, p. "1835-1"-"1835-55", 55 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    14. ZASCHE, P., Z. HENZL, H. LEHMANN, J. PEPPER, B. P. POWELL, V. B. KOSTOV, T. BARCLAY, M. WOLF, Hana KUČÁKOVÁ, R. UHLAR, M. MASEK, S. PALAFOUTA, K. GAZEAS, K. G. STASSUN, B. S. GAUDI, J. E RODRIGUEZ and D. J. STEVENS. CzeV1731: The unique doubly eclipsing quadruple system. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2020, vol. 642, October, p. "A63-1"-"A63-5", 5 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    15. PÁNIS, Radim, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Detection of chaotic behavior in time series. In Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 221-231. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    16. MUZALEVSKII, Ivan, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Sergey G. BELOGUROV, Andrey BEZBAKH, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, S. A. KRUPKO, E. M. GAZEEVA, M. S. GOLOVKOV, Alexander V. GORSHKOV, Leonid V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMIŃSKI, O. A. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, Mikhail Yu KOZLOV, Bakytbek MAUYEY, Ivan G. MUKHA, E. Yu NIKOLSKII, Yu L. PARFENÔVA, W. PIĄTEK, A. M. QUYNH, V. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, Sergey V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, Gurgen M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI and B. ZALEWSKI. Detection of the Low Energy Recoil He-3 in the Reaction H-2(He-8,He-3)H-7. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020, vol. 84, No 4, p. 500-504. ISSN 1062-8738. Available from:
    17. BHATTA, Gopal, Radim PÁNIS and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Deterministic Aspect of the gamma-Ray Variability in Blazars. Astrophysical Journal. 2020, vol. 905, No 2, p. "160-1"-"160-15", 15 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    18. WOLF, M., M. MASEK, P. ZASCHE, Hana KUČÁKOVÁ and K. HORNOCH. DX Cygni: A triple system with mass transfer. NEW ASTRONOMY. 2020, vol. 76, April, p. "101336-1"-"101336-5", 5 pp. ISSN 1384-1076. Available from:
    19. POSADA AGUIRRE, Nelson Camilo, Jan HLADÍK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Dynamical instability of polytropic spheres in spacetimes with a cosmological constant. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 102, No 2, p. "024056-1"-"024056-15", 15 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    20. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Javlon RAYIMBAEV, Bobur TURIMOV and Farruh ATAMUROTOV. Dynamics of magnetized particles around 4-D Einstein Gauss-Bonnet black hole. Physics of the Dark Universe. 2020, vol. 30, December, p. "100715-1"-"100715-11", 11 pp. ISSN 2212-6864. Available from:
    21. TURSUNOV, Arman, Michal ZAJACEK, Andreas ECKART, Martin KOLOŠ, Silke BRITZEN, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bozena CZERNY and Vladimír KARAS. Effect of Electromagnetic Interaction on Galactic Center Flare Components. Astrophysical Journal. 2020, vol. 897, No 1, p. "99-1"-"99-22", 22 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    22. PUGLIESE, Daniela and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Effects of polytropic equations of state and toroidal magnetic fields on the accreting tori sequences in ringed accretion disks. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 245-255. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    23. BRONNIKOV, Kirill A. and Roman KONOPLYA. Echoes in brane worlds: Ringing at a black hole-wormhole transition. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 6, p. "064004-1"-"064004-9", 9 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    24. TAHAMTAN, Tayebeh. Einstein–Scalar field–Square root Nonlinear Electrodynamics solution. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 317-326. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    25. KONOPLYA, Roman, Thomas PAPPAS and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet black holes: Analytical approximation for the metric and applications to calculations of shadows. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 4, p. "044054-1"-"044054-20", 20 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    26. HENSH, Sudipta, Arman TURSUNOV, Martin URBANEC and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Electrostatic Effects on the Hydrostatic Equilibrium of Compact Stars. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 29-37. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    27. PUGLIESE, Daniela and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Embedded BHs and multipole globules: clustered misaligned thick accretion disks around static SMBHs. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2020, vol. 37, No 19, p. "195025-1"-"195025-61", 61 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    28. SLANÝ, Petr and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Equatorial circular orbits in Kerr-Newman-de Sitter spacetimes. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 6, p. "587-1"-"587-15", 15 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    29. HABRMAN, Petr. Evaluating inorganic compounds as air substitute materials in photon irradiation. Journal of Instrumentation. 2020, vol. 15, No 8, p. "P08007-1"-"P08007-10", 10 pp. ISSN 1748-0221. Available from:
    30. BEZBAKH, Andrey, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Sergey KRUPKO, G. BELOGUROV, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, O. A. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, M. Yu. KOZLOV, B. MAUYEY, I. MUKHA, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, Yu. L. PARFENOVA, W. PIATEK, A. M. QUYNH, V. N. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI, B. ZALEWSKI and M. V. ZHUKOV. Evidence for the First Excited State of H-7. Physical Review Letters. 2020, vol. 124, No 2, p. "022502-1"-"022502-5", 5 pp. ISSN 0031-9007. Available from:
    31. ZASCHE, P., M. WOLF, Hana KUČÁKOVÁ, J. KARA, J. MERC, M. ZEJDA, M. SKARKA, J. JANIK and P. KURFUERST. First apsidal motion and light curve analysis of 162 eccentric eclipsing binaries from LMC. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2020, vol. 640, August, p. "A33-1"-"A33-25", 25 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    32. SAMEC, Pavel, Miloš ZAPLETAL and Matěj HORÁČEK. Forest Transformation Urgency for Topsoil Diversity Optimization during Environmental Change. Journal of Landscape Ecology. 2020, vol. 13, No 3, p. 79-106. ISSN 1805-4196. Available from:
    33. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. General parametrization of black holes: The only parameters that matter. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 12, p. "124004-1"-"124004-7", 7 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    34. KONOPLYA, Roman, Thomas PAPPAS and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. General parametrization of higher-dimensional black holes and its application to Einstein-Lovelock theory. Physical Review D. COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2020, vol. 102, No 8, p. "084043-1"-"084043-14", 14 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    35. DE FALCO, Vittorio, Emmanuele BATTISTA, Salvatore CAPOZZIELLO and Mariafelicia DE LAURENTIS. General relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect to diagnose wormholes existence: Static and spherically symmetric case. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 10, p. "104037-1"-"104037-16", 16 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    36. KONOPLYA, Roman and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Grey-body factors and Hawking radiation of black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Physics Letters B. 2020, vol. 810, November 2020, p. "810-1"-"810-7", 7 pp. ISSN 0370-2693. Available from:
