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    1. BEZBAKH, Andrey, S. G. BELOGUROV, Vratislav CHUDOBA, A. S. FOMICHEV, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, M. S. KHIRK, A. G. KNYAZEV, S. A. KRUPKO, B. MAUYEY, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, A. M. QUYNH, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN and R. WOLSKI. Detector Array for the <sup>7</sup>H Nucleus Multi-Neutron Decay Study. PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS. 2023, vol. 20, No 4, p. 629-636. ISSN 1547-4771. Available from:
    2. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Martina BARTOŇOVÁ, Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ and Kamila NÁVRATOVÁ. Odhalená tajemství středověkých receptářů (Secrets of medieval recipe books revealed). In Noc vědců 2023: Tajemství. Opava: Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2023.
    3. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Martina BARTOŇOVÁ, Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ, Kristýna KIRSCHNEROVÁ, Karolína KREMPL KIRSCHNEROVÁ and Ondřej HANIČÁK. Projevy socio-kulturně podmíněných mentalit v historickém kontextu (Demonstration of mentality given by socio-cultral status in historical context). Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2023.
    4. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ and Martina BARTOŇOVÁ. Rybí kuchyně. Tradice a moderní inspirace pro domácí zážitkové vaření (Fish cuisine. Tradition and modern inspiration for private experience cooking). 2023.
    5. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Martina BARTOŇOVÁ and Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ. S knížaty u stolu. Komentovaná ochutnávka pokrnů připravených dle dobových receptů - vernisáž výstavy (With the princes at the table. Guided tasting of dishes prepared according to period recipes - opening of the exhibition). In S knížaty u stolu. Výstava o kuchyni a kultuře stolování na středověkých vévodských dvorech v Opavě a Ratiboři. Opava: Opavská kulturní organizace (OKO), 2023.
    6. PETRÁSEK, Martin, Jiří KOVÁŘ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Stationary observers in Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes. International Journal of Modern Physics D. SG - Singapurská republika, 2023, vol. 32, No 12, p. "2350084-1"-"2350084-18", 18 pp. ISSN 0218-2718. Available from:
    7. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Martina BARTOŇOVÁ and Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ. Středověká šlechtická kuchyně (Medieval aristocratic cuisine). 2023.
    8. NIKOLSKII, E. Yu., Ivan MUZALEVSKII, S. A. KRUPKO, Andrey BEZBAKH, Vratislav CHUDOBA, S. G. BELOGUROV, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, M. KHIRK, O. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, M. Yu. KOZLOV, B. MAUYEY, I. MUKHA, Yu. L. PARFENOVA, A. M. QUYNH, V. N. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, P. G. SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI and M. V. ZHUKOV. Study of proton and deuteron pickup reactions (d,3He), (d,4He) with 8He and 10Be radioactive beams at ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS. 2023, vol. 541, August 2023, p. 121-125. ISSN 0168-583X. Available from:
    9. KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Irena, Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ, Martina BARTOŇOVÁ and Kamila NÁVRATOVÁ. Z kuchyně našich předků: zbytkové vaření (From the kitchen of our ancestors: leftover cooking). In Ostravská muzejní noc 2023. Ostrava: Muzeu potravin a zemědělských strojů, pobočka Národního zemědělského muzea v Ostravě, 2023.


    1. BLASCHKE, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Sudipta HENSH. Evolution of braneworld Kerr-Newman naked singularities. Physical Review D. 2022, vol. 105, No 8, p. "084069-1"-"084069-14", 14 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    2. NIKOLSKII, E. Yu., Ivan MUZALEVSKII, Andrey BEZBAKH, Vratislav CHUDOBA, S. A. KRUPKO, S. G. BELOGUROV, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, M. KHIRK, O. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, M. Yu.. KOZLOV, B. MAUYEY, I. MUKHA, Yu. PARFENOVA, W. PIATEK, A.M. QUYNH, V. N. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, N. B. SHULGINA, R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, A.. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI, B. ZALEWSKI and M. V. ZHUKOV. H-6 states studied in the H-2(He-8, He-4) reaction and evidence of an extremely correlated character of the( 5)H ground state. Physical Review C. 2022, vol. 105, No 6, p. "064605-1"-"064605-15", 15 pp. ISSN 2469-9985. Available from:
    3. HENSH, Sudipta, Jan SCHEE, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Strong gravitational lensing around Kehagias-Sfetsos compact objects surrounded by plasma. European Physical Journal Plus. DE - Spolková republika Německo, 2022, vol. 137, No 2, p. "242-1"-"242-9", 9 pp. ISSN 2190-5444. Available from:


    1. BRITZEN, S., C. FENDT, A. TRAMACERE, I. N. PASHCHENKO, F. JARON, Radim PÁNIS, L. PETROV, M. F. ALLER, H. D. ALLER, Michal ZAJACEK and L. C. POPOVIC. A ring accelerator? Unusual jet dynamics in the IceCube candidate PKS 1502+106. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2021, vol. 503, No 3, p. 3145-3178. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    2. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ, Jan SCHEE, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Andrea KOTRLOVÁ. Comparison of the Hartle-Thorne Model of Neutron Stars with its Kerr Approximation by using Resonant Switch Model. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2021, vol. 71, No 4, p. 311-341. ISSN 0001-5237. Available from:
    3. BHATTA, G., Radim PÁNIS and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Deterministic Aspect of the γ-Ray Variability in Blazars. Astrophysical Journal. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2021, vol. 905, No 2, p. "160-1"-"160-15", 15 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    4. OVCHINNIKOV, Dmitriy, Muhammad Umar FAROOQ, Ibrar HUSSAIN, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Epicyclic oscillations of test particles near marginally stable circular orbits around charged Kiselev black holes. Physical Review D. College Park (USA): American Physical Society, 2021, vol. 104, No 6, p. "063027-1"-"063027-29", 29 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    5. ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Eva, Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Marek ABRAMOWICZ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Jiří HORÁK. Exploring the X-ray universe via timing: Mass of the active galactic nucleus black hole XMMUJ134736.6+173403. In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, p. 348 - 350, 12 pp. ISSN 1743-9213. Available from:
    6. BORMOTOVA, Iryna, Olena KOPTĚVA and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Geodesic structure of the accelerated stephani universe. Symmetry. 2021, vol. 13, No 6, p. "1001-1"-"1001-13", 13 pp. ISSN 2073-8994. Available from:
    7. BLASCHKE, Filip, Petr BENEŠ, Evariste BOJ and Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK. Gravitationally coupled Electroweak Monopole. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.
    8. MARDOR, I., S. Ayet SAN ANDRES, T. DICKEL, D. AMANBAYEV, S. BECK, J. BERGMANN, H. GEISSEL, L. GROF, E. HAETTNER, C. HORNUNG, N. KALANTAR-NAYESTANAKI, G. KRIPKO-KONCZ, I. MISKUN, A. MOLLAEBRAHIMI, W. R. PLASS, C. SCHEIDENBERGER, H. WEICK, Soumya BAGCHI, D. L. BALABANSKI, Andrey BEZBAKH, Z. BRENCIC, O. CHARVIAKOVA, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Paul CONSTANTIN, M. DEHGHAN, A.S. FOMICHEV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, O. HALL, M. N. HARAKEH, J-P HUCKA, A. KANKAINEN, O. KISELEV, R. KNOEBEL, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, Sergey KRUPKO, N. KURKOVA, N. KUZMINCHUK, I. MUKHA, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, D. NICHITA, C. NOCIFORO, Z. PATYK, M. PFUTZNER, S. PIETRI, S. PURUSHOTHAMAN, M. P. REITER, H. ROESCH, F. SCHIRRU, Pavel SHAROV, A. SPATARU, G. STANIC, A. STATE, Y. K. TANAKA, M. VENCELJ, M., I YAVOR and J. ZHAO. Mass measurements of As, Se, and Br nuclei, and their implication on the proton-neutron interaction strength toward the N = Z line. Physical Review C. 2021, vol. 103, No 3, p. "034319-1"-"034319-10", 10 pp. ISSN 2469-9985. Available from:
    9. MATUSZKOVÁ, Monika and Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ. Oscillations of thick accretion discs in the Hartle-Thorne geometry. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.
    10. KLIMOVIČOVÁ, Kateřina. Přednáška. In Zkusební konference. 2021.
    11. LANČOVÁ, Debora. Puffy Accretion Disk: Observational Properties and Inner Structure. In RAGtime 23. 2021.
    12. LANČOVÁ, Debora, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Maciek WIELGUS, Marek ABRAMOWICZ and Wlodek KLUZNIAK. Puffy Accretion Disk: Sub-eddington, Optically Thick, and Stable. 2021.
    13. HENSH, Sudipta and Stefano LIBERATI. Raychaudhuri equations and gravitational collapse in Einstein-Cartan theory. Physical Review D. College Park (USA): American Physical Society, 2021, vol. 104, No 8, p. "084073-1"-"084073-14", 14 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    14. MUZALEVSKII, Ivan, Andrey BEZBAKH, E. Yu NIKOLSKII, Vratislav CHUDOBA, S. A. KRUPKO, S. G. BELOGUROV, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, A., V GORSHKOV, L., V GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, O. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, M. Yu KOZLOV, B. MAUYEY, I. MUKHA, Yu L. PARFENOVA, W. PIATEK, A. M. QUYNH, V. N. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, N. B. SHULGINA, R. S. SLEPNEV, S., V STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI, B. ZALEWSKI and M., V ZHUKOV. Resonant states in H-7: Experimental studies of the H-2(He-8, He-3) reaction. Physical Review C. 2021, vol. 103, No 4, p. "044313-1"-"044313-15", 15 pp. ISSN 2469-9985. Available from:
    15. MONDAL, Santu. Tau-lepton fake-rate determination for the ttH coupling measurement using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. In Proceedings of Science. Praha: Published by Sissa Medialab srl Partita IVA, 2021, p. 1-3. ISSN 1824-8039. Available from:


