Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):

marketingovy vyzkum

Keywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate

Pavlovová, Lucie
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Bachelor's thesis defence: Využití marketingového mixu ve firmě REP Tisk, s.r.o.

Pawera, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Inovace marketingové komunikace turistického informačního centra GOTIC v Mostech u Jablunkova

Pecháčková, Barbora
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Použití marketingových nástrojů ve firemní praxi

Peichlová, Věra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketing města Telče

Pěluchová, Dagmar
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Postavení firmy Stavebniny Holub s.r.o. v konkurenčním prostředí

Perůtková, Vendula
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Public Economy and Administration
Master's thesis defence: Strategie rozvoje města Bystřice pod Hostýnem

Peša, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism

Peška, Matěj
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza kulturního cestovního ruchu města Olomouc

Petkov, Michal
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Využití metody Mystery shopping a marketingového výzkumu k hodnocení kvality služeb hotelu Tennis Club

Petrová, Kateřina
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti zákazníků se službami firmy TESTCAR, s. r. o.

Petruška, Roman
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Využití médií v cizojazyčné firmě se zaměřením na interní komunikaci

Petružela, Marek
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketing města Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

Pezzellová, Paola
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketingová komunikace společnosti Lidl

Pilátová, Vendula
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Potenciál cestovního ruchu mikroregionu Kyjovsko

Pilíšková, Pavla
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum a analýza spokojenosti klientů lázní

Piperková, Tereza
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Konkurenční pozice lázní Klimkovice, s.r.o., v Moravskoslezském kraji

Piskořová, Lucie
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti zákazníků restaurace

Píša, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Možnosti zvýšení návštěvnosti kongresového centra hotelu Diplomat Prague.

Pitnerová, Martina
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Spa Management and Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza spokojenosti hostů se službami poskytovanými hotelem Bělecký Mlýn***

Plášková, Hana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Výzkum návštěvníků zámku Velké Losiny

Pleva, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podnikatelský záměr venkovského penzionu

Podrazil, Martin
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum návštěvníků ZOO Hodonín

Pokruta, Lukáš
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Možnosti podnikání prostřednictvím Internetu a tvorba e-shopu.

Poláková, Veronika
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Vliv současné světové krize na hotelový průmysl

Polášková, Petra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza konkurence rehabilitačního sanatoria CSMC Ltd. v Dammámu

Poledníková, Tereza
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum úrovně poskytovaných služeb a návštěvnosti v hotelu Dakol v Petrovicích u Karviné

Poledníková, Tereza
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketingová komunikace hotelu Dakol v Petrovicích u Karviné

Pomajbíková, Andrea
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Porovnání významu města Kroměříže s nabídkou ubytovacích a stravovacích služeb

Ponížilová, Hana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Dark turismus v České republice

Ponížilová, Ivana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Specifika rodinného podnikání v provozování vinoték a projekt založení nové vinotéky ve Zlínském kraji

Popelářová, Bára
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Vnímání bezpečnosti a kvality potravin českým spotřebitelem

Popelka, Jan
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: SWOT analýza hotelu Jana****

Pospíšil, Petr
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketing města Šternberk

Pospíšilová, Petra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Spokojenost zákazníků firmy DSL Food s.r.o.

Poštulková, Silvie
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum dopravní obslužnosti v Moravskoslezském kraji

Pouchlá, Andrea
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Tourism / Hotel Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Mystery shopping ve vybraných ostravských kavárnách

Povalačová, Zuzana
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Evaluace marketingové strategie města Rychnov nad Kněžnou.

Powiesniková, Šárka
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingová komunikace firmy

Prefetová, Lucie
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Chování spotřebitelů ve vybraných obchodních řetězcích
Bachelor's thesis defence: Chování spotřebitelů obchodního řetězce Tesco

Prigancová, Renáta
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Master's thesis defence: Image autosalonu Chevrolet

Prokop, Ondřej
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti zákazníků společnosti Billa, s.r.o.

Prokop, Ondřej
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics and Management (combination/specialization: Marketing and Trade)
Master's thesis defence: Digitální aplikace jako nástroj podpory prodeje maloobchodního řetězce

Prokopová, Vladimíra
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics in Trade and Services
Master's thesis defence: Optimalizace marketingové komunikace hotelu U Hraběnky

Proroková, Daniela
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics and Management (combination/specialization: Marketing and Trade)
Master's thesis defence: Návrh marketingové strategie firmy Trivision, s.r.o.

Půčková, Eva
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Human Studies / Library Science in combination with another discipline, Museology in combination with another discipline
Bachelor's thesis defence: Implementace marketingu do řízení vybrané veřejné knihovny - marketingový výzkum

Pučková, Michaela
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Animace společenských akcí ve městě Havířov

Pudilová, Pavla
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Economics and Management (combination/specialization: Marketing and Trade)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Marketingový výzkum

Pustějovská, Jiřina
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků se službami letiště Leoše Janáčka Ostrava

Pustějovská, Radka
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economy of Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Průzkum spokojenost účastníků cestovního ruchu se službami v Kopřivnici

Puterková, Martina
Faculty: School of Business Administration in Karvina
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing and Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza potencionálních dodavatelů dřevotřískových dílců pro firmu Kovona System,a.s.