Number of results: 18
Results of the selected field of study CLk Czech Literature (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)Andělová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Female characters in the prose of contemporary Slovak female authors Ivana Gibová, Monika Kompaníková and Ivana Dobrakovová
Burešová, Martina
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2022
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The theme of God and Father in selected works by Jan Balaban and in his journalist works
Čechová, Petra
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Slovak literature in Czech translations
Dvořáková, Monika
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2023
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Poetic world for children in Moravia, or verses by selected Moravian authors
Grohová, Pavlína
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Woman writers from Opava after year 1990
Hudáková, Barbora
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2024
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Hrad loupežnický (Robber's Castle) by F. B. Tomsa in contemporary literary context
Janigová, Kristýna
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Selected prose of J. Neruda and V. Hálek
Kleinová, Nikola
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2020
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The trilogy of novels by Vojtěch Martínek
Lidmilová, Kamila
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2024
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The reader’s diary as a literary laboratory on the example of the work The Žítková goddesses
Mezlová, Markéta
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2023
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Musical inspiration in work and by work of Václav Hrabě
Nakládalová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2022
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The small safe world of literature: using narratological knowledge of literary plots as tools for understanding factual narratives in secondary school teaching
Olšavská, Michaela
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2022
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: 19th century and film: selected adaptations of 19th century literature works in film
Orth, Patrik
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2022
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Morality and ethics in Varlam Shalamov's prose
Panáková, Jaroslava
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2022
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Contemporary female prose in the Opava region
Polomíková, Johana
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2024
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Characters in Vojtěch Martínek's novel trilogy
Šimeková, Erika
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The comparison of the works Modlitba pro Kateřinu Horovitzovou and Dita Saxová with the adaptations of the same names
Walková, Veronika
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2024
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: Helena Malířová's Autobiographical Novels and their changes in the context of the author's biography
Zapletalová, Lucie
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, 2021
Programme: PhilologyField of Study: Czech Literature
Bachelor's thesis: The author's intention and creative writing