    1. PARIMUCHA, S., P. A. DUBOVSKY, I. KUDZEJ, V. BREUS and Karol PETRÍK. About the dependency of the spin maxima on orbital phase in the intermediate polar MU Cam. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2020, vol. 50, No 2, p. 618-620. ISSN 1335-1842. Available from:
    2. BORMOTOVA, Iryna, Olena KOPTĚVA, Maria CHURILOVA and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Accelerated expansion of the universe from the perspective of inhomogeneous cosmology. International Journal of Modern Physics A. SG - Singapurská republika, 2020, vol. 35, 2-3, p. "2040037-1"-"2040037-4", 4 pp. ISSN 0217-751X. Available from:
    3. PETRÁSEK, Martin. Akreční disk u černých děr zblízka. Opava, 2020.
    4. LANČOVÁ, Debora. Akreční struktury v blízkosti černých děr a neutronových hvězd. Opava, 2020.
    5. PÁNIS, Radim, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Detection of chaotic behavior in time series. In Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 221-231. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    6. MUZALEVSKII, Ivan, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Sergey G. BELOGUROV, Andrey BEZBAKH, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, S. A. KRUPKO, E. M. GAZEEVA, M. S. GOLOVKOV, Alexander V. GORSHKOV, Leonid V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMIŃSKI, O. A. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, Mikhail Yu KOZLOV, Bakytbek MAUYEY, Ivan G. MUKHA, E. Yu NIKOLSKII, Yu L. PARFENÔVA, W. PIĄTEK, A. M. QUYNH, V. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, Sergey V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, Gurgen M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI and B. ZALEWSKI. Detection of the Low Energy Recoil He-3 in the Reaction H-2(He-8,He-3)H-7. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020, vol. 84, No 4, p. 500-504. ISSN 1062-8738. Available from:
    7. BHATTA, Gopal, Radim PÁNIS and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Deterministic Aspect of the gamma-Ray Variability in Blazars. Astrophysical Journal. 2020, vol. 905, No 2, p. "160-1"-"160-15", 15 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    8. HENSH, Sudipta, Arman TURSUNOV, Martin URBANEC and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Electrostatic Effects on the Hydrostatic Equilibrium of Compact Stars. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 29-37. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    9. BEZBAKH, Andrey, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Sergey KRUPKO, G. BELOGUROV, D. BIARE, A. S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, G. KAMINSKI, O. A. KISELEV, D. A. KOSTYLEVA, M. Yu. KOZLOV, B. MAUYEY, I. MUKHA, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, Yu. L. PARFENOVA, W. PIATEK, A. M. QUYNH, V. N. SCHETININ, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, S. V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI, B. ZALEWSKI and M. V. ZHUKOV. Evidence for the First Excited State of H-7. Physical Review Letters. 2020, vol. 124, No 2, p. "022502-1"-"022502-5", 5 pp. ISSN 0031-9007. Available from:
    10. KONOPLYA, Roman and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Grey-body factors and Hawking radiation of black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Physics Letters B. 2020, vol. 810, November 2020, p. "810-1"-"810-7", 7 pp. ISSN 0370-2693. Available from:
    11. VRBA, Jaroslav, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Martin KOLOŠ, Bobomurat AHMEDOV, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Javlon RAYIMBAEV. Charged and magnetized particles motion in the field of generic singular black holes governed by general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. 2020, vol. 101, No 12, p. "124039-1"-"124039-19", 19 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    12. SHAYMATOV, Sanjar, Jaroslav VRBA, Daniele MALAFARINA, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Charged particle and epicyclic motions around 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black hole immersed in an external magnetic field. PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE. 2020, vol. 30, December 2020, p. "100648-1"-"100648-10", 10 pp. ISSN 2212-6864. Available from:
    13. LANČOVÁ, Debora. Konference RAGtime. Česká astronomická společnost -, 2020.
    14. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Jiří HORÁK, Odele STRAUB, Debora LANČOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Marek ABRAMOWICZ. Models of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations and black hole spin estimates in Galactic microquasars. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2020, vol. 643, October, p. "A31-1"-"A31-9", 9 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    15. MATUSZKOVÁ, Monika, Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ, Gabriela URBANCOVÁ, Debora LANČOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Oscillations of non-slender tori in the Hartle-Thorne external geometry. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 185-201. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    16. LANČOVÁ, Debora. Poselství civilizacím z centra Galaxie. Česká astronomická společnost -, 2020.
    17. HUBAČ, Ivan, Filip BLASCHKE, Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK, Miloslav ŠVEC and Stephen WILSON. Quantum information in biomolecules: transcription and replication of DNA using a soliton model. In Stuchlik Z.,Torok G.,Karas V. Proceedings of RAGtime 22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2020, p. 55-71. ISBN 978-80-7510-432-8.
    18. KONOPLYA, Roman, Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Quasinormal modes and Hawking radiation of black holes in cubic gravity. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2020, vol. 102, No 4, p. "044023-1"-"044023-11", 11 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    19. KONOPLYA, Roman and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Quasinormal modes, stability and shadows of a black hole in the 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 11, p. "1049-1"-"1049-13", 13 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    20. HOFER, Adam. Rentgenové observační kosmické mise. Opava, 2020.
    21. BLASCHKE, Filip, Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK and Petr BENES. Solitons in the Peyrard-Bishop model of DNA and the Renormalization Group method. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2020, vol. 2020, No 6, p. "063J02-1"-"063J02-21", 21 pp. ISSN 2050-3911. Available from:
    23. BEZBAKH, Andrey, Sergey BELOGUROV, David BIARÉ, Vratislav CHUDOBA, Andrey S. FOMICHEV, E. M. GAZEEVA, M. S. GOLOVKOV, Alexander V. GORSHKOV, G. KAMIŃSKI, Sergei A. KRUPKO, Bakytbek MAUYEY, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu NIKOLSKII, Yu L. PARFENÔVA, W. PIĄTEK, A. M. QUYNH, A. SERIKOV, S. I. SIDORCHUK, Pavel SHAROV, R. S. SLEPNEV, Sergey V. STEPANTSOV, A. SWIERCZ, P. SZYMKIEWICZ, Gurgen M. TER-AKOPIAN, R. WOLSKI and B. ZALEWSKI. Study of Li-10 Low Energy Spectrum in the H-2(L-9i, p) Reaction. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020, vol. 84, No 4, p. 491-494. ISSN 1062-8738. Available from:
    24. VRBA, Jaroslav, Martin URBANEC, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and John MILLER. Trapping of null geodesics in slowly rotating spacetimes. European Physical Journal C. 2020, vol. 80, No 11, p. "1065-1"-"1065-20", 20 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    25. HOFER, Adam and Vít KUREČKA. Úvod do prostředí DIGISTAR 6: Distanční studijní text. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, 2020.
    26. PETRÁSEK, Martin. Život pod černými slunci - exoplanety u černých děr. Opava, 2020.