    37. BAKALA, Pavel, Jan DOČEKAL and Zuzana TUROŇOVÁ. Habitable Zones around Almost Extremely Spinning Black Holes (Black Sun Revisited). Astrophysical Journal. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2020, vol. 889, No 1, p. "41-1"-"41-9", 9 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    38. VRBA, Jaroslav, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Martin KOLOŠ, Bobomurat AHMEDOV, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Javlon RAYIMBAEV. Charged and magnetized particles motion in the field of generic singular black holes governed by general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 12, p. "124039-1"-"124039-19", 19 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    39. KOVÁŘ, Jiří, Yasufumi KOJIMA, Petr SLANÝ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Vladimír KARAS. Charged fluids encircling compact objects: force representations and conformal geometries. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2020, vol. 37, No 24, p. "245007-1"-"245007-21", 21 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    40. SHAYMATOV, Sanjar, Jaroslav VRBA, Daniele MALAFARINA, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Charged particle and epicyclic motions around 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black hole immersed in an external magnetic field. PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE. 2020, vol. 30, December 2020, p. "100648-1"-"100648-10", 10 pp. ISSN 2212-6864. Available from:
    41. BOBOQAMBAROVA, Madina, Bobur TURIMOV and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Charged particle dynamics in the vicinity of Reissner-Nordström black hole. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 1-9. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    42. KOLOŠ, Martin, Dilshodbek BARDIEV and Bakhtinur JURAEV. Charged particle motion around Schwarzschild black hole with split monopole magnetosphere. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 145-152. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    43. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Martin KOLOŠ, Jiří KOVÁŘ, Petr SLANÝ and Arman TURSUNOV. Influence of Cosmic Repulsion and Magnetic Fields on Accretion Disks Rotating around Kerr Black Holes. Universe. 2020, vol. 6, No 2, p. "26-1"-"26-75", 75 pp. ISSN 2218-1997. Available from:
    44. TROVA, Audrey, Eva HACKMANN, Vladimír KARAS, Kris SCHROVEN, Jiří KOVÁŘ and Petr SLANÝ. Influence of test charge and uniform magnetic field on charged fluid equilibrium structures. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 8, p. "083027-1"-"083027-12", 12 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    45. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. (In)stability of black holes in the 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet and Einstein-Lovelock gravities. PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE. 2020, vol. 30, December 2020, p. "100697-1"-"100697-7", 7 pp. ISSN 2212-6864. Available from:
    46. PUGLIESE, Daniela and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Limiting effects in clusters of misaligned toroids orbiting static SMBHs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020, vol. 493, No 3, p. 4229-4255, 31 pp. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    47. LICHARD, Peter. Manifestation of kaonium in the e(+) e(-) -> K+ K- process. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 11, p. "111501-1"-"111501-5", 5 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    48. ECKART, Andreas, Arman TURSUNOV, M. ZAJACEK, M. PARSA, E. HOSSEINI, M. SUBROWEIT, F. PEISSKER, C. STRAUBMEIER, M. HORROBIN and Vladimír KARAS. Mass, Distance, Spin, Charge, and Orientation of the super massive black hole SgrA*. Online. In Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources – II (APCS2018) - Accretion onto White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars & Black Holes. Trieste, Italy: Published by Sissa Medialab, 2020, p. 1-11. ISSN 1824-8039. Available from:
    49. ZAPLETAL, Miloš, Vít KAŠPAR, Jiří BÍLEK, Pavel SAMEC, Pavlína VÍCHOVÁ, Stanislav JURÁŇ and Jan HLADÍK. Modelování záchytu emisí látek znečišťujících ovzduší stávající a navrhovanou vegetací v okolí průmyslového podniku (Modeling of the Capture of Air Pollutants in the Vicinity of an Industrial Enterprise). In Mačala, Jozef; Buryan, Petr; Burda, Cyril; Carach, Viliam; Dědič, Kurt; Fischerová, Gabriela; Jedlička, Jiří; Kocunová, Zuzana; Ladomerský, Juraj; Lukáčková, Blanka; Malichár, Pavol; Motaj, Martin; Szemesová, Janka; Šoltés, Jozef. Ochrana ovzdušia 2020. Bratislava, Slovenská republika: Kongres STUDIO, spol. s r. o., 2020, p. 70-78. ISBN 978-80-89565-45-0.
