Překladatelské, jaz. a typogr. korektury
Překladatelské, jaz. a typogr. korektury
Nyní studovatWeek 1 - Introduction
Nyní studovatWeek 2 - Basic terms; text editing
Nyní studovatWeek 3 - Correction code in Czech translations, basic rules and tools
Nyní studovatWeek 4 - Translator as an editor: register
Nyní studovatWeek 5 - Content proofreading: factual correctness, terminology
Nyní studovatWeek 6 - Grammar proofreading: Spelling and spell-check, punctuation (author´s correction)
Nyní studovatWeek 7 - Grammar proofreading: Syntax, prepositions and word order (native speaker corrections)
Nyní studovatWeek 8 - Style proofreading: Inflection and agreement – tense and aspect, gender, number
Nyní studovatWeek 9 - Style proofreading: Lexical differences between Czech and English. False friends, collocations
Nyní studovatWeek 10 - Intrusion – source language: too literal, numbers, dates, measurement
Nyní studovatWeek 11 - Intrusion – target language: too free (problems of the translation – omission and addition)
Nyní studovatWeek 12 - User-defined errors
Nyní studovatWeek 13 - Editing project presentation
Week 1 - Introduction
Překladatelské, jaz. a typogr. korektury
Nyní studovatWeek 1 - Introduction
Nyní studovatWeek 2 - Basic terms; text editing
Nyní studovatWeek 3 - Correction code in Czech translations, basic rules and tools
Nyní studovatWeek 4 - Translator as an editor: register
Nyní studovatWeek 5 - Content proofreading: factual correctness, terminology
Nyní studovatWeek 6 - Grammar proofreading: Spelling and spell-check, punctuation (author´s correction)
Nyní studovatWeek 7 - Grammar proofreading: Syntax, prepositions and word order (native speaker corrections)
Nyní studovatWeek 8 - Style proofreading: Inflection and agreement – tense and aspect, gender, number
Nyní studovatWeek 9 - Style proofreading: Lexical differences between Czech and English. False friends, collocations
Nyní studovatWeek 10 - Intrusion – source language: too literal, numbers, dates, measurement
Nyní studovatWeek 11 - Intrusion – target language: too free (problems of the translation – omission and addition)
Nyní studovatWeek 12 - User-defined errors
Nyní studovatWeek 13 - Editing project presentation