    1. KOPTĚVA, Olena, Iryna BORMOTOVA, Maria CHURILOVA and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Accelerated Expansion of the Universe in the Model with Nonuniform Pressure. Astrophysical Journal. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019, vol. 887, No 1, p. "98-1"-"98-9", 9 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    2. HENSH, Sudipta and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Anisotropic Tolman VII solution by gravitational decoupling. European Physical Journal C. 2019, vol. 79, No 10, p. "834-1"-"834-9", 9 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    3. BREUS, Vitalii, Karol PETRÍK and Stanisław ZOŁA. Detection of white dwarf spin period variability in the intermediate polar V2306 Cygni. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2019, vol. 488, No 4, p. 4526-4529. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    4. PÁNIS, Radim, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Determination of chaotic behaviour in time series generated by charged particle motion around magnetized Schwarzschild black holes. European Physical Journal C. 2019, vol. 79, No 6, p. "479-1"-"479-21", 21 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    5. URBANCOVÁ, Gabriela, Martin URBANEC, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Martin BLASCHKE and John MILLER. Epicyclic Oscillations in the Hartle-Thorne External Geometry. Astrophysical Journal. 2019, vol. 877, No 2, p. "66-1"-"66-17", 17 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    6. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Jan SCHEE and Dmitriy OVCHINNIKOV. Generic Regular Black Holes Related to Nonlinear Electrodynamics with Maxwellian Weak-field Limit: Shadows and Images of Keplerian Disks. Astrophysical Journal. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019, vol. 887, No 2, p. "145-1"-"145-19", 19 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    7. HENSH, Sudipta, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Jan SCHEE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Gravitational lensing around Kehagias-Sfetsos compact objects surrounded by plasma. European Physical Journal C. 2019, vol. 79, No 6, p. "533-1"-"533-14", 14 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    8. KONOPLYA, Roman and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Hawking radiation of non-Schwarzschild black holes in higher derivative gravity: A crucial role of grey-body factors. Physical Review D. 2019, vol. 99, No 10, p. "104060-1"-"104060-9", 9 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    9. KONOPLYA, Roman, Olexandr ZHYDENKO and Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO. Higher order WKB formula for quasinormal modes and grey-body factors: recipes for quick and accurate calculations. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2019, vol. 36, No 15, p. "155002-1"-"155002-26", 26 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    10. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Marek ABRAMOWICZ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Jiří HORÁK. Mass of the active galactic nucleus black hole XMMUJ134736.6+173403. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2019, vol. 622, January, p. "L8-1"-"L8-5", 5 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    11. PETRÁSEK, Martin. Myšlení obrazem: Distanční studijní text. 1st ed. Opava, 2019, 121 pp.
    12. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Jiří HORÁK and Odele STRAUB. Non-geodesic corrections to mass-spin estimates for Galactic microquasars implied by quasiperiodic oscillation models. Astronomische Nachrichten. 2019, vol. 340, 1-3, p. 112-115. ISSN 0004-6337. Available from:
    13. VRBA, Jaroslav, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Arman TURSUNOV, Bobomurot AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Particle motion around generic black holes coupled to non-linear electrodynamics. European Physical Journal C. 2019, vol. 79, No 9, p. "778-1"-"778-15", 15 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    14. LANČOVÁ, Debora, David ABARCA, Włodek KLUŹNIAK, Maciek WIELGUS, Aleksander SA̧DOWSKI, Ramesh NARAYAN, Jan SCHEE, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Marek ABRAMOWICZ. Puffy Accretion Disks: Sub-Eddington, Optically Thick, and Stable. Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2019, vol. 884, No 2, p. "L37-1"-"L37-6", 6 pp. ISSN 2041-8205. Available from:
    15. ZINHAILO, Antonina Frantsivna. Quasinormal modes of Dirac field in the Einstein-Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet and Einstein-Weyl gravities. European Physical Journal C. 2019, vol. 79, No 11, p. "912-1"-"912-8", 8 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    16. KONOPLYA, Roman, Antonina Frantsivna ZINHAILO and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Quasinormal modes, scattering, and Hawking radiation in the vicinity of an Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet black hole. Physical Review D. 2019, vol. 99, No 12, p. "124042-1"-"124042-12", 12 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    17. WANDROL, Ivo, K. FRYDRÝŠEK and Adam HOFER. SURFACE TEMPERATURE MODEL - ANALYSIS OF EARTH`S CRUST RESPONSE TO CHANGES IN SURFACE TEMPERATURE. Online. In ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2019. Prague, Czech Republic: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2019, p. 399-402. ISBN 978-80-87012-71-0. Available from:
    18. PETRÁSEK, Martin. Světlo a optika ve filmu a fotografii: Distanční studijní text. 1st ed. Opava, 2019, 122 pp.
    19. FOMICHEV, A. S., Andrey BEZBAKH, S. G. BELOGUROV, R. WOLSKI, E. M. GAZEEVA, A. V. GORSHKOV, L. V. GRIGORENKO, B. ZALEWSKI, G. KAMINSKI, S. A. KRUPKO, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, Yu. L. PARFENOVA, S. I. SIDORCHUK, R. S. SLEPNEV, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, Vratislav CHUDOBA and P. G. SHAROV. The First Experiments with the New ACCULINNA-2 Fragment Separator. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics. 2019, vol. 83, No 4, p. 385-391. ISSN 1062-8738. Available from:
    20. BAKALA, Pavel, Vittorio DE FALCO, Emmanuele BATTISTA, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Debora LANČOVÁ, Maurizio FALANGA and Luigi STELLA. Three-dimensional general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect. II. Radiation field from a rigidly rotating spherical source. Physical Review D. 2019, vol. 100, No 10, p. "104053-1"-"104053-20", 20 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    21. DE FALCO, Vittorio, Pavel BAKALA, Emmanuele BATTISTA, Debora LANČOVÁ, Maurizio FALANGA and Luigi STELLA. Three-dimensional general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect: Radial radiation field. Physical Review D. 2019, vol. 99, No 2, p. "023014-1"-"023014-17", 17 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    22. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Martin URBANEC and Odele STRAUB. Time-scale of twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations and mass of accreting neutron stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2019, vol. 488, No 3, p. 3896-3903. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:


    1. BEZBAKH, A. A., S. G. BELOGUROV, R. WOLSKI, E. M. GAZEEVA, M. S. GOLOVKOV, A. V. GORSHKOV, G. KAMINSKI, M. Yu. KOZLOV, S. A. KRUPKO, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, E. Yu. NIKOLSKII, E. V. OVCHARENKO, R. S. SLEPNEV, G. M. TER-AKOPIAN, A. S. FOMICHEV, Vratislav CHUDOBA, P. G. SHAROV and V. N. SCHETININ. A Neutron Spectrometer for Experiments with Radioactive Beams on the ACCULINNA-2 Fragment Separator. Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 2018, vol. 61, No 5, p. 631-638. ISSN 0020-4412. Available from:
    2. ZAJAČEK, Michal and Arman TURSUNOV. A stellar fly-by close to the Galactic center: Can we detect stars on highly relativistic orbits? Astronomische Nachrichten. 2018, vol. 339, No 5, p. 324-330. ISSN 0004-6337. Available from:
    3. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Comment on “Construction of regular black holes in general relativity”. Physical Review D. 2018, vol. 98, No 2, p. "028501-1"-"028501-3", 3 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    4. TURSUNOV, Arman and Martin KOLOŠ. Constraints on Mass, Spin and Magnetic Field of Microquasar H 1743-322 from Observations of QPOs. Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2018, vol. 81, No 2, p. 279-282. ISSN 1063-7788. Available from:
    5. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Jan SCHEE and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Electromagnetic perturbations of black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. 2018, vol. 97, No 8, p. "084058-1"-"084058-11", 11 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    6. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Electromagnetic perturbations of black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics: Polar perturbations. Physical Review D. 2018, vol. 98, No 8, p. "085021-1"-"085021-11", 11 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    7. KOPTĚVA, Olena, Pavlína JALŮVKOVÁ, Iryna BORMOTOVA and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Exact Solution for a Black Hole Embedded in a Nonstatic Dust-filled Universe. Astrophysical Journal. 2018, vol. 866, No 2, p. "98-1"-"98-14", 14 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    8. OTEEV, Tursinbay, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Charged string loops in Reissner–Nordström black hole background. European Physical Journal C. 2018, vol. 78, No 3, p. "261-1"-"261-19", 19 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    9. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Daniel CHARBULÁK and Jan SCHEE. Light escape cones in local reference frames of Kerr-de Sitter black hole spacetimes and related black hole shadows. European Physical Journal C. 2018, vol. 78, No 3, p. "180-1"-"180-32", 32 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    10. MUZALEVSKII, Ivan, Vratislav CHUDOBA, S. BELOGUROV, O. KISELEV, Andrey BEZBAKH, A. FOMICHEV, S. KRUPKO, R. SLEPNEV, D. KOSTYLEVA, A. GORSHKOV, E. OVCHARENKO and V. SCHETININ. NeuRad detector prototype pulse shape study. Online. In A. Verkheev, A. Aparin, I. Bobrikov, V. Chudoba and A. Friesen. EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 177, 2018, The XXI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2017). Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2018, p. "03003-1"-"03003-6", 6 pp. ISSN 2100-014X. Available from:
    11. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Jiří HORÁK, Pavel BAKALA and Martin URBANEC. On one-parametric formula relating the frequencies of twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2018, vol. 473, No 1, p. "L136"-"L140", 5 pp. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    12. ZAJAČEK, Michal, Arman TURSUNOV, Andreas ECKART and Silke BRITZEN. On the charge of the Galactic centre black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2018, vol. 480, No 4, p. 4408-4423. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    13. TURSUNOV, Arman, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Orbital widening due to radiation reaction around a magnetized black hole. Astronomische Nachrichten. 2018, vol. 339, No 5, p. 341-346. ISSN 0004-6337. Available from:
    14. ZINHAILO, Antonina. Quasinormal modes of the four-dimensional black hole in Einstein-Weyl gravity. European Physical Journal C. 2018, vol. 78, No 12, p. "992-1"-"992-7", 7 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    15. TURSUNOV, Arman, Martin KOLOŠ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Dmitri V. GAL'TSOV. Radiation Reaction of Charged Particles Orbiting a Magnetized Schwarzschild Black Hole. Astrophysical Journal. 2018, vol. 861, No 1, p. "2-1"-"2-16", 16 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    16. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ and Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ. Rapid X-ray variability and properties of compact stars. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2018, vol. 48, No 3, p. 476-487. ISSN 1335-1842.
    17. KOLOŠ, Martin, Arman TURSUNOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Some astrophysical processes around magnetized black hole. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté pleso. 2018, vol. 48, No 1, p. 282-283. ISSN 1335-1842.
    18. CHARBULÁK, Daniel and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Spherical photon orbits in the field of Kerr naked singularities. European Physical Journal C. 2018, vol. 78, No 11, p. "879-1"-"879-25", 25 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    19. KOSTYLEVA, D., O. KISELEV, Andrey BEZBAKH, Vratislav CHUDOBA, V. EREMIN, A. FOMICHEV, A. GORSHKOV, S. KRUPKO, I. MUKHA, Ivan MUZALEVSKII, C. SCHEIDENBERGER and P. SHAROV. Study of the Silicon Detectors for Time-of-Flight Measurements at the Super-FRS Facility and Expert Experiments at FAIR. Acta Physica Polonica B. 2018, vol. 49, No 3, p. 503-508. ISSN 0587-4254. Available from:
    20. DADHICH, Naresh, Arman TURSUNOV, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. The distinguishing signature of magnetic Penrose process. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters. 2018, vol. 478, No 1, p. "L89"-"L94", 6 pp. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:


    1. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Jiří HORÁK, Pavel BAKALA and Martin URBANEC. A one-parametric formula relating the frequencies of twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 177-193. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    2. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Comments on "Casimir effect in the Kerr spacetime with quintessence". Modern Physics Letters A. 2017, vol. 32, No 21, p. „1775001-1“-„1775001-6“, 6 pp. ISSN 0217-7323. Available from:
    3. KOLOŠ, Martin and Arman TURSUNOV. Comparison of charged particle dynamics around compact object immersed into uniform or dipole magnetic field. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 99-110. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    4. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Cosimo BAMBI, Bobomurat AHMEDOV, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Energy conditions of non-singular black hole spacetimes in conformal gravity. European Physical Journal C. 2017, vol. 77, No 8, p. „542-1“-„542-10“, 10 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    5. HORÁK, Jiří, Odelle STRAUB, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Epicyclic oscillations of thick relativistic disks. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 47-59. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    6. VRBA, Jaroslav, Martin URBANEC and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Escape cones of null-geodesics from the interior of rotating compact stars. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 223-235. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    7. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Generic rotating regular black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. Physical Review D. 2017, vol. 95, No 8, p. „084037-1“-„084037-16“, 16 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    8. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Jan SCHEE, Bobir TOSHMATOV, Jan HLADÍK and Jan NOVOTNÝ. Gravitational instability of polytropic spheres containing region of trapped null geodesics: a possible explanation of central supermassive black holes in galactic halos. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2017, neuveden, No 6, p. „056- i, ii, 1“-„056-25“, 27 pp. ISSN 1475-7516. Available from:
    9. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Bobir TOSHMATOV, Jan SCHEE, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Gravitational lensing by regular black holes surrounded by plasma. International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2017, vol. 26, No 5, p. „1741011-1“-„1741011-18“, 18 pp. ISSN 0218-2718. Available from:
    10. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Martin URBANEC, Gabriela URBANCOVÁ and Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ. Innermost stable circular orbits around compact stars: Terms that are quadratic in spin. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 23-32. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    11. KOPTĚVA, Olena, Iryna BORMOTOVA and Maria KORKINA. New exact solutions for Schwarzschild-like black holes. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 111-118. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    12. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Note on the character of the generic rotating charged regular black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 195-199. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    13. TURSUNOV, Arman and Martin KOLOŠ. On the synchrotron radiation reaction in external magnetic field. In Z. Stuchlík, G. Török a V. Karas. Proceedings of RAGtime 17–19: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, 17–19/23–26 Oct., 1–5 Nov. 2015/2016/2017, Opava, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Opava (Česká republika): Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko–přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav fyziky, 2017, p. 211-221. ISBN 978-80-7510-256-0.
    14. NOVOTNÝ, Jan, Jan HLADÍK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Polytropic spheres containing regions of trapped null geodesics. Physical Review D. 2017, vol. 95, No 4, p. „043009-1“-„043009-11“, 11 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    15. KOLOŠ, Martin, Arman TURSUNOV and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Possible signature of the magnetic fields related to quasi-periodic oscillations observed in microquasars. European Physical Journal C. 2017, vol. 77, No 12, p. „860-1“-„860-17“, 17 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    16. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Rotating black hole solutions with quintessential energy. European Physical Journal Plus. 2017, vol. 132, No 2, p. „98-1“-„98-21“, 21 pp. ISSN 2190-5444. Available from:
    17. TOSHMATOV, Bobir, Cosimo BAMBI, Bobomurat AHMEDOV, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Jan SCHEE. Scalar perturbations of nonsingular nonrotating black holes in conformal gravity. Physical Review D. 2017, vol. 96, No 6, p. „064028-1“-„064028-10“, 10 pp. ISSN 2470-0010. Available from:
    18. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Bobir TOSHMATOV, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Shadow of the rotating black hole with quintessential energy in the presence of plasma. International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2017, vol. 26, No 6, p. „1750051-1“-„1750051-15“, 15 pp. ISSN 0218-2718. Available from:
    19. TOSHMATOV, Bobir and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Slowly decaying resonances of massive scalar fields around Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. European Physical Journal Plus. 2017, vol. 132, No 7, p. „324-1“-„324-9“, 9 pp. ISSN 2190-5444. Available from:
    20. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ. Super-spinning compact objects and models of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in Galactic microquasars II. Forced resonances. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2017, vol. 607, November, p. „A69-1“-„A69-8“, 8 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:


    1. ABRAMOWICZ, Pavel BAKALA, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Włodek KLUŹNIAK, Andrea KOTRLOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Black hole spin inferred from 3:2 epicyclic resonance model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2015, vol. 578, June, p. "A90-1"-"A90-6", 6 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    2. URBANCOVÁ, Gabriela, Martin URBANEC, Oliver HAMIL and Jiřina ŘÍKOVSKÁ STONE. Braking index of isolated pulsars. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2015, vol. 91, No 6, p. "063007-1"-"063007-9", 9 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    3. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina, Andrea KOTRLOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Equations of State in the Hartle-Thorne Model of Neutron Stars Selecting Acceptable Variants of the Resonant Switch Model of Twin HF QPOs in the Atoll Source 4U 1636-53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2015, vol. 65, No 2, p. 169-195. ISSN 0001-5237.
    4. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Konrad KULCZYCKI, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Włodzimierz KLUŹNIAK and Ronaldo Savioli Sumé VIEIRA. Hořava's quantum gravity illustrated by embedding diagrams of the Kehagias-Sfetsos spacetimes. General Relativity and Gravitation. US - Spojené státy americké, 2015, vol. 47, No 11, p. "132-1"-"132-18", 18 pp. ISSN 0001-7701. Available from:
    5. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bobir TOSHMATOV and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Motion and high energy collision of magnetized particles around a Hořava-Lifshitz black hole. Astrophysics and Space Science. NL - Nizozemsko, 2015, vol. 360, No 1, p. "19-1"-"19-10", 10 pp. ISSN 0004-640X. Available from:
    6. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bobir TOSHMATOV and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Particle motion and Penrose processes around rotating regular black hole. Astrophysics and Space Science. NL - Nizozemsko, 2015, vol. 357, No 1, p. "41-1"-"41-15", 15 pp. ISSN 0004-640X. Available from:
    7. KUČÁKOVÁ, Hana, Daniela PUGLIESE, Jan SCHEE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Perfect fluid tori orbiting Kehagias-Sfetsos naked singularities. The European Physical Journal C. US - Spojené státy americké, 2015, vol. 75, No 9, p. "451-1"-"451-31", 31 pp. ISSN 1434-6044. Available from:
    8. KOLOŠ, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Arman TURSUNOV. Quasi-harmonic oscillatory motion of charged particles around a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a uniform magnetic field. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2015, vol. 32, No 16, p. "165009-1"-"165009-22", 22 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    9. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bobir TOSHMATOV and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Quasinormal modes of test fields around regular black holes. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2015, vol. 91, No 8, p. "083008-1"-"083008-13", 13 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    10. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Pavel BAKALA, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Grzegorz P. MAZUR and Frederic H. VINCENT. Twin peak high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations as a spectral imprint of dual oscillation modes of accretion tori. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2015, vol. 581, September, p. "A35-1"-"A35-12", 12 pp. ISSN 1432-0746. Available from:


    1. KOLOŠ, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Arman TURSUNOV and Bobomurat AHMEDOV. Acceleration of electric current-carrying string loop near a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in an asymptotically uniform magnetic field. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2014, vol. 90, No 8, p. "085009-1"-"085009-22", 22 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    2. ADÁMEK, Karel, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Gabriela URBANCOVÁ and Martin URBANEC. Appearance of innermost stable circular orbits of accretion discs around rotating neutron stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2014, vol. 564, April, p. "L5 - 1"-"L5 - 4", 4 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    3. BLASCHKE, Martin, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Aschenbach Effect for Brany Kerr Black Holes and Naked Singularities. In Proceedings of RAGtime 10-13: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2014, p. 175-185. ISBN 978-80-7510-124-2.
    4. BLASCHKE, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Braneworld naked singularities. In Proceedings of RAGtime 14-16: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2014, p. 229-234. ISBN 978-80-7510-126-6.
    5. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Pavel BAKALA, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Martin WILDNER, Dalibor WZIENTEK, Michal DOVČIAK, Vladimír KARAS, Grzegorz MAZUR and Frédéric H. VINCENT. Distinguishing between spot and torus models of high-frequency quasiperiodic oscillations. Acta Polytechnica. CZ - Česká republika: Acta Polytechnica, 2014, vol. 54, No 3, p. 191-196. ISSN 1210-2709. Available from:
    6. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Embedding diagrams of Bardeen geometry. In Proceedings of RAGtime 14-16: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2014, p. 99-106. ISBN 978-80-7510-126-6.
    7. KOLOŠ, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Arman TURSUNOV. Oscillations of electric current-carrying string loop near a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in an asymptotically uniform magnetic field. In Proceedings of RAGtime 14-16: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2014, p. 159-170, 22 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-126-6.
    8. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Pavel BAKALA, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Martin WILDNER, Dalibor WZIENTEK, Michal DOVČIAK, Vladimír KARAS, Grzegorz MAZUR and Frédéric H. VINCENT. Power density spectra of modes of orbital motion in strongly curved space-time: obtaining the observable signal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2014, vol. 439, No 2, p. 1933-1939. ISSN 0035-8711. Available from:
    9. ADÁMKOVÁ, Pavlína, Jan SCHEE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Radiating perfect fluid tori in static braneworld spacetime: frequency shift map of torus image. In Proceedings of RAGtime 14-16: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2014, p. 205-2012, 8 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-126-6.
    10. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina, Andrea KOTRLOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Resonant switch model of HF QPOs and equations of state of neutron stars nad quark stars. Acta Polytechnica. CZ - Česká republika: Acta Polytechnica, 2014, vol. 54, No 5, p. 363-366. ISSN 1210-2709. Available from:
    11. ABDUJABBAROV, Ahmadjon, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Bobir TOSHMATOV. Rotating regular black hole solution. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2014, vol. 89, No 10, p. "104017-1"-"104017-8", 8 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    12. BLASCHKE, Martin, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Some Aspects of Brany Kerr Spacetimes Relevant to Accretion Processes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 14-16: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2014, p. 11-17. ISBN 978-80-7510-126-6.
    13. GOLUCHOVÁ, Kateřina, Andrea KOTRLOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Test of the Resonant Switch Model by Fitting the Data of Twin-Peak HF QPOs in the Atoll Source 4U 1636?53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2014, vol. 64, No 1, p. 45-64. ISSN 0001-5237.


