Angličtina I

5. Family, personality; each other, reflexive pronouns.

Klíčová slova: Art education, appreciation, children, museums, artists, present tense, action verbs, non action verbs

Student’s book: 

OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 14-15, 167.

Vocabulary (holidays), Vocabulary Bank 2A, Pronunciation (sounds and letters), Sound Bank (typical spellings), Listening (multiple-choice listening, Speaking and Writing.

pp. 16-17, 134, 105-6, 114:     2A PACK AND GO!

Grammar (present tenses), Grammar Bank 2A, Communication (holiday plans), Reading (nationalities), Speaking (asking for more information), Writing (Holiday tweets)

Kontrolní otázky:

1 Should children be exposed to art?

2 What are some of the traditional problems with introducing art to children?

3 Do you think that exposing children to art at an early age is beneficial to them?

4 If your answer to question 3 is yes, explain why.

5 What are the favourite holiday destinations for people from your countra? 

6. Can you compare how different nationalities behave on holiday? 

7. Do you know the rules for comparatives and superlatives?