Archaeology of the Middle Ages and Modern Age (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FPF:ARCHSTN001 Introduction to the study of archaeology • 94 %
FPF:ARCHSTN003 Archeology of the Czech lands - prehistoric times • 82 %
FPF:ARCHSTN004 Field theory and practice • 82 %
FPF:ARCHSTN007 Archeology of the Czech lands - early and high Middle Ages • 82 %
FPF:ARCHSTN036 Methodology of Archaeology Middle Ages and modern times • 82 %
FPF:ARCHSTN037 English I • 82 %
FPF:ARCHSTN002 Methodological equipment of contemporary archaeology • 76 %
FPF:ARCHSTN005 Basics of archeological furniture typology • 65 %
FPF:ARCHSTN045 German I • 29 %
2nd term
FPF:ARCHSTN008 Archeology of the Czech lands – late Middle Ages and modern times • 95 %
FPF:ARCHSTN009 Basic of philosophy • 93 %
FPF:ARCHSTN017 Compulsory practice I • 93 %
FPF:ARCHSTN039 Archeology of the medieval and modern village • 93 %
FPF:ARCHSTN006 Proseminar in archaeology • 90 %
FPF:ARCHSTN010 Archaeoinformatics • 90 %
FPF:ARCHSTN040 Archeology of the medieval and modern city • 90 %
FPF:ARCHSTN038 English II • 88 %
FPF:ARCHSTN046 German II • 60 %
FPF:ARCHSTN007 Archeology of the Czech lands - early and high Middle Ages • 57 %
2nd year
3rd term
FPF:ARCHSTN011 Archaeological conservation and management of archaeological research • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN012 Artistic craft in history • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN015 Medieval History • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN018 Compulsory practice II • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN022 Introduction to the study of cultural heritage • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN026 Archaeometry • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN041 Archeology of medieval and modern manor houses and fortifications • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN042 Archeology of medieval and modern sacral architecture • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN047 Introduction to the study of modern times archeology • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN052 Contemporary archeology • 100 %
4th term
FPF:ARCHSTN013 The development of Czech archaeological thinking until the beginning of the 1990s • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN014 Basics of conservation for Archaeologists • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN016 History of early modern times • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN019 Compulsory practice III • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN023 Introduction to the History of Art • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN028 Archeology in the museum • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN044 Material culture in the archeology of the Middle Ages and modern times • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN048 Ceramics of the 13th - 15th centuries • 100 %
FPF:ARCHSTN049 Production technology in the Middle Ages and early modern times • 100 %

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