    1. KOLOŠ, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Ahmadjon ABDUJABBAROV, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Arman TURSUNOV. Acceleration of particles in spacetimes of black string. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2013, vol. 88, No 12, 20 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    2. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Confronting the Models of 3:2 QPOs with the Evidence of Near Extreme Kerr Black Hole. In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Symposium No. 290: Feeding compact objects: Accretion on all scales. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 239-240. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    3. BLASCHKE, Filip and Masato ARAI. Cotangent bundle over hermitian symmetric space E-7/E-6 x U(1) from projective superspace. Journal of High Energy Physics. US - Spojené státy americké, 2013, No 2, p. '045-0'-'045-16', 17 pp. ISSN 1029-8479. Available from:
    4. KOLOŠ, Martin, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Bobomurat AHMEDOV and Arman TURSUNOV. Dynamics of an electric current-carrying string loop near a Schwarzschild black hole embedded in an external magnetic field. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2013, vol. 87, No 12, 7 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    5. KOLOŠ, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Dynamics of current-carrying string loops in the Kerr naked-singularity and black-hole spacetimes. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2013, vol. 88, No 6. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    6. PETRÁSEK, Martin, Jan SCHEE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Influence of the cosmic repulsion on the MOND model of the Magellanic Cloud motion in the field of Milky Way. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2013, No 12, 19 pp. ISSN 1475-7516. Available from:
    7. BLASCHKE, Filip, Masato ARAI, Minoru ETO and Norisuke SAKAI. Localization of matter fields and non-Abelian gauge fields on domain walls. In XXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS AND QUANTUM SYMMETRIES (ISQS-20). England: IOP Publishing LTD, 2013, p. 1-11. ISSN 1742-6588. Available from:
    8. ADÁMEK, Karel and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Magnetized tori in the field of Kerr superspinars. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2013, vol. 30, No 20, 28 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    9. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Multi-Resonance Orbital Model Applied to High-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations Observed in Sgr A*. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2013, vol. 63, No 2, p. 275-292. ISSN 0001-5237.
    10. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Multi-resonance orbital model of HF QPOs. In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Symposium No. 290: Feeding compact objects: Accretion on all scales. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 315-316. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    11. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Multi-resonance orbital model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations: possible high-precision determination of black hole and neutron star spin. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2013, vol. 552, A10, 41 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    12. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Resonant switch model of twin peak HF QPOs applied to the atoll source 4U 1636-53. In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Symposium No. 290: Feeding compact objects: Accretion on all scales. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 317-318. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    13. BAKALA, Pavel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Restrictions to neutron star models based on twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations. In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 524-526. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    14. BAKALA, Pavel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Restrictions to neutron star models based on twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 524-526. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    15. BAKALA, Pavel, Kateřina GOLUCHOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Restrictions to Neutron Star Properties Based on Twin-Peak Quasi-Periodic Oscillations. In Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 319-320. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    16. BLASCHKE, Filip, Masato ARAI, Minoru ETO and Norisuke SAKAI. Stabilizing matter and gauge fields localized on walls. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. US - Spojené státy americké, 2013, No 9, 21 pp. ISSN 2050-3911. Available from:


    1. KOLOŠ, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Acceleration of string loops in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter geometry. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2012, vol. 85, No 6, 13 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    2. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Confronting the models of 3 : 2 QPOs with the evidence of near extreme kerr black hole (Conference Paper). In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 239-240. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    3. SLANÝ, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Miroslava POKORNÁ. Equatorial Circular Orbits in Kerr-Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 1926-1928. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4.
    4. PETRÁSEK, Martin and Petr SLANÝ. Equatorial Circular Orbits in the Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Spacetimes. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 1917-1919. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4.
    5. KUČÁKOVÁ, Hana, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Equilibrium Configurations of Perfect Fluid in Reissner-Nordström-(Anti-)de Sitter Spacetimes. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 1914-1916. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4.
    6. ADÁMEK, Karel, Andrea KOTRLOVÁ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Multi-Resonance Models of QPOs and Black Holes Admitting Strong Resonant Phenomena. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 937-939. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4. Available from:
    7. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Multi-resonance orbital model of HF QPOs (Conference Paper). In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 315-316. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    8. HLADÍK, Jan, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Neutrino trapping in extremely compact objects described by the internal Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter spacetimes. General Relativity and Gravitation. US - Spojené státy americké, 2012, vol. 44, No 6, p. 1393-1417. ISSN 0001-7701. Available from:
    9. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Orbital Resonance Models of QPOs in Braneworld Kerr Black Holes. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 1072-1074. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4.
    10. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Quasiperiodic Oscillations in Braneworld Neutron Star Spacetimes. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 952-954. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4. Available from:
    11. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Resonant switch model of twin peak HF QPOs applied to the atoll source 4U 1636-53 (Conference Paper). In Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 317-318. ISBN 978-1-107-03379-5. Available from:
    12. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Resonant switch model of twin peak HF QPOs applied to the source 4U 1636-53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2012, vol. 62, No 4, p. 389-407. ISSN 0001-5237.
    13. KOLOŠ, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. String loops in the field of braneworld spherically symmetric black holes and naked singularities. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2012, No 10, 31 pp. ISSN 1475-7516. Available from:
    14. HLADÍK, Jan, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Martin URBANEC. Trapping of Neutrinos in Extremely Compact Stars and the Influence of Brane Tension on This Process. In The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, p. 955-957. ISBN 978-981-4374-51-4.


    1. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Confronting the models of 3:2 quasiperiodic oscillations with the rapid spin of the microquasar GRS 1915+105. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2011, vol. 531, A59, 7 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    2. BLASCHKE, Filip and Peter LICHARD. CZELTA: An overview of the CZECH large-area time coincidence array. Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions. DE - Spolková republika Německo, 2011, vol. 7, No 1, p. 69-73. ISSN 1810-6528. Available from:
    3. HLEDÍK, Stanislav, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Kamila TRUPAROVÁ PLŠKOVÁ. Evolution of Kerr superspinars due to accretion counterrotating thin discs. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2011, vol. 28, No 15, p. 1-23. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    4. HLADÍK, Jan, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Martin URBANEC. Neutrino trapping in braneworld extremely compact stars. General Relativity and Gravitation. US - Spojené státy americké, 2011, vol. 43, No 11, p. 3163-3190, 27 pp. ISSN 0001-7701. Available from:
    5. BLASCHKE, Martin, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Non-monotonic Keplerian velocity profiles around near-extreme braneworld Kerr black holes. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2011, vol. 28, No 17, 18 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    6. HLADÍK, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Photon and neutrino redshift in the field of braneworld compact stars. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2011, No 7, 23 pp. ISSN 1475-7516. Available from:
    7. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Resonant radii of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Keplerian discs orbiting neutron stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2011, vol. 525, p. 1-5. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    8. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Resonant radii of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Keplerian discs orbiting neutron stars (Research Note). Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2011, vol. 525, A82, p. 1-6, 5 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    9. KUČÁKOVÁ, Hana, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Toroidal configurations of perfect fluid in the Reissner-Nordstrom-(anti-)de Sitter spacetimes. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2011, No 1, 38 pp. ISSN 1475-7516. Available from:


    1. KOLOŠ, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Current-carrying string loops in black-hole spacetimes with a repulsive cosmological constant. Physical Review D. US - Spojené státy americké, 2010, vol. 82, No 12, 21 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    2. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČECH, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Disc-oscillation resonance and neutron star QPOs: 3:2 epicyclic orbital model. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2010, vol. 522, A72, 7 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    3. BĚTÁK, Emil, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Martin URBANEC. Observational Tests of Neutron Star Relativistic Mean Field Equations of State. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2010, vol. 60, No 2, 14 pp. ISSN 0001-5237.
    4. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On magnetic-field induced non-geodesic corrections to relativistic orbital and epicyclic frequencies. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2010, vol. 27, No 4, 19 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    5. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. ON MASS CONSTRAINTS IMPLIED BY THE RELATIVISTIC PRECESSION MODEL OF TWIN-PEAK QUASI-PERIODIC OSCILLATIONS IN CIRCINUS X-1. Astrophysical Journal. CA - Kanada, 2010, vol. 714, No 1, p. 748-757, 9 pp. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    6. LICHARD, Peter and Martin VOJÍK. Structure of the a(1)rho pi vertex. In NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS. AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010, 3 pp. ISSN 0920-5632.


