Angličtina 3

Week 2 - 4 Oct

Introductory lesson - course requirements (active attendance, 2 absences allowed, credit test)

Course syllabus

4. 10.                 intro, requirements; pages 44-45

11. 10.               46-47

18. 10. Lesson cancelled, self-study.  48-49

25. 10.  Lesson cancelled, self-study.  50-51

1. 11.                 check the assigned, 52-53

8. 11.                  54-55 

15. 11.               56-57

22. 11.               58-59

29. 11.               60-61

6. 12.                 62-63 (revision)

13. 12.               credit test

Please find the coursebook above and prepare pages 46 and 47 for the next seminar as your homework.