Angličtina I

2. Food and restaurants; prefixes and suffixes.

Pronouns: childhood books, phrasal verbs with on, adjective suffixes

Student’s book: 

OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 6-7, 104, 132.

Listening and Speaking (brand names), Communication, Grammar (Pronouns), Grammar Bank, Speaking (making suggestions, accepting, rejecting).

Kontrolní otázky:

1 What are some well-known brand names from your country? Do you know where the names came from? 

2 What is the name of the brand and model of your computer, car, or phone? Why do you think they were given those names?

3 Can you think of a product name which you think is very clever? Why? Do you know one which doesn´t suit the product well?