WEEK 1: Introduction
- Attendance of not less than 80% - Students can miss up to 3 classes. If not present 4+ times without a doctor's confirmation, they will not be allowed to take part in the final tests to pass the course
- Please note, there is a separate attendence for both of your teachers
- Completion of all assignments set throughout the winter term
- Active participation in classes
- Students with ISP, please, contact your both teachers to agree upon your conditions to pass the course
Textbooks used in Practical Language Course 1:
English File Intermediate Plus – Oxford University Press (4th edition)
2 parts:
1. written part:
- Listening
- Grammar and Vocabulary
- Reading
- Writing
2. oral part:
- Speaking
Please note, speaking and writing will be assigned and evaluated separately but will be part of the final grade.
There might be a compulsary mid-term test.
You retake only the part you fail