    1. ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Eva. Epicyclic oscillations of non-slender fluid tori around Kerr black holes. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2009, vol. 26, No 5, 27 pp. ISSN 0264-9381.
    2. ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Eva. Epicyclic Oscillations Of Non-Slender Fluid Tori Around Kerr Black Holes. Classical Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2009, vol. 26, No 5, 25 pp. ISSN 1361-6382.
    3. LICHARD, Peter and Martin VOJÍK. Measurement of High Energy Cosmic Rays in the Experiment CZELTA. In 2008 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (2008 NSS/MIC), VOLS 1-9. New York, USA: IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2009, 2 pp. ISBN 978-1-4244-2714-7.
    4. HLEDÍK, Stanislav, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Neutrino trapping in extremely compact objects: I. Efficiency of trapping in the internal Schwarzschild spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2009, vol. 26, No 3, 7 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    5. HLEDÍK, Stanislav, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Neutrino trapping in extremely compact objects: I. Efficiency of trapping in the internal Schwarzschild spacetimes. Classical Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2009, vol. 26, No 3, 18 pp. ISSN 1361-6382.
    6. SCHEE, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. OPTICAL PHENOMENA IN THE FIELD OF BRANEWORLD KERR BLACK HOLES. International Journal of Modern Physics D. SG - Singapurská republika, 2009, vol. 18, No 6, p. 983-1024, 41 pp. ISSN 0218-2718. Available from:
    7. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Orbital resonances in discs around braneworld Kerr black holes. General Relativity and Gravitation. US - Spojené státy americké, 2009, vol. 2009, No 41, p. 1305–1343. ISSN 0001-7701. Available from:
    8. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Orbital resonances in discs around braneworld Kerr black holes. GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION. US - Spojené státy americké, 2009, vol. 41, No 6, p. 1305-1343. ISSN 1572-9532. Available from:
    9. SCHEE, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Profiles of emission lines generated by rings orbiting braneworld Kerr black holes. General Relativity and Gravitation. US - Spojené státy americké, 2009, vol. 41, No 8, p. 1795-1818. ISSN 1572-9532. Available from:


    1. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Black Holes Admitting Strong Resonant Phenomena. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2008, vol. 4, No 58, 17 pp. ISSN 0001-5237.
    2. LICHARD, Peter and Martin VOJÍK. CZELTA - současný stav projektu (Název v anglickém jazyce). In Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 13 - Sborník z konference. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 2008, 4 pp. ISBN 978-80-7043-728-5.
    3. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Pavel BAKALA, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Distribution of Kilohertz QPO Frequencies and Their Ratios in the Atoll Source 4U 1636-53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2008, No 1, 7 pp. ISSN 0001-5237.
    4. ČERNÝ, Slavomír, Stanislav HLEDÍK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Equation of state of dense matter in neutron stars. In Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity Berlin. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, 3 pp. ISBN 978-981-283-426-3.
    5. SLANÝ, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Humpy LNRF-velocity profiles in accretion discs orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes. In Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity Berlin. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, 3 pp. ISBN 978-981-283-426-3. Available from:
    6. VOJÍK, Martin and Peter LICHARD. Measurement of High Energy Cosmic Rays in the Experiment CZELTA. In Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD. Wisconsin: Omipress, 2008, 2 pp. ISBN 978-1-4244-2715-4.
    7. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Petr ČECH. Modelling the twin peak QPO distribution in the atoll source 4U 1636-53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2008, vol. 58, No 1, p. 1-14. ISSN 0001-5237.
    8. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On magnetic-field induced non-geodesic corrections to the relativistic precession QPO model. In COOL DISCS, HOT FLOWS: THE VARYING FACES OF ACCRETING COMPACT OBJECTS. Sweden: Wenner Gren Fdn; Swedish Res Council; Stockholm Univ, 2008, 6 pp. ISBN 978-0-7354-0584-4.
    9. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Pavel BAKALA, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On the origin of clustering of frequency ratios in the atoll source 4U 1636-53. Acta Astronomica. PL - Polská republika, 2008, vol. 58, p. 113-119. ISSN 0001-5237.
    10. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Quasiperiodic oscillations in a strong gravitational field around neutron stars testing braneworld models. Classical and Quantum Gravity. GB - Spojené království Velké Británie a, 2008, vol. 2008, No 25, 26 pp. ISSN 0264-9381. Available from:
    11. HLEDÍK, Stanislav and Martin PETRÁSEK. Some properties of Kerr geometry with a repulsive cosmological constant. In Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity Berlin. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, 3 pp. ISBN 978-981-283-426-3.
    12. HLADÍK, Jan, Stanislav HLEDÍK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Trapping of neutrinos in extremely compact stars. In Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity Berlin. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, 3 pp. ISBN 978-981-283-426-3.
    13. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. 3:2? In COOL DISCS, HOT FLOWS: THE VARYING FACES OF ACCRETING COMPACT OBJECTS. Sweden: Wenner Gren Fdn; Swedish Res Council; Stockholm Univ, 2008, p. 117-122. ISBN 978-0-7354-0584-4.


    1. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. A remark about possible unity of the neutron star and black hole high frequency QPOs. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. DE - Spolková republika Německo, 2007, vol. 5, No 4, p. 457-462. ISSN 1895-1082. Available from:
    2. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Pavel BAKALA. A remark about possible unity of the neutron star and black hole high frequency QPOs. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. WARSAW 41: VERSITA, 2007, vol. 5, No 4, p. 457-462. ISSN 1895-1082. Available from:
    3. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and TOROK. Dipole magnetic field on a Schwarzschild background and related epicyclic frequencies. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 1-10. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    4. BLAES, Omer, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Marek ABRAMOWICZ, Wlodel KLUZNIAK and Ulf TORKELSSON. Epicyclic oscillations of fluid bodies: Newtonian nonslender torus. Astrophysical Journal. CHICAGO: UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2007, vol. 665, No 1, p. 642-653. ISSN 0004-637X. Available from:
    5. KUČÁKOVÁ, Hana, Petr SLANÝ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Equilibrium configurations of perfect fluid in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetimes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 433-447, 14 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    6. SLANÝ, Petr, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Extended orbital resonance model with hump-induced oscillations. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 449-467, 18 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    7. BAKALA, Pavel, Stanislav HLEDÍK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Extreme gravitational lensing in vicinity of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. DE - Spolková republika Německo, 2007, vol. 5, No 4, p. 599-610. ISSN 1895-1082. Available from:
    8. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČERMÁK, Stanislav HLEDÍK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Kamila TRUPAROVÁ PLŠKOVÁ. Extreme gravitational lensing in vicinity of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. WARSAW 41: VERSITA, 2007, vol. 5, No 4, p. 599-610. ISSN 1895-1082. Available from:
    9. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČERMÁK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Genetic selection of neutron star structure matching the X-ray observations. In WMSCI 2007: 11TH WORLD MULTI-CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, VOL II, PROCEEDINGS. USA: Int Inst Informat & System, 2007, 4 pp. ISBN 978-1-934272-16-9.
    10. SLANÝ, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Humpy LNRF-velocity profiles in accretion discs orbiting almost extreme Kerr black holes. A possible relation to quasi-periodic oscillations. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2007, vol. 463, 11/2006, p. 807-816, 9 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    11. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Petr SLANÝ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. LNRF-velocity hump-induced oscillations of a Keplerian disc orbiting near-extreme Kerr black hole: a possible explanation of high-frequency QPOs in GRS 1915+105. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A, 2007, vol. 470, No 2, p. 401-404. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    12. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Modelling the twin peak QPO distribution in the atoll source 4U 1636-53. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 479-499, 20 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    13. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Multi-resonance models of QPOs. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 363-416, 53 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    14. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČERMÁK, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Martin URBANEC and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Neutron star equation of state and QPO observations. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 523-531, 8 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    15. BĚTÁK, Emil, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Martin URBANEC. Nuclear Matter Equations of State and the Neutron Stars. In Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions Finustar 2. Melville, New York, 2007, p. 313-317, 4 pp. ISBN 978-0-7354-0532-5. Available from:
    16. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On a multi-resonant origin of high frequency QPOs in the atoll source 4U 1636-53. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 489-499. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    17. BAKALA, Pavel, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On mutual relation of kHz QPOs. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 501-510, 9 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    18. PETRÁSEK, Martin and Stanislav HLEDÍK. On privileged stationary observers in the Kerr-de Sitter geometry. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 193-200. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    19. SCHEE, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Optical effects in brany Kerr spacetimes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava, 2007, p. 221-256, 35 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    20. KOTRLOVÁ, Andrea and zdenek STUCHLIK. Orbital resonance model of QPOs in braneworld Kerr black hole spacetimes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 323-361, 38 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    21. ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Eva. Oscillations of tori in the pseudo-Newtonian potential. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2007, vol. 467, únor 2007, p. 641-646. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    22. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. QPOs and Resonance in Accretion Disks. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Serie de Conferencias. MX - Spojené státy mexické, 2007, vol. 27, Marzo 2007, 8 pp. ISSN 1405-2059.
    24. ČERMÁK, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Reverse of twin peak kHz QPO interrelationship in the six atoll sources. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 511-522, 11 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    25. SCHEE, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Spectral line profile of radiating ring orbiting a brany Kerr black hole. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 209-220. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    26. PETRÁSEK, Martin and Stanislav HLEDÍK. Stationary observers on the symmetry axis of rotating supermassive black holes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 189-192. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    27. HLEDÍK, Stanislav, Martin KOLOŠ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Test particle motion in brany black hole spacetimes with a nonzero cosmological constant. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 109-123. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.
    28. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. The twin peak QPOs in neutron star and black hole. Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias). MX - Spojené státy mexické, 2007, vol. 27, říjen 2006, p. 8-17. ISSN 0185-1101.
    29. HLADÍK, Jan, Martin URBANEC and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Trapping of neutrinos in brany extremely compact stars. In Proceedings of RAGtime 8/9: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2007, p. 279-292. ISBN 978-80-7248-419-5.