    50. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Jiří HORÁK, Odele STRAUB, Debora LANČOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Marek ABRAMOWICZ. Models of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations and black hole spin estimates in Galactic microquasars. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2020, vol. 643, October, p. "A31-1"-"A31-9", 9 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    51. LA PLACA, Riccardo, Luigi STELLA, Alessandro PAPITTO, Pavel BAKALA, Tiziana DI SALVO, Maurizio FALANGA, Vittorio DE FALCO and Alessandra DE ROSA. Neutron Star Radius-to-mass Ratio from Partial Accretion Disk Occultation as Measured through Fe K alpha Line Profiles. Astrophysical Journal. 2020, vol. 893, No 2, p. "129-1"-"129-12", 12 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    52. URBANEC, Martin and Martin FUZIK. Neutron stars with quark cores. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 343-350. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    53. DE FALCO, Vittorio. New approaches to the general relativistic poynting-robertson effect. Emerging Science Journal. 2020, vol. 4, No 3, p. 214-227. ISSN 2610-9182. Available from:
    54. KRIVORUCHENKO, Mikhail I. and Arman TURSUNOV. Noether's Theorem in Non-Local Field Theories. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 1, p. "35-1"-"35-13", 13 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    55. TURIMOV, Bobur, Bobir TOSHMATOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. On magnetized orbits around Schwarzschild black hole. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 337-342. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    56. PUGLIESE, Daniela and Hernando QUEVEDO. On the metric bundles of axially symmetric spacetimes. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 233-243. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    57. MATUSZKOVÁ, Monika, Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ, Gabriela URBANCOVÁ, Debora LANČOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Oscillations of non-slender tori in the Hartle-Thorne external geometry. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 185-201. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    58. GIALAMAS, Ioannis D., Alexandros KARAM, Angelos LYKKAS and Thomas PAPPAS. Palatini-Higgs inflation with nonminimal derivative coupling. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 6, p. "063522-1"-"063522-14", 14 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    59. RAYIMBAEV, Javlon, Bobur TURIMOV, Figueroa MARCOS, Satimbay PALVANOV and Azamkhan RAKHMATOV. Particle acceleration and electromagnetic field of deformed neutron stars. Modern Physics Letters A. 2020, vol. 35, No 9, p. "2050056-1"-"2050056-23", 23 pp. ISSN 0217-7323. Available from:
    60. JURAEV, Bakhtinur and Arman TURSUNOV. Particle ionization near weakly charged black hole. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 97-106. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    61. LICHARD, Peter. Pionium as a source of false events in the K -> pi nu(nu)over-bar, decays. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 102, No 11, p. "113005-1"-"113005-5", 5 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    62. WOLF, M., Hana KUČÁKOVÁ, P. ZASCHE, L. SMELCER, K. HORNOCH, K. HONKOVA, Jakub JURYŠEK, M. MASEK and M. LEHKY. Possible companions in low-mass eclipsing binaries: V380 Dra, BX Tri, and V642 Vir. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2020, vol. 50, No 2, p. 637-641. ISSN 1335-1842. Available from:
    63. LICHARD, Peter. Possible manifestation of the 2p pionium in particle physics processes. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 7, p. "073004-1"-"073004-11", 11 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    64. DE FALCO, Vittorio and Emmanuele BATTISTA. Poynting-Robertson effect as a dissipative system in general relativity. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 6, p. "064040-1"-"064040-13", 13 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    65. KONOPLYA, Roman. Quantum corrected black holes: Quasinormal modes, scattering, shadows. Physics Letters B. 2020, vol. 804, May, p. "135363-1"-"135363-6", 6 pp. ISSN 0370-2693. Available from:
    66. SVITEK, O., Tayebeh TAHAMTAN and Adamantia ZAMPELI. Quantum fate of timelike naked singularity with scalar hair. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 2020, vol. 418, July, p. "168195-1"-"168195-18", 18 pp. ISSN 0003-4916. Available from:
