KARAS, Vladimír. Active Galactic Nuclei as Relativistic Systems. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Active Galactic Nuclei as Relativistic Systems
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 24/1/2022 21:11. -
URBANEC, Martin. Braking of pulsars with a time-dependent moment of inertia. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Braking of pulsars with a time-dependent moment of inertia
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 24/1/2022 21:06. -
VRBA, Jaroslav and Zdeněk STUCHLÍK. Epicyclic Oscillations around Simpson--Visser Regular Black Holes and Wormholes. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Epicyclic Oscillations around Simpson--Visser Regular Black Holes and Wormholes
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:49. -
ABRAMOWICZ, Marek. Freeman Dyson on Quantum Gravity. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Freeman Dyson on Quantum Gravity
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 12/11/2021 22:11. -
KARAS, Vladimír, Michal ZAJAČEK and Andreas ECKART. Future polarimetry of orbiting blobs in accretion discs. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Future polarimetry of orbiting blobs in accretion discs
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 21:13. -
PAPPAS, Thomas, Kirill BRONNIKOV and Roman KONOPLYA. General parametrization of wormhole spacetimes. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): General parametrization of wormhole spacetimes
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 12/11/2021 21:38. -
BLASCHKE, Filip, Petr BENEŠ, Evariste BOJ and Ondřej Nicolas KARPÍŠEK. Gravitationally coupled Electroweak Monopole. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Gravitationally coupled Electroweak Monopole
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 12/11/2021 21:58. -
OVALLE ARAYA, Jorge Iván. Kerr-de Sitter black hole reexamined. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Kerr-de Sitter black hole reexamined
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:23. -
ZAPLETAL, Miloš, Vít KAŠPAR, Jiří BÍLEK, Pavel SAMEC, Pavlína VÍCHOVÁ, Stanislav JURÁŇ and Jan HLADÍK. Kvantifikace záchytu ozonu městskou vegetací (Quantification of ozone removal by urban vegetation). Online. In Ochrana ovzdušia 2021. Bratislava, Slovenská republika: Kongres STUDIO, spol. s r. o., 2021, p. 100-106. ISBN 978-80-89565-50-4.
Name in Czech: Kvantifikace záchytu ozonu městskou vegetací
Name (in English): Quantification of ozone removal by urban vegetation
English. Switzerland.
Keywords in English: ozone;deposition flux;pollutant removal;urban vegetation
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: RNDr. Jan Hladík, Ph.D., učo 25379. Changed: 17/1/2022 15:51. -
HOVORKA, Jan, Miloš ZAPLETAL, Jan HLADÍK and Stanislav JURÁŇ. Metodika experimentálního stanovení emisní mohutnosti vybraných zdrojů aerosolu (Methodology of experimenatal determination of aerosol flows of selected aerosol sources). 2021.
Name in Czech: Metodika experimentálního stanovení emisní mohutnosti vybraných zdrojů aerosolu
Name (in English): Methodology of experimenatal determination of aerosol flows of selected aerosol sources
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: aerosol flows; aerosol concentration gradient; measurement
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: RNDr. Jan Hladík, Ph.D., učo 25379. Changed: 21/3/2022 05:14. -
LA PLACA, Riccardo. Neutron star radius-to-mass ratio from accretion disc occultation. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Neutron star radius-to-mass ratio from accretion disc occultation
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:35. -
BARDIEV, Dilshodbek and Martin KOLOŠ. Numerical simulations of multiple accretion tori around black hole. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Numerical simulations of multiple accretion tori around black hole.
