Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):

errors, language, chyba, grammar, foreign language, gramatika, jazyk, analysis, analyza, cizi jazyk

Keywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate

Mináčová, Alena
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Accounting and Taxes
Bachelor's thesis defence: Projekt samofinancování pro vybranou NNO

Mináriková, Liběna
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Podnikatelský plán založení e-shopu s náhradními autodíly

Mlyniská, Daniela
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza zavedenia HACCP v RZ Priedhorie

Mnichová, Nikol
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Postavení zemědělství v celkové odvětvové struktuře ČR

Mochová, Zdislava
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Drama Arts / Cultural dramaturgy with the focus on theatre
Bachelor's thesis defence: Řeč duše - inscenace, reflexe, komunikace

Monsportová, Petra
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Spa Management and Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza spokojenosti hostů s nabídkou služeb v Hotelu Šipka*** | Theses on a related topic

Moravec, Radim
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: System Engineering and Informatics / Managerial Informatics
Bachelor's thesis defence: Komunikace se zákazníkem při tvorbě informačního systému

Moštěnská, Lucie
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Philology / German
Master's thesis defence: Frauenzeitschriften und Zeitschriften für Männer. Ein Vergleich.

Motáň, Břetislav
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Logistické procesy ve vybrané firmě

Motáňová, Eva
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza organizační struktury a řízení AIESEC

Motúzová, Veronika
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Drama Arts / Audio-visual Creation
Master's thesis defence: Problematika filmové adaptace současné severské krimi literatury

Motyka, David
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Celní řízení v obchodní společnosti ŽDB GROUP a.s.

Motyková, Ivana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Bachelor's thesis defence: Vzdělávání zaměstnanců v Třineckých železárnách, a. s.

Mrůzková, Dominika
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Učitelství pro střední školy / Secondary School Teacher Training in English, Secondary school teacher training in general subjects with specialization in Czech, Secondary school teacher training in general subjects with specialization in Czech, Teacher Training - shared framework for language specializations
Master's thesis defence: Proces inference textu a jeho odraz v řeči

Mučková, Zuzana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podnikatelský záměr rozšíření společnosti na regionálním trhu

Mučková, Zuzana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Krizové řízení společnosti RENT s.r.o.

Musil, Dominik
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: System Engineering and Informatics / Managerial Informatics
Master's thesis defence: Využití simulace ve frameworku MAREA při obchodování firmy na trhu

Mžik, Tomáš
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Návrh strategie vybraného podniku

Nádvorníková, Eva
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza použitelnosti webových stránek obce Velký Týnec

Najdeková, Marta
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Marketing / Marketing
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingová komunikácia firmy Bezpa Consult | Theses on a related topic

Nalepová, Petra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Banking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza systému motivace zaměstnanců ve společnosti ČSOB, a.s.

Nečas, Miroslav
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Master's thesis defence: Rozpočtové hospodaření vybraného kraje

Nekardová, Kamila
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Výzkum návštěvníků ZOO Olomouc

Neplechová, Miroslava
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Bachelor's thesis defence: Význam společnosti Mölnlycke Health Care pro region

Nétková, Zuzana
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Philology / German
Master's thesis defence: Adjektivattribute im Deutschen und im Tschechischen

Nezval, Zdeněk
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza prodeje značky Erdinger

Nitsche, David
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Návrh podnikatelského plánu

Nogolová, Renata
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Hospodářská činnost základních škol

Novák, Ondřej
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Modern Computer Science / Information and communication technologies
Bachelor's thesis defence: DoS útoky a jejich analýza | Theses on a related topic

Nováková Bartošíková, Jana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Bachelor's thesis defence: Trh práce v ČR v období 2000-2010

Nováková, Jana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Tvorba obchodní strategie společnosti Nábytek NOEL, s.r.o.

Nováková, Petra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Marketing města Přerov

Novosadová, Zdeňka
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Návrh dílčí koncepce zaměstnaneckých benefitů na příkladu vybrané společnosti

Novotná, Barbora
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Vliv změny daně z přidané hodnoty na podnikání v cestovním ruchu

Novotný, Dalibor
Faculty: Faculty of Public Policies in Opava
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Social Policy and Social Work / Public Administration and Regional Policy
Bachelor's thesis defence: Dotace EU pro rozvoj Statutárního města Opavy

Novotný, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: System Engineering and Informatics / Managerial Informatics
Bachelor's thesis defence: Návrh informačního systému firmy

Novotný, Roman
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Computer Science / Computer Science and Technology
Master's thesis defence: Tvorba rozvrhů pomocí multiagentových systémů

Okuliarová, Eva
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Návrh marketingovej stratégie hotela

Okůnek, Petr
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Inovace Concierge služby v hotelových zařízeních pomocí Concierge manuálu

Olchawská, Tereza
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků s poskytovanými službami v Kavárně Residence

Olszar, Jakub
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Drama Arts / Audio-visual works
Bachelor's thesis defence: Problematika filmové adaptace literárního díla na příkladu Tří mušketýrů A. Dumase

Olšar, Tomáš
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Systém motivace zaměstnanců ve společnosti Walmark a.s., vyhodnocení a návrhy na jeho zlepšení

Ondra, Michal
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Kolektivní investování - podílové fondy

Ondřejková, Alena
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Master's thesis defence: Analýza projektů spravovaných Centrem pro regionální rozvoj ČR v rámci Moravskoslezského kraje

Orlíková, Simona
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Philology / English
Master's thesis defence: Degree of masculinity and femininity in male characters in Tennessee Williams's short stories

Orság, Jakub
Faculty: Faculty of Public Policies in Opava
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Social Policy and Social Work / Public Administration and Regional Policy
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza regionálního rozvoje mikroregionu Rýmařovsko

Otáhal, František
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Master's thesis defence: Vývoj finančního zdraví obce Horní Tošanovice v letech 2004-2020

Pajr, Miroslav
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Applied Computer Science / Applied Computer Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Systém přirozené dedukce pro transparentní intensionální logiku

Palarczyková, Pavlína
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Philology / English
Master's thesis defence: The Language of Incantations: A Linguistic Analysis of Incantations in the Books of Scott Cunningham

Paličková, Lucie
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Podnikatelské možnosti rozvoje cestovního ruchu v Ostravě