    67. HUBAČ, Ivan, Filip BLASCHKE, Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK, Miloslav ŠVEC and Stephen WILSON. Quantum information in biomolecules: transcription and replication of DNA using a soliton model. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 55-71. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    68. CREMASCHINI, Claudio and Massimo TESSAROTTO. Quantum-Gravity Screening Effect of the Cosmological Constant in the DeSitter Space-Time. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 4, p. "531-1"-"531-17", 17 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    69. CREMASCHINI, Claudio and Massimo TESSAROTTO. Quantum-Gravity Stochastic Effects on the de Sitter Event Horizon. Entropy. 2020, vol. 22, No 6, p. "696-1"-"696-22", 22 pp. ISSN 1099-4300. Available from:
    70. KONOPLYA, Roman, Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Quasinormal modes and Hawking radiation of black holes in cubic gravity. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 4, p. "044023-1"-"044023-11", 11 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    71. CHURILOVA, Maria and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Quasinormal modes of black holes in 5D Gauss-Bonnet gravity combined with non-linear electrodynamics. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 2020, vol. 418, July, p. "168181-1"-"168181-13", 13 pp. ISSN 0003-4916. Available from:
    72. KONOPLYA, Roman and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Quasinormal modes, stability and shadows of a black hole in the 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 11, p. "1049-1"-"1049-13", 13 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    73. KOLOŠ, Martin, Misbah SHAHZADI and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Quasi-periodic oscillations around Kerr-MOG black holes. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 2, p. "133-1"-"133-12", 12 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    74. HLADÍK, Jan, Nelson Camilo POSADA AGUIRRE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Radial instability of trapping polytropic spheres. International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2020, vol. 29, No 5, p. "2050030-1"-"2050030-20", 20 pp. ISSN 0218-2718. Available from:
    75. WIELGUS, Maciek, Jiří HORÁK, Frederic VINCENT and Marek ABRAMOWICZ. Reflection-asymmetric wormholes and their double shadows. Physical Review D. COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2020, vol. 102, No 8, p. "084044-1"-"084044-9", 9 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    76. CHURILOVA, Maria and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Ringing of the regular black-hole/wormhole transition. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2020, vol. 37, No 7, p. "075014-1"-"075014-12", 12 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    77. TAHAMTAN, Tayebeh. Scalar hairy black holes in the presence of nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 12, p. "124023-1"-"124023-10", 10 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    78. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. Simply rotating higher dimensional black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 8, p. "084030-1"-"084030-13", 13 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    79. KOLOŠ, Martin and Agnieszka JANIUK. Simulations of black hole accretion torus in various magnetic field configurations. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 153-164. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    80. BLASCHKE, Filip, Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK and Petr BENES. Solitons in the Peyrard-Bishop model of DNA and the Renormalization Group method. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2020, vol. 2020, No 6, p. "063J02-1"-"063J02-21", 21 pp. ISSN 2050-3911. Available from:
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    82. DE FALCO, Vittorio and Pavel BAKALA. Stable attractors in the three-dimensional general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 2, p. "024025-1"-"024025-12", 12 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    84. SUBEBEKOVA, G., S. ZHARIKOV, G. TOVMASSIAN, V. NEUSTROEV, M. WOLF, M-S HERNANDEZ, Hana KUČÁKOVÁ and S. KHOKHLOV. Structure of accretion flows in the nova-like cataclysmic variable RW Tri. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020, vol. 497, No 2, p. 1475-1487, 14 pp. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    85. BEZBAKH, Andrey, Sergey BELOGUROV, David BIARÉ, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Andrey S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, M. S. GOLOVKOV, Alexander V. GORSHKOV, G. KAMIŃSKI, Sergei A. KRUPKO, Bakytbek MAUYEY, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu NIKOLSKII, Yu L. PARFENÔVA, W. PIĄTEK, A. M. QUYNH, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, Sergey V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, Gurgen M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI and B. ZALEWSKI. Study of Li-10 Low Energy Spectrum in the H-2(L-9i, p) Reaction. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020, vol. 84, No 4, p. 491-494. ISSN 1062-8738. Available from:
    86. TURSUNOV, Arman, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Martin KOLOŠ, Naresh DADHICH and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Supermassive Black Holes as Possible Sources of Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Rays. Astrophysical Journal. 2020, vol. 895, No 1, p. "14-1"-"14-11", 11 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    87. TURIMOV, Bobur, Javlon RAYIMBAEV, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Test particle motion around a black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 6, p. "064052-1"-"064052-14", 14 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    88. RAYIMBAEV, Javlon, Marcos FIGUEROA, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bakhtinur JURAEV. Test particle orbits around regular black holes in general relativity combined with nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 10, p. "104045-1"-"104045-22", 22 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    89. TESSAROTTO, Massimo and Claudio CREMASCHINI. The Heisenberg Indeterminacy Principle in the Context of Covariant Quantum Gravity. Entropy. 2020, vol. 22, No 11, p. "1209-1"-"1209-25", 25 pp. ISSN 1099-4300. Available from:
    90. PAPITTO, A., M. FALANGA, W. HERMSEN, S. MEREGHETTI, L. KUIPER, J. POUTANEN, E. BOZZO, F. AMBROSINO, F. COTI ZELATI, Vittorio DE FALCO, D. DE MARTINO, T. DI SALVO, P. ESPOSITO, C. FERRIGNO, M. FOROT, D. GÖTZ, C. GOUIFFES, R. IARIA, P. LAURENT, J. LI, Z. LI, T. MINEO, P. MORAN, A. NERONOV, A. PAIZIS, N. REA, A. RIGGIO, A. SANNA, V. SAVCHENKO, A. SŁOWIKOWSKA, A. SHEARER, A. TIENGO and D. F. TORRES. The INTEGRAL view of the pulsating hard X-ray sky: from accreting and transitional millisecond pulsars to rotation-powered pulsars and magnetars. New Astronomy Reviews. 2020, vol. 91, December, p. "101544-1"-"101544-26", 26 pp. ISSN 1387-6473. Available from:
    91. CREMASCHINI, Claudio and Massimo TESSAROTTO. The Wave-Front Equation of Gravitational Signals in Classical General Relativity. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 2, p. "216-1"-"216-25", 25 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    92. DE FALCO, Vittorio, Pavel BAKALA and Maurizio FALANGA. Three-dimensional general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect. III. Static and nonspherical quadrupolar massive source. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 101, No 12, p. "124031-1"-"124031-16", 16 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    93. BIBRZYCKI, Lukasz, Dariusz BURAKOWSKI, Piotr HOMOLA, Marcin PIEKARCZYK, Michal NIEDZWIECKI, Krzysztof RZECKI, Slawomir STUGLIK, Arman TURSUNOV, Bohdan HNATYK, David E. Alvarez CASTILLO, Katarzyna SMELCERZ, Jaroslaw STASIELAK, Alan R. DUFFY, Leonie CHEVALIER, Eman ALI, Lewis LAKERINK, Poole POOLE, T. WIBIG and Jilberto ZAMORA-SAA. Towards A Global Cosmic Ray Sensor Network: CREDO Detector as the First Open-Source Mobile Application Enabling Detection of Penetrating Radiation. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, No 11, p. "1802-1"-"1802-17", 17 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    94. VRBA, Jaroslav, Martin URBANEC, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and John MILLER. Trapping of null geodesics in slowly rotating spacetimes. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 11, p. "1065-1"-"1065-20", 20 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    95. TURSUNOV, Arman, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Uhecr acceleration capabilities of the nearby supermassive black holes. Online. In Dzubinska A.,Reiffers M. 20th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Proceedings. Košice, Slovensko: Slovak Physical Society, Czech Physical Society, 2020, p. 181-185. ISBN 978-80-89855-13-1.
    96. CHIRENTI, Cecilia, Nelson Camilo POSADA AGUIRRE and Victor GUEDES. Where is Love? Tidal deformability in the black hole compactness limit. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2020, vol. 37, No 19, p. "195017-1"-"195017-15", 15 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    97. KUČÁKOVÁ, Hana. WHOO! - White Hole Observatory Opava. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2020, vol. 50, No 2, p. 398-399. ISSN 1335-1842. Available from:
    98. KONOPLYA, Roman and Olexandr ZHYDENKO. 4D Einstein-Lovelock black holes: Hierarchy of orders in curvature. Physics Letters B. 2020, vol. 807, August, p. "135607-1"-"135607-7", 7 pp. ISSN 0370-2693. Available from:
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