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:30. -
MATUSZKOVÁ, Monika and Kateřina KLIMOVIČOVÁ. Oscillations of thick accretion discs in the Hartle-Thorne geometry. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Oscillations of thick accretion discs in the Hartle-Thorne geometry
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:40. -
JURAEV, Bakhtinur. Particle ionization near a weakly charged black hole. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Particle ionization near a weakly charged black hole
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 21:01. -
STUCHLÍK, Zdeněk. Penrose process: its variants and astrophysical applications. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Penrose process: its variants and astrophysical applications
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 12/11/2021 21:19. -
ABRAMOWICZ, Marek, Stanislav HLEDÍK, Vladimír KARAS, Wlodek KLUŹNIAK, Jiří KOVÁŘ, John MILLER, Petr SLANÝ, Jan SCHEE, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK, Eva ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Gabriel TÖRÖK, Arman TURSUNOV, Martin URBANEC and Debora LANČOVÁ. RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars
RIV/47813059:19630/21:A0000129 Organization of a workshop. English. Czech Republic.
Abramowicz, Marek (616 Poland, belonging to the institution) -- Hledík, Stanislav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Karas, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kluźniak, Wlodek (616 Poland) -- Kovář, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Miller, John (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) -- Slaný, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Schee, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stuchlík, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Šrámková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Török, Gabriel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Tursunov, Arman (860 Uzbekistan, belonging to the institution) -- Urbanec, Martin (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Lančová, Debora (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: black holes; neutron stars; relativistic astrophysics; compact objects; accretion discs; strong gravity; cosmology; X-ray cosmic missions
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 5/12/2021 21:03. -
KOLOŠ, Martin, Misbah SHAHZADI, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Arman TURSUNOV. Resonances around black hole. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Resonances around black hole
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:45. -
KOPÁČEK, Ondřej, Vladimír KARAS and Tayebeh TAHAMTAN. Role of non-axisymmetry in electro-vacuum magnetospheres of compact objects. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Role of non-axisymmetry in electro-vacuum magnetospheres of compact objects
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 21:09. -
KARAS, Vladimír, Jiří SVOBODA and Michal ZAJAČEK. Selected Chapters on Active Galactic Nuclei as Relativistic Systems. První vydání. Fyzikální ústav v Opavě, 2021, 172 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-475-5.URL
Name (in English): Selected Chapters on Active Galactic Nuclei as Relativistic Systems
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: galaxies: active; black holes: supermassive; relativistic physics; Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 24/1/2022 21:22. -
SHAHZADI, Misbah, Martin KOLOŠ, Zdeněk STUCHLÍK and Yousaf HABIB. Spinning test particle oscillations and its application to QPOs. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Spinning test particle oscillations and its application to QPOs
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:55. -
POSADA AGUIRRE, Nelson Camilo, Cecilia CHIRENTI and Victor GUEDES. Where is Love? Tidal deformability in the black hole limit. In RAGtime 23: 6-10 September, 2021 - Workshop on Black Holes and Neutron Stars. 2021.URL
Name (in English): Where is Love? Tidal deformability in the black hole limit
English. Czech Republic.
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Petra Ryšavá, učo 5220. Changed: 14/11/2021 20:22. -
ZAPLETAL, Miloš, Vít KAŠPAR, Pavel SAMEC, Jiří BÍLEK, Karel DOLEŽAL, Pavlína VÍCHOVÁ, Tomáš BALCAR, Gabriela KALUŽOVÁ, Stanislav JURÁŇ, Jan HLADÍK, Pavel BUČEK, Alexanr MARTAUS, Veronika BLAHŮŠKOVÁ, Martina VRÁBLOVÁ and Petr MARŠOLEK. Zelená infrastruktura a její vliv na kvalitu ovzduší. Metodika výsadby zeleně v urbánním prostředí s ohledem na záchyt polutantů. (Green infrastructure and its effect on air quality. Methodology of planting greenery in an urban areas in order to capture pollution.). Ostrava: Statutární město Ostrava, Odbor strategického rozvoje, 2021, 102 pp. ISBN 978-80-88399-03-2.
Name (in English): Green infrastructure and its effect on air quality. Methodology of planting greenery in an urban areas in order to capture pollution.
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: green infrastructure; planting greenery; air pollution; capture of air pollutants
Changed by: RNDr. Jan Hladík, Ph.D., učo 25379. Changed: 17/1/2022 16:00.
Displayed: 16/2/2025 23:55