Obchodní angličtina

8. Correspondence


·       Can you complete the sentences with a preposition?:

1.     She is ……. sick leave.

2.     We will contact you again …… the near future.

3.     I look forward ……. hearing from you.

4.     I will call you ……. the end of the week.

5.     Many thanks ……. all your help.

6.     Good luck ……. everything.

7.     He will be ……. work for two weeks due to illness.

8.     Please pass …….. our best wishes to him.

9.     We would like you to join us …….. wishing him a happy retirement.



·       Can you complete the sentences with the verbs in the box? Use each verb only once:

-       Inform, miss, know, must, hope, pass, join, call, get, thank, write


1.     I am writing to ………………. you that the conference has been cancelled.

2.     Your training manager has asked me to …………………… to you.

3.     I will …………………. you at the end of the week.

4.     I ………………… you are feeling better.

5.     You ………………… visit us again soon.

6.     I would like to …………………. you for all your hard work.

7.     Please …………………. us for lunch on 19th November.

8.     Can we ……………….. together sometime next week?

9.     I am sorry Peter has left. We will all …………………. him.

10.  We were very sad to hear about Peter. Please ……………… on our condolences.

11.  Just a short note to let you ………………….. what is happening.