Development of information systems I


Development of information systems I

The aim of the course is to prepare graduates for practice in the area of information systems development. Students will acquire basic knowledge about modeling of the IS/IT architecture in the company, about the object-oriented approach to IS analysis and design and about methodologies and methods of IS analysis and design. 

Exercises (labs) are devoted to individual work of students - design of information system for the selected facility or company.

Development of information systems II

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the whole process of the information systems development. During this activity we will focus on the objectives and content of individual stages of the IS development process according to the recommendation of the selected methodology. In such way the graduates get the basics for managing an IS development team in practice. 

In practical exercises (labs) students will work out the design of workflows for information system development, which concern, such activities as requirements specification, testing, implementing IS into operation, etc.

Development of information systems I

Course content:

Development of information systems I:

  • Methodologies and methods of IS development.
  • Structured approach to IS analysis and design.
  • Object-oriented approach to IS analysis and design.
  • The architecture of the IS/IT and its modeling.
  • Development of information systems II

Development of information systems II:

  • Development of IS as a process:
  • Requirements specification for IS development.
  • Analysis and design of IS.
  • Testing of IS.
  • Implementing IS into operational environment.
  • Documentation of IS.
  • Operation, maintenance and further development of IS.
  • Development team, communication.