Session 1 - introduction
LATHAM-KOENIG, Ch, C OXENDEN a M BOYLE. English File Intermediate Plus Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-455831-0.
Course requirements: active attendance; passing the final written text.
1. What’s on (television vocabulary: phrasal verbs, types of programme)
2. Present perfect simple (past experiences, giving news + just, use of yet, already, irregular verbs)
3. Multiple choice reading (getting an overall idea, organization of the text, elimination of options and re-reading)
4. The country in other countries (country vocabulary: nature, country vs. countryside)
5. On a farm (present perfect continuous, recently/lately, for/since, all day/all morning/all week, etc.)
6. Writing an informal e-mail (thanking someone for an e-mail, mentioning previous emails and asking to reply)
7. Practical English: (social English phrases for making a police report)
8. Do it yourself (DIY vocabulary: tools and things for repairs, things around the house, verb phrases, synonyms)
9. Brilliant uses for everyday things (expressing obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice)
10. At your service (restaurant vocabulary: things on the table, things people do in restaurants) ¨
11. Customer service crimes (can, could be able to for ability, possibility, and permission, deduction)
12. Revision (grammar and vocabulary of Unit 5 and 6, “The history of flat-pack furniture” – a short film)
13. Final test