KCJ611 Příprava ke zkoušce Cambridge First Certificate 1

Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
léto 2007
0/4/0. 2 kr. Ukončení: z.
Katedra cestovního ruchu a volnočasových aktivit – Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Cíle předmětu
The aim of this advanced course is to bring students to an internationally recognised level of written and spoken English. Past experience has shown that it opens new opportunities to students in companies, teaching etc. because it shows that the student has reached a very high competence in general English
  • Struktura výkladu:
    1. A dolphin and an astronomer
    2. Travel wisely, travel well
    3. The interview
    4. Secret messages to ourselves
    5. Neighbours
    6. Does honesty always pay?
    7. Letters to an advice column
    8. Space warrior madness
    9. The face behind the mask
    10. Words and feelings
    Obsah kurzu:
    1. A dolphin and an astronomer
    Picture discussion, Reading: say, tell talk or speak. How structure changes meaning. Two types of question with who
    Use of English: which is the phrasal verb, who, which or whose; stop doing vs. stop to do; when to use the?
    Listening, use of English: giving instructions.
    Composition (argument): advantages and disadvantages, link words.
    Revision and extension: word building (verb to noun).
    2. Travel wisely, travel well.
    Picture discussion, Reading: travel, journey, voyage or trip? little, a little, few or a few?
    Use of English: may, should, must and will.
    Reading: Phrasal verbs (position of it and them with phrasal verbs)
    Composition (speech): welcoming and introducing.
    Revision and extension, Listening test: Revision of units 1 and 2.
    3. The interview
    Picture discussion, reading: phrasal verbs; bored or boring, interested or interesting?
    Use of English 1, Role Play, Use of English 2, Listening: Word building (noun to adjective/adverb)
    Reading: Word building (advise, adviser, advice etc.); requests and intentions.
    Composition (describing an object): adjectival order.
    Revision and extension: do/does or am/is/are doing? will do or is/are doing?
    4. Secret messages to ourselves
    Picture discussion, reading: small words with big meanings (so, neither etc)
    Listening: direct and reported speech
    Use of English: review of word forms; phrasal verbs (take and run).
    Composition (narrative): punctuation and layout of direct speech
    Revision and extension, listening test: Revision of units 3 and 4
    5. Neighbours
    Picture discussion, reading: Ways of asking permission (Is.... permitted? Do you mind...? etc.)
    Use of English, listening problem solving: asking people not to do things; asking politely; reporting direct speech.
    Use of English: Word building (noun *verb); phrasal verbs.
    Composition (semi-formal letter): complaining
    Revision and extension: Review of verb forms (do, did or have done?)
    6. Does honesty always pay?
    Picture discussion, reading: I wish and if only
    Reading: describing films
    Use of English, listening, speaking: Regrets with wish (I wish you had/hadn't...); word combinations(cassette player, dish-washer etc.)
    Composition (formal speech): Structure and language for a 'farewell' speech
    Revision and extension, Listening test: Revision of units 5 and 6.
    7. Letters to a advice column
    Reading: money, pay, cash, salary, wages; Is it still going on?
    Use of English: borrow or lend?; fault, error or mistake?; Conditionals.
    Listening, use of English: still, yet or already: Another look at reported speech.
    Composition (argument): expressing an opinion.
    Revision and extension: conditionals.
    8. Space warrior madness
    Picture discussion; Reading: Three types of past action.
    Use of English: so or such? ache or pain?
    Speaking, listening: used to do or used to be doing?; phrasal verbs.
    Composition (describing people): Adjectives describing appearance and character.
    Revision and extension, listening test; revision of units 7 and 8.
    9. The face behind the mask
    Picture discussion; reading: although and despite
    Reading, speaking, use of English: word building.
    Listening: avoid or prevent?; phrasal verbs; mustn't or don't have to?
    Composition (informal letter): phrases, beginnings and endings etc. for informal letters.
    Revision and extension: word building (noun * adjective)
    10. Words and feelings
    Picture discussion, reading: comparisons
Informace učitele
Uchazeči o absolvování kurzu jsou vybráni na základě vstupního testu. Kurz je ukončen zápočtem, který posluchači získají po napsání dvou průběžných testů po 20 bodech a závěrečném kreditním testu za 60 bodů, přičemž musí získat alespoň 70 bodů.
Další komentáře
Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích zima 1990, léto 1991, zima 1991, léto 1992, zima 1992, léto 1993, zima 1993, léto 1994, zima 1994, léto 1995, zima 1995, léto 1996, zima 1996, léto 1997, zima 1997, léto 1998, zima 1998, léto 1999, zima 1999, léto 2000, zima 2000, léto 2001, zima 2001, léto 2002, zima 2002, léto 2003, zima 2003, léto 2004, zima 2004, léto 2005, zima 2005, léto 2006, zima 2006.
  • Statistika zápisu (nejnovější)
  • Permalink: https://is.slu.cz/predmet/opf/leto2007/KCJ611