Angličtina I

4. Past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect.

Klíčová slova: colours, personality, adjectives, word stress  on adjectives formed with suffixes, travelling, describing, reporting

OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 10-11, 133, 113.

Grammar (adjectives), Grammar Bank 1B, Reading, Speaking


pp 12-13:        

Practical English:  Describing and reporting lost luggage, Explaining why you are travelling to a place, greeting someone you haven’t seen for some time, sympathize with someone about a problem.

Kontrolní otázky:

1. Revise the basics of comparative and superlative adjectives.

2. Can you talk about what makes a successful brand name? 

3. Can you write a description of your favourite room? 


OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Workbook with key. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558112.

Exercises for Unit 1B