    1. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Włodek KLUŹNIAK. A non-linear resonance model for the black hole and neutron star QPOs: theory supported by observations. In Albert Einstein Century International Conference. United States of America: American Institute of Physics, 2006, p. "A33"-"A33", 1 pp. ISBN 978-0-7354-0359-8. Available from:
    2. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČERMÁK, Stanislav HLEDÍK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Kamila TRUPAROVÁ PLŠKOVÁ. A Virtual Trip to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Hole. In Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity Berlin. Singapore: World Scientific, 2006, 3 pp. ISBN 978-981-283-426-3.
    3. SCHEE, Jan and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Fluctuations of CMBR in accelerating universe. In Albert Einstein Century International Conference. United States of America: American Institute of Physics, 2006, p. "A49"-"A49", 1 pp. ISBN 978-0-7354-0359-8.
    4. SLANÝ, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Humpy LNRF-velocity profiles in accretion discs orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes: a possible relation to QPOs. In Proceedings of Science. Italy: International School for Advanced Studies, 2006, p. 1-5. Available from:
    5. SLANÝ, Petr, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Humpy LNRF-velocity profiles in accretion discs orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes and a possible relation to epicyclic oscillations. In Black Holes From Stars to Galaxies - Across the Range of Masses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 459-460. ISBN 0-521-86347-3. Available from:
    6. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Włodek KLUŹNIAK. Non-linear resonance model for black hole and neutron star QPOs: observation and theory. In Proceedings of Science. Italy: International School for Advanced Studies, 2006, p. 1-6. Available from:
    7. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. QPOs in microquasars: the spin problem. In Binary Stars as Critical Tools and Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 119-121. ISBN 978-0-521-86348-3. Available from:
    8. CIPKO, Alois, Stanislav HLEDÍK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Visualizing Spacetimes via Embedding Diagrams. In Albert Einstein Century Conference Paris. United States of America: American Institute of Physics, 2006, p. "A39"-"A40", 2 pp. ISBN 978-0-7354-0359-8.


    1. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek and Gabriel TÖRÖK. A note on the slope-shift anticorrelation in the neutron star kHz QPOs data. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 1-9. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    2. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. A possible 3 : 2 orbital epicyclic resonance in QPO frequencies of Sgr A. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A, 2005, vol. 440, No 1, p. 1-4. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    3. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. A possible 3:2 orbital epicyclic resonance in QPOs frequencies of Sgr A. Astronomy & Astrophysics. FR - Francouzská republika, 2005, vol. 440, No 1, p. 1-4. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    4. BAKALA, Pavel, Petr ČERMÁK, Stanislav HLEDÍK, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Kamila TRUPAROVÁ PLŠKOVÁ. A virtual trip to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 11-28, 17 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    5. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Petr SLANÝ, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Marek ABRAMOWICZ. Aschenbach effect: Unexpected topology changes in the motion of particles and fluids orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes. Physical Review D. COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2005, vol. 71, No 2, 9 pp. ISSN 1550-7998. Available from:
    6. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Epicyclic frequencies of Keplerian motion in Kerr spacetimes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 315-336, 21 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    7. KOLOŠ, Martin and zdenek STUCHLIK. Friedman models with the superstring dark energy. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 223-230, 7 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    8. HLEDÍK, Stanislav, Kristina MRÁZOVÁ and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Games with polytropes and adiabates. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 109-117, 8 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    9. JURÁŇ, Josef, Jan SCHEE and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Light escape cones and raytracing in Kerr geometry. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 143-155, 12 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    10. URBANEC, Martin, John MILLER and J. RIKOVSKA STONE. Matching of equations of state: Influence on calculated neutron star models. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 357-362, 5 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    11. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk and Gabriel TÖRÖK. On the possibility of precise determination of black hole spin in the framework of resonance models. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 253-263, 10 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    12. TÖRÖK, Gabriel. QPOs in microquasars and Sgr A*: measuring the black hole spin. Astronomische Nachrichten. WEINHEIM: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2005, vol. 326, No 9, p. 856-860. ISSN 0004-6337. Available from:
    13. TÖRÖK, Gabriel and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies of Keplerian motion in the field of Kerr naked singularities - Comparison with the black hole case and possible instability of naked-singularity accretion discs. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A, 2005, vol. 437, No 3, p. 775-788. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    14. KOLOŠ, Martin and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Swiss cheese model with the superstring dark energy. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 231-240, 9 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    15. ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Didier BARRET, Michal BURSA, Jiří HORÁK, Wlodek KLUZNIAK, Paolo REBUSCO and Gabriel TÖRÖK. The correlations and anticorrelations in QPO data. Astronomische Nachrichten. WEINHEIM: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2005, vol. 326, No 9, p. 864-866. ISSN 0004-6337. Available from:
    16. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk and Kamila TRUPAROVÁ PLŠKOVÁ. The latitudinal and radial geodetical motion in Kerr-de Sitter spacetime. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 339-356, 17 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
    17. TÖRÖK, Gabriel, Marek ABRAMOWICZ, Wlodek KLUZNIAK and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. The orbital resonance model for twin peak kHz quasi periodic oscillations in microquasars. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A, 2005, vol. 436, No 1, p. "1"-"+", 13 pp. ISSN 0004-6361. Available from:
    18. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Petr SLANÝ and Gabriel TÖRÖK. Toroidal LNRF-velocity profiles in thick accretion discs orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes. In Albert Einstein Century Conference, Paris, France. 2005.
    19. STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk, Gabriel TÖRÖK and Martin URBANEC. Trapping of neutrinos in the internal Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter spacetimes. In Proceedings of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav fyziky, 2005, p. 265-280, 15 pp. ISBN 80-7248